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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. He’s 100% entitled to hit back in my opinion, if someone came up to him in the pub and said you can’t afford to take this to court, would he not have the right to reply ? I totally disagree the money part is very important, how many of us could genuinely say they’d go to that level of personal self sacrifice ? If you don’t like his style of social engagement so be it, but the world would be very dull if we we’re all the same. You like him or you don’t, however his action is supported by club/buyer and he is currently a thorn in the EPL’s side. Maybe it takes a certain type of character to be able to handle numerous threatening letters from bird and bird. Totally respect you’re opinion though Ikon, each to their own in this matter.
  2. A tosser prepared to sacrifice a years salary and spend huge sums to assist this takeover. We could certainly do with more tossers in the fan base.
  3. Couple of interesting tweets from NCSL, which give a clue to the argument the EPL are using to park the competition case behind arbitration. It’s hardly believable though to suggest Ashley has employed legal counsel to fight on behalf of NCSL and shows the lengths and lies the EPL will resort to. Also an example of the baseless statements Keith is presented with by argumentative fans on a daily basis, yes maybe he should just not reply, but a lot of negative know it all’s in our support constantly chipping away who know nowt.
  4. He's been saying it for about a year... I find amusing that Ashley, the buyers, the PL and the lawyers don’t know what way it’s gonna go yet but there are a few in here that will tell you every single day that it’s happening and just to wait I think De Marco would have given Barnes/Ashley a very good idea of which way he thinks this will go. They may ‘think’ they have a good case. Many things can change the outcome of the case along the way. I’m sure the PL believe they also have a strong case or they would work something out by now. That’s also not even taking into consideration the impact relegation could have on the deal. I understand the positive view that relegation changes nothing but realistically there is no way we could know that. I’m very much down the middle where the takeover is concerned. It could go either way. Could even well be we win arbitration/things get sorted out but it’s taken that long pif wait to see the outcome of this season before coming back. Remember PIF will only come back if there is a clear pathway I know you’re cautious and that’s fair enough, but sorted before arbitration is still my opinion, it’s all on hold until Bein and legal cases are settled. Even that could take months to sort out It could but then it’ll be down to Ashley to agree a new price if we go down. Hopefully we don’t go down and no messy renegotiation of price is required.
  5. He's been saying it for about a year... I find amusing that Ashley, the buyers, the PL and the lawyers don’t know what way it’s gonna go yet but there are a few in here that will tell you every single day that it’s happening and just to wait I think De Marco would have given Barnes/Ashley a very good idea of which way he thinks this will go. They may ‘think’ they have a good case. Many things can change the outcome of the case along the way. I’m sure the PL believe they also have a strong case or they would work something out by now. That’s also not even taking into consideration the impact relegation could have on the deal. I understand the positive view that relegation changes nothing but realistically there is no way we could know that. I’m very much down the middle where the takeover is concerned. It could go either way. Could even well be we win arbitration/things get sorted out but it’s taken that long pif wait to see the outcome of this season before coming back. Remember PIF will only come back if there is a clear pathway I know you’re cautious and that’s fair enough, but sorted before arbitration is still my opinion, it’s all on hold until Bein and legal cases are settled.
  6. He's been saying it for about a year... I find amusing that Ashley, the buyers, the PL and the lawyers don’t know what way it’s gonna go yet but there are a few in here that will tell you every single day that it’s happening and just to wait I think De Marco would have given Barnes/Ashley a very good idea of which way he thinks this will go.
  7. Cheers Scoot, back and refreshed for the final push. Good to have you back, been a bit lonely here! Yes, "the final push" sums up exactly where we are now at! A logical decision by the moderators in the end manorpark ! The fact the arbitration hearing has not began points to one thing, compromise and this being passed. Why would the consortium/Ashley be keen to wait at this point, because they know the ramifications of Bein being reinstated and the legal cases being dropped. Our positivity and realism will proved well founded my friend. Inshallah! Yours and Manorpark's posts have been what's kept the lights on for toon fans mate, not really interested in hearing the cold water brigade alternative right now. While there's even a glimmer of hope the takeover will still happen I will keep believing. The alternative just isn't something I want to think about at this point. If ever. Agree completely I’m out for good if this doesn’t go through. If Bein is restored in Saudi Arabia there is no legitimate reason for blocking this takeover any longer. The Burnley takeover sham makes a mockery of Masters claims that they are protecting the club. How in anyway in our current guise could we be any worse off, the current version of NUFC suits them perfectly. Gazumped by Liverpool for a defender on deadline day and giving game time to an Arsenal youngster. The establishment don’t want this takeover, but they’ve underestimated the will of all involved to make this happen.
  8. I can’t promise that after all I never actually insulted anyone and it was purely banter. Whether you consider that banter as poor is upto the admin to decide. Unfortunately I can only be responsible for my own actions and not some IT glitches on this site. Were some of your posts deleted as I couldn't see anything bad at all? Absolutely not but I harbour no grudges and respect the moderators decision. I’m sure I’ll be in bother again at some point but all good natured.
  9. Don’t think you had any concerns Jinky you’re far more eloquent and restrained than myself I’m very much in that place to, think this is the calm before it all kicks off. Let’s hope for 3 points tomorrow, Mehdrad’s response to winning last week shows how important staying up is.
  10. I can’t promise that after all I never actually insulted anyone and it was purely banter. Whether you consider that banter as poor is upto the admin to decide. Unfortunately I can only be responsible for my own actions and not some IT glitches on this site.
  11. Cheers Scoot, back and refreshed for the final push. Good to have you back, been a bit lonely here! Yes, "the final push" sums up exactly where we are now at! A logical decision by the moderators in the end manorpark ! The fact the arbitration hearing has not began points to one thing, compromise and this being passed. Why would the consortium/Ashley be keen to wait at this point, because they know the ramifications of Bein being reinstated and the legal cases being dropped. Our positivity and realism will proved well founded my friend. Talking to yourself is a sure sign of madness It was only 24 hours but good to know you’re still reading my posts. Keep the faith Sean it must have been hard for you to venture into this thread.
  12. We need to remember De Marco by his own self publication has worked for all the governing bodies. He knows how they think and what they require, he settles disputes and gets results. He’ll be well aware of what the PL require to get this passed.
  13. Cheers Scoot, back and refreshed for the final push. Good to have you back, been a bit lonely here! Yes, "the final push" sums up exactly where we are now at! A logical decision by the moderators in the end manorpark ! The fact the arbitration hearing has not began points to one thing, compromise and this being passed. Why would the consortium/Ashley be keen to wait at this point, because they know the ramifications of Bein being reinstated and the legal cases being dropped. Our positivity and realism will proved well founded my friend.
  14. Cheers Scoot, back and refreshed for the final push.
  15. Don’t think it’s that simple. I think Jacobs is meaning all the prep and choosing of the panel is part of arbitration where as I think Kennedy is meaning the actual hearing So In a sense they are both right Possibly. But why not just say that? Kennedy leaves everything far too open for interpretation, whereas Jacobs is always very clear and to the point. That’s because Kennedy is drip fed tiny bits of info without having any real knowledge whereas Jacobs has been pretty much spot on with his info since the beginning. Far be it for me to gate crash, but would you trust this man. Stick to Kennedy he’s got good sources. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/article-1251554/CHARLES-SALE-Official-BBC-report-bares-Ben-Jacobs-sabotage-saga.html
  16. Like a Phoenix from the flames, Whitley Mag will never be defeated ! A lifetime ban reduced to 24 hours after arbitration ! Don’t worry mate this is an accurate reflection of the current state of play. Ignore the noise once the court cases are dropped this goes through without the arbitration hearing. Bein need the Saudis back to make the deal pay and once that happens we get our takeover. Remember the gulf treaty included all legal cases being dropped.
  17. I’ll reveal all when I pen my memoirs with Liam Kennedy. Don’t worry I’ll make sure you get one and I’ll even sign it with zebras ? ???? for good measure.
  18. Yes, can people not just forgive his mistakes and focus in what he (Keith) is genuinly trying to do? He is trying to help achieve what we all want, so let's support him instead of picking up on bits we don't like and pulling him to bits. If he wasn't such an insufferable, antagonistic arsehole, attacking fans and slating respected journalists then he'd have plenty more people supporting him. Easy now fella think of that blood pressure, you’ll be going around up rooting a certain estate agent’s signs from gardens next.
  19. Deary me, you’ve actually written this post in the belief Keith is going to read it, or even better you really actually think I am in Keith ??????⚫️⚪️ You said it. You could be on to something Yorkie, Keith is also fond of a typo in his tweets. ?
  20. Deary me, you’ve actually written this post in the belief Keith is going to read it, or even better you really actually think I am in Keith ??????⚫️⚪️
  21. Really? Reading some of his Twitter interactions, he's probably the thinnest-skinned human being alive. I think you’re mistaken he just has the attitude I won’t take shit from anyone.
  22. :lol: It's funny because it's true. Oddly enough I’m not sure where Keith is coming from with the claims re Caulkin. However, you’re absolutely correct he’s done far more in relation to this takeover than either of yourselves. Has? I know for fine fact that there is fans on here who have spoken to Staveley about buying the club, both recently when they bid fell apart, and a few years ago when she was interested and even when her initial bid fell away. I know theirs fans on here who put the pressure on Ashley to sell up. Some people have had legal action taken against them by Ashley for simply protesting. Other have risked their careers. Loads of people have risked their jobs. Others have put in a lot of money. Going on Twitter and telling the people on there that they did f*** all to help the takeover is fine and absolutely spot on. Don’t you f***ing dare come on here and say it though. Sorry mate I forgot you we’re her pen pal, I’d hesitate to guess you haven’t put 50k plus in either. You’re paranoid gibberish about him being Wraith’s front man is laughable. I’m not on about me here, let’s get that straight. I’m on about the likes of Greg who helped with the Magpie group. Came up from London after work to help organise fans meetings on evenings before heading straight back down. Joined NUST, got lawyers involved to try and prevent the land at the Gallowgate being developed which would block off any expansion of the Gallowgate. Yorkie who came up from York on his evenings to do so much. HTT who helped fund fans campaigns. There is people on here who got in touch with the likes of Arthur Blank to see if he would buy the club, Mark Cuban, amongst others. Members who have had lawyers taking action against them because they so much as had Ashley’s face on protest materials. Other members who have had Charnley call the police on him because he looked like he could be aggressive when he dropped off two old ladies outside his house who delivered a letter. Other members who risked their job for being in protests and their organisation because it’s classed as political. Now I’ve said Keith is to be thanked for what he’s done. I’ve seen how people turn on you when you start something. I’ve not knocked him for his attempts and I won’t, and if I saw him in the street I’d thank him myself. But I’d also advise him to stay out of Twitter debates. If people want to have a go at you, let them, because as soon as you react they bring you down to their level you lose credibility. This is what’s happening with him now. He’s best off just keeping it to factual statements, and I think he knows that because that was what he said he would change just a few weeks ago. There are people on here just like him who have done so much and who have been slated time and time again. You want to have a go at people, have a go at the likes of that Toon Polls kid who was skating the Magpie group for their efforts, then pointing out the Keegan flag to the stewards so they could confiscate it, then recently taking credit for someone else’s idea of a form of protest against the PPTV games. I like the way you broadened you’re response to incorporate other members, I notice you didn’t mention the 2 I directed my post at though. However, that’s bye the bye and I’m not going to get involved in a tit for tat. What I will say though is I support anyone who spends their own time trying to improve the state of this club. Certainly the members you mention and their actions, I wouldn’t dream of criticising. Though I had a cheap shot at yourself in relation to you’re letter to Staveley, I actually think that’s great and I’ve written many letters myself in relation to this takeover. See my other post for my thoughts on the way he is presenting. All my point was that people on here won’t skate someone for doing something. The only criticism he is getting is about getting into words of wars which many people on here have seen happen to people trying to help the club time and time before and if I’m honest, it’s more of advice to him than anything. The reason why I’m defensive of people on here is because theirs a lot of people on here who have actually tried to help the club, many more than who I have mentioned. It’s not often known but this place is a hotbed for stuff like that. Name any protest group, or fans groups and you’d likely find that it is individuals on here who have been behind them. I get defensive because I have seen these people try, I have seen the hope in their eyes disappear, and it hurts me and the only thing they have left is the honour that they have tried and I back them to the hilt when that honour is taken away from them. I myself have tried, in my own way. I’m not going to blow my own trumpet, lots of people ahead of me were able to put in more time, more money, more creativity than I was able too. I tried my best where I could and I wrote a few letters. I did that because like many on here I’m not one of those people who can sit there and let others do the work, I wear my heart on my sleeve in some sense. Maybe it hasn’t helped me, but I don’t believe doing nothing would have helped either. I’m not going to get into a word or wars with you or anyone else, all I will say is that a lot of what people are saying is from either first hand experience or witnessing it happen to others. For balance mind there was some members on here who went to town on him after the letter to Boris, and it was certainly abusive rather than constructive. I fully support anyone in whatever small way they have tried to contribute to regime change. This is why despite some of Keith’s misdemeanours, I support him 100% in his efforts. Is he beyond reproach no, but ultimately I don’t think he cares and sees this as a 2 man action. You’re either with him or you’re not. Is that approach going to unite the fan base certainly not, but I don’t think any of us will care if in some small way he helps get this done.
  23. I think that’s a very fair post and whilst I think some of the people who have attacked him deserved a comeback, maybe a bunker mentality has now set in and he’s become overly sensitive to criticism.
  24. :lol: It's funny because it's true. Oddly enough I’m not sure where Keith is coming from with the claims re Caulkin. However, you’re absolutely correct he’s done far more in relation to this takeover than either of yourselves. Has? I know for fine fact that there is fans on here who have spoken to Staveley about buying the club, both recently when they bid fell apart, and a few years ago when she was interested and even when her initial bid fell away. I know theirs fans on here who put the pressure on Ashley to sell up. Some people have had legal action taken against them by Ashley for simply protesting. Other have risked their careers. Loads of people have risked their jobs. Others have put in a lot of money. Going on Twitter and telling the people on there that they did f*** all to help the takeover is fine and absolutely spot on. Don’t you f***ing dare come on here and say it though. Sorry mate I forgot you we’re her pen pal, I’d hesitate to guess you haven’t put 50k plus in either. You’re paranoid gibberish about him being Wraith’s front man is laughable. I’m not on about me here, let’s get that straight. I’m on about the likes of Greg who helped with the Magpie group. Came up from London after work to help organise fans meetings on evenings before heading straight back down. Joined NUST, got lawyers involved to try and prevent the land at the Gallowgate being developed which would block off any expansion of the Gallowgate. Yorkie who came up from York on his evenings to do so much. HTT who helped fund fans campaigns. There is people on here who got in touch with the likes of Arthur Blank to see if he would buy the club, Mark Cuban, amongst others. Members who have had lawyers taking action against them because they so much as had Ashley’s face on protest materials. Other members who have had Charnley call the police on him because he looked like he could be aggressive when he dropped off two old ladies outside his house who delivered a letter. Other members who risked their job for being in protests and their organisation because it’s classed as political. Now I’ve said Keith is to be thanked for what he’s done. I’ve seen how people turn on you when you start something. I’ve not knocked him for his attempts and I won’t, and if I saw him in the street I’d thank him myself. But I’d also advise him to stay out of Twitter debates. If people want to have a go at you, let them, because as soon as you react they bring you down to their level you lose credibility. This is what’s happening with him now. He’s best off just keeping it to factual statements, and I think he knows that because that was what he said he would change just a few weeks ago. There are people on here just like him who have done so much and who have been slated time and time again. You want to have a go at people, have a go at the likes of that Toon Polls kid who was skating the Magpie group for their efforts, then pointing out the Keegan flag to the stewards so they could confiscate it, then recently taking credit for someone else’s idea of a form of protest against the PPTV games. I like the way you broadened you’re response to incorporate other members, I notice you didn’t mention the 2 I directed my post at though. However, that’s bye the bye and I’m not going to get involved in a tit for tat. What I will say though is I support anyone who spends their own time trying to improve the state of this club. Certainly the members you mention and their actions, I wouldn’t dream of criticising. Though I had a cheap shot at yourself in relation to you’re letter to Staveley, I actually think that’s great and I’ve written many letters myself in relation to this takeover. See my other post for my thoughts on the way he is presenting.
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