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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. This is from Nick De Marco’s interview with Kieran McGuire that is re hashed In the Chronicle today. It tells you exactly where we are at the minute in my opinion. The arbitration hearing has not yet begun and we’re clearly in the negotiating phase. I believe De Marco sees a road map to do a deal with the PL and he will be absolutely aligned with their thinking and what is required to get it done. Obviously during arbitration and even afterwards they can come to an agreement, but broadly speaking this is a good insight of the main mans thinking. And no that’s not Ryan Maine before anyone asks. From De Marco "Despite appearances I can tell you I rarely encourage my clients to go to court or arbitration. "I usually tell them it's very risky, it's very costly, it takes a lot of time, however strong you think your case is things can go wrong and if there is a way of dealing with it commercially or by a deal with the regulator in some way - which there can be before charges are brought - you should explore that. "It's a much better use of your time or resources than paying lawyers and often that is the case. Often we are able to do deals. "That's usually my advice to clients. It's usually only when it's impossible that you have to go through and fight."
  2. Not really sure why anyone would take American Intelligence services seriously anyway, they're rarely reliable. 'American' and 'Intelligence' are two words that don't tend to get put together in general, especially where their military and surveillance services are involved Just ask Tony Blair about American intelligence, it certainly spoilt his resume in the end.
  3. Oh well a lot of posturing by geriatric Joe but not much else, who’d have thought aye https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/26/politics/biden-mohammed-bin-salman-jamal-khashoggi/index.html
  4. I’m a man of culture however I prefer ‘Jerusalem’ if we’re talking about that genre of music
  5. If you don’t take my word for it, certainly take this mans. NUFC online’s worst and best posters in total agreement !
  6. I have to respond to this sorry like and it will be my final word on subject. I’m not goading anyone and was simply pointing out that if certain posters are saying the takeover is over based on this U.S intelligence report then fine, but these same posters have claimed it’s been over for moths yet still feel the need to read about something they think is over ? Certain posters feel the need to keep repeating that it’s over, I find that more bizarre than any of my positivity. If I thought something was over I wouldn’t waste anymore of my time on it. As for gdm the bloke comes into the positivity thread attempting to call people out all the time, then when you try and humour him and debate back, sticks his little insults in when he doesn’t like the way it’s going, as exampled last night by his little loopy emojis when he starts to get annoyed. If you’re going to dish it expect it back, he wouldn’t last 2 minutes on somewhere like ‘skunkers’ in the old days. As for being goaded, no one is goaded more than myself on here. However, I take it in good spirit and try to have a laugh where possible. I certainly don’t go running asking for anyone to be banned, and treat this place as a bit of light relief during lockdown. However, I’m absolutely deadly serious when it comes to one matter.....the takeover will happen mark my words folks, and I’ll even be happy for the likes of gdm and Shaun when it does, as we’re all Mags at the end of the day.
  7. Ok we’ll not expect to see you again in here from now on then. Let’s see if you stick to you’re conviction ? This isn’t your thread man. Stick your mad mates tweets in the positive thread. This is the realist thread Argh I thought it was over but you’re back again. Nowt madder than someone thinking somethings over then keep posting about it Why are you purposely trying to wind people up? That’s a bit rich you’re like a fly around s*** anytime there’s a whiff of anything negative Not true, I’m always looking for discussion that’s it. If I think you are wrong I’ll say so. Also I was pretty positive up until a couple of weeks ago when firstly the threat of relegation and secondly the recent report from the US but realistically positive not head in the clouds dreamland positive like you Ok I’m going to humour you GDM. You had a complete melt down yesterday and more or less declared it’s over. What do you now think that Biden has fallen short of making MBS an international fugitive and has gone back on his election promise. As just confirmed by ITN news the liberals are not happy with Biden and he has not been placed on list of banned Saudis. So basically this is going nowhere and will blow over. Are you going to be back in again in a couple of weeks ? At this moment I think it’s over. However my mind may change depending on what happens. What you don’t seem to be able to grasp is people are allowed to change their mind depending on what information comes out. A sensible person takes the info available to them and makes an informed decision and should new information come out or information changes then so can the persons opinion. You seem to think people changing their opinion makes them mental or weak minded or something? I’d argue rigidly sticking to an opinion no matter what info comes out is utterly mental each to their own Sorry but I think you blow with the wind and you seem to think by calling people out as you put it you’re some sort of takeover voice of authority, and that you must protect the less well informed of bullshit. We’re all capable of making up our own mind and if I want to post some light hearted craic from twitter accounts I’ll certainly not be censored by you. As for ignoring evidence and sticking to a rigid opinion, i’ve fully explained to you tonight why I remain positive, if that changes I’m more than sensible enough to change my opinion thanks. Nah you are making s*** up now I’m far from a voice of authority. You got voted worst football poster for a reason Have a good evening Yeah thanks for the vote Don’t worry Whitley....when it all goes through, you’ll suddenly become “Best Poster”....ooops this should be in the other thread. Better than being ignored Jinky This is why having the two threads is a nonsense. This pair can come in here and clearly be on the wind up offering absolutely nothing but then start crying when someone goes in to the positive thread to argue a point. This place is becoming a mess Go to bed mate
  8. Ok we’ll not expect to see you again in here from now on then. Let’s see if you stick to you’re conviction ? This isn’t your thread man. Stick your mad mates tweets in the positive thread. This is the realist thread Argh I thought it was over but you’re back again. Nowt madder than someone thinking somethings over then keep posting about it Why are you purposely trying to wind people up? That’s a bit rich you’re like a fly around s*** anytime there’s a whiff of anything negative Not true, I’m always looking for discussion that’s it. If I think you are wrong I’ll say so. Also I was pretty positive up until a couple of weeks ago when firstly the threat of relegation and secondly the recent report from the US but realistically positive not head in the clouds dreamland positive like you Ok I’m going to humour you GDM. You had a complete melt down yesterday and more or less declared it’s over. What do you now think that Biden has fallen short of making MBS an international fugitive and has gone back on his election promise. As just confirmed by ITN news the liberals are not happy with Biden and he has not been placed on list of banned Saudis. So basically this is going nowhere and will blow over. Are you going to be back in again in a couple of weeks ? At this moment I think it’s over. However my mind may change depending on what happens. What you don’t seem to be able to grasp is people are allowed to change their mind depending on what information comes out. A sensible person takes the info available to them and makes an informed decision and should new information come out or information changes then so can the persons opinion. You seem to think people changing their opinion makes them mental or weak minded or something? I’d argue rigidly sticking to an opinion no matter what info comes out is utterly mental each to their own Sorry but I think you blow with the wind and you seem to think by calling people out as you put it you’re some sort of takeover voice of authority, and that you must protect the less well informed of bullshit. We’re all capable of making up our own mind and if I want to post some light hearted craic from twitter accounts I’ll certainly not be censored by you. As for ignoring evidence and sticking to a rigid opinion, i’ve fully explained to you tonight why I remain positive, if that changes I’m more than sensible enough to change my opinion thanks. Nah you are making s*** up now I’m far from a voice of authority. You got voted worst football poster for a reason Have a good evening Yeah thanks for the vote Don’t worry Whitley....when it all goes through, you’ll suddenly become “Best Poster”....ooops this should be in the other thread. Better than being ignored Jinky
  9. Ok we’ll not expect to see you again in here from now on then. Let’s see if you stick to you’re conviction ? This isn’t your thread man. Stick your mad mates tweets in the positive thread. This is the realist thread Argh I thought it was over but you’re back again. Nowt madder than someone thinking somethings over then keep posting about it Why are you purposely trying to wind people up? That’s a bit rich you’re like a fly around s*** anytime there’s a whiff of anything negative Not true, I’m always looking for discussion that’s it. If I think you are wrong I’ll say so. Also I was pretty positive up until a couple of weeks ago when firstly the threat of relegation and secondly the recent report from the US but realistically positive not head in the clouds dreamland positive like you Ok I’m going to humour you GDM. You had a complete melt down yesterday and more or less declared it’s over. What do you now think that Biden has fallen short of making MBS an international fugitive and has gone back on his election promise. As just confirmed by ITN news the liberals are not happy with Biden and he has not been placed on list of banned Saudis. So basically this is going nowhere and will blow over. Are you going to be back in again in a couple of weeks ? At this moment I think it’s over. However my mind may change depending on what happens. What you don’t seem to be able to grasp is people are allowed to change their mind depending on what information comes out. A sensible person takes the info available to them and makes an informed decision and should new information come out or information changes then so can the persons opinion. You seem to think people changing their opinion makes them mental or weak minded or something? I’d argue rigidly sticking to an opinion no matter what info comes out is utterly mental each to their own Sorry but I think you blow with the wind and you seem to think by calling people out as you put it you’re some sort of takeover voice of authority, and that you must protect the less well informed of bullshit. We’re all capable of making up our own mind and if I want to post some light hearted craic from twitter accounts I’ll certainly not be censored by you. As for ignoring evidence and sticking to a rigid opinion, i’ve fully explained to you tonight why I remain positive, if that changes I’m more than sensible enough to change my opinion thanks. Nah you are making s*** up now I’m far from a voice of authority. You got voted worst football poster for a reason Have a good evening Yeah thanks for the vote, keep blowing gdm
  10. Ok we’ll not expect to see you again in here from now on then. Let’s see if you stick to you’re conviction ? This isn’t your thread man. Stick your mad mates tweets in the positive thread. This is the realist thread Argh I thought it was over but you’re back again. Nowt madder than someone thinking somethings over then keep posting about it Why are you purposely trying to wind people up? That’s a bit rich you’re like a fly around s*** anytime there’s a whiff of anything negative Not true, I’m always looking for discussion that’s it. If I think you are wrong I’ll say so. Also I was pretty positive up until a couple of weeks ago when firstly the threat of relegation and secondly the recent report from the US but realistically positive not head in the clouds dreamland positive like you Ok I’m going to humour you GDM. You had a complete melt down yesterday and more or less declared it’s over. What do you now think that Biden has fallen short of making MBS an international fugitive and has gone back on his election promise. As just confirmed by ITN news the liberals are not happy with Biden and he has not been placed on list of banned Saudis. So basically this is going nowhere and will blow over. Are you going to be back in again in a couple of weeks ? At this moment I think it’s over. However my mind may change depending on what happens. What you don’t seem to be able to grasp is people are allowed to change their mind depending on what information comes out. A sensible person takes the info available to them and makes an informed decision and should new information come out or information changes then so can the persons opinion. You seem to think people changing their opinion makes them mental or weak minded or something? I’d argue rigidly sticking to an opinion no matter what info comes out is utterly mental each to their own Sorry but I think you blow with the wind and you seem to think by calling people out as you put it you’re some sort of takeover voice of authority, and that you must protect the less well informed of bullshit. We’re all capable of making up our own mind and if I want to post some light hearted craic from twitter accounts I’ll certainly not be censored by you. As for ignoring evidence and sticking to a rigid opinion, i’ve fully explained to you tonight why I remain positive, if that changes I’m more than sensible enough to change my opinion thanks.
  11. Ok we’ll not expect to see you again in here from now on then. Let’s see if you stick to you’re conviction ? This isn’t your thread man. Stick your mad mates tweets in the positive thread. This is the realist thread Argh I thought it was over but you’re back again. Nowt madder than someone thinking somethings over then keep posting about it Why are you purposely trying to wind people up? That’s a bit rich you’re like a fly around s*** anytime there’s a whiff of anything negative Not true, I’m always looking for discussion that’s it. If I think you are wrong I’ll say so. Also I was pretty positive up until a couple of weeks ago when firstly the threat of relegation and secondly the recent report from the US but realistically positive not head in the clouds dreamland positive like you Ok I’m going to humour you GDM. You had a complete melt down yesterday and more or less declared it’s over. What do you now think that Biden has fallen short of making MBS an international fugitive and has gone back on his election promise. As just confirmed by ITN news the liberals are not happy with Biden and he has not been placed on a list of banned Saudis. So basically this is going nowhere and will blow over. Are you going to be back in again in a couple of weeks ?
  12. Ok we’ll not expect to see you again in here from now on then. Let’s see if you stick to you’re conviction ? This isn’t your thread man. Stick your mad mates tweets in the positive thread. This is the realist thread Argh I thought it was over but you’re back again. Nowt madder than someone thinking somethings over then keep posting about it Why are you purposely trying to wind people up? That’s a bit rich you’re like a fly around shit anytime there’s a whiff of anything negative
  13. I can’t speak for manorpark but mine is based on everything i read and understand about the whole situation, and the odd bit of 2nd and 3rd hand info I get from time to time. I’m sorry, I can’t let that go. What exactly have you read that makes you so convinced that this will go ahead? And no a tweet from some guy called Harry doesn’t count. Everything right now points to the complete opposite. Richard Masters basically said to Chi in a letter that they believe that PIF & MBS are not seperate. Jacobs has also since said that PIF use a government web address & have government staff. The US in a report state that MBS ordered the use of PIF planes in the murder of kashoggi. That is an example of reading info and coming to a conclusion. Every single thing points to PIF & MBS not being seperate entities. From what I read Manor Park’s only reasoning is constantly ‘omg look at who Ashley has taking his case’ from what I gather from this thread all your info comes from Keith and couple twitter itk called Harry and R E Maine, the latter who indulges himself in weird boxing related analogies. Desperate stuff I’m 100% all for being positive if there is actual positive info but this weird doubling down delusion is too much man Don’t apologise I’m more than happy to engage and explain myself. Though I do think you struggle with the concept of this thread. My confidence is based on the fact that if the PL are so confident in their position, why did they not reject the takeover as the PL rule book instructs them to. There has clearly been lobbying against this takeover from Bein and I’m also led to believe there is strong evidence of outside interference from clubs within top 6. This has been alluded to in the national press by Henry Winter and other journalists. Basically there is sufficient evidence to prove the o&d test has not been correctly adhered to. On the issue of separation to lay men like me and you it looks straightforward that MBS runs the show, however it’s not quite as simple as that. In the international business world PIF are treat as a separate entity, and whilst the PL may scoff at that, by all accounts they did not seek outside legal opinion based on this and in Saudi law they are classed as separate. I’m very confident Shaheed Fatima will muddy the waters sufficiently with expertise in this field and the reality and legal view point of separation will prove quite different. As for the accusations levelled at MBS we all know he is never going to sit the test, and to be honest without a conviction in the international arena or sanctions by U.K. govt I don’t think it will have any impact. Finally and most crucially I ultimately believe separation is just a smoke screen for piracy, it all comes back to piracy. I maintain if Bein is reinstated, WTO appeal is dropped and legal case by Bein is dropped then the PL will not fight this on separation. They would have nothing written in stone that would hold up in court re piracy to block on that alone. The PL rule book mentions nothing about a state not being able to own a club and after this week who would they insist has ultimate influence as a shadow director, you could argue it’s King Salman now and not MBS. One final note if Mike Ashley didn’t think he had a chance, do you really think he’d be spending the money he is, trust me it’s a hell of a lot. Do you also think Staveley after spending the time and money she has is about to walk away ? As long as they’re still fighting I’m very confident, these people do not knowingly hoy their money away.
  14. Ok we’ll not expect to see you again in here from now on then. Let’s see if you stick to you’re conviction ? This isn’t your thread man. Stick your mad mates tweets in the positive thread. This is the realist thread Argh I thought it was over but you’re back again. Nowt madder than someone thinking somethings over then keep posting about it
  15. I can’t speak for manorpark but mine is based on everything i read and understand about the whole situation, and the odd bit of 2nd and 3rd hand info I get from time to time.
  16. It will be very difficult for some on here to understand that nothing (relevant) has changed and that the Takeover WILL STILL HAPPEN !!! Hopefully none on here Manorpark.........but they’re going ballistic in the other thread.....best skip reading the takeover thread for a while to avoid high blood pressure? Couldn’t help myself Jinky, always good to see more of them declaring it’s over though ?
  17. Ok we’ll not expect to see you again in here from now on then. Let’s see if you stick to you’re conviction ?
  18. This provides a bit background behind the decision.
  19. Bang on Keith lad, to coin that famous old terrace song ‘we shall not be moved’
  20. I get the impression Jamie would be game for it, but obviously he’s not holding the purse strings.
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