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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. The rantings of a mad man, bein must be paying him some coin, what a fuc#%ing clip.
  2. This, the noises towards back end of last week were they’ve been given the nod unofficially. I’m guessing it needs officially signed off, which will hopefully be this week. I’m as calm as ever been about whole situation, even Mark Douglas said last week, it’s a matter of when not if.
  3. Jim White is just using the Masters interview to come to that conclusion. We’ve been told all along the consortium have been answering questions, bit hard to believe at this stage there’s still big issues they’ve not even covered. Also the consortium have obviously had it indicated in last of couple of weeks that a decision is close, hence some of the stuff Caullkin has reported. Jason Burt also reported last week investigations were finished, and he’s been pretty on the money throughout.
  4. It’ll just be some billionaire Saudi Prince coming to race his latest Ferrari around the smoke. Saying that I’ll be taking a sneaky look every half hour now
  5. Not sure he has it’s just a link to an interview that was on last night.
  6. Imagine debating Rafa or Poch and turning our noses up at Stones and Barclay 2 months ago. Hope we all remember what’s it been like last 13 years, and don’t become a bunch of spoilt little bastads once this goes through. After last 13 years they could appoint Super Mac and I’d still be over the moon.
  7. Right now, looking at what they've both done, Poch is the future and Rafa is the past. I think that excites me about Poch, however I am concerned how the wheels fell off at Tottenham and his almost standoff-ish approach to it. Almost like he either didn't care or didn't think it was his fault. He was undoubtedly unhappy with the transfer business done in the summer prior to him leaving, that’s where the first cracks started to appear. I think he’s got a big point to prove though and he knows he needs a trophy to back up the hype. You could tell by the way he celebrated after they beat Ajax the passion the blokes got. I like him and think he’d sharp forget the yids once he experiences this place, and I bet spurs fans would have him back to a man at the minute.
  8. Was gutted when Rafa left even though I’d long since stopped going to matches. He gets the place and would build the club up from bottom to top, and that’s undoubtedly what we need. However, I can’t put my finger on it but Pochettino just excites me more, and I think the reason is signings. You just know Rafa’s signings would be to suit his system, even if that meant having someone like that danish kid jorgenson up front. Rafa is certainly the safe pair of hands and sensible option, but big part of me would love to see what Pochettino could do.
  9. Get the spine of the team sorted like City with Kompany. I like the idea of Koulibaly at centre back, Soumare central midfield and possibly Van Den Beek from Ajax. All possibly realistic, and added to what we’ve got we‘d be looking at top 6 in first season. No idea on a striker but Plea would be exciting, that Greek keeper from Benfica would also fit the bill. There you go 200 million easily and with potch as manager, that would get the old place bouncing again.
  10. It wasn’t the questions or the answers that were the problem for me, it’s his headline for the tweet. Was nothing impartial to it at all. It was provocative and self opinionated “should it REALLY go through, the Highly controversial Takeover. Made it sound like he had access to fire off negativity directly. This, for a BBC journalist that was not impartial. Like I said yesterday I’d have had no problem if he’d at least asked a question reflecting our view, eg ‘where desperate for this to happen, when will the fans know‘. His questions were loaded and weighted in favour of opponents of this takeover.
  11. Just watched some highlights of the no away fans derby in 96 at joker, brought back some great memories. We had tickets in the roker end that night, was one the hardest but greatest nights ever, trying not to celebrate when Pedro and sir les scored fuc#%ing hell. Always remember groups of them trawling around trying to suss out any mags, was plenty of knowing glances and winks amongst our lot in there. Great night still don’t know how we got out alive, think we’d blown our cover long before the end. Always reminds me though why I’ll never have any sympathy for these horrible cnuts.
  12. Character building, think as a fan base we’ll all be more street wise and hardened after this. Got no doubt the s#%t will keep coming after it’s done, but least then it’s done and it’ll be water of a ducks back.
  13. For a bbc journalist that was far from balanced questioning, I can accept he had to ask the question it’s his job. However, where was a question such as nufc fans have been waiting 6 weeks for the outcome of this test, they’ve had 13 years under an unpopular owner, can you give a timescale when they’ll know the outcome. Clearly it would be a no comment answer, but his other questions were guaranteed no comment answers. So for people who say where paranoid the world is agains us, interviews like this certainly add to that feeling. Mind it will make it all the more enjoyable when it goes through.
  14. Not sure why, they have kept up spending with everyone in europe and it's the managers that have let them down, if anything hes trigger happy but I dont think he would have that power at Newcastle Supposedly not got the players the managers wanted as they are too expensive, and then overspending on 2nd or 3rd choice for a completely different position on more commercially marketable players. All while cocksucking the Glazers. He is terrible Have to say everything I’ve read supports James’ view - Woodward seems to be more responsible for the decline of Ferguson than the string of managers they’ve had. I’m sure Froggy has shared some ridiculous anecdotes about shovelling cash at players the manager didn’t want, refusing to sign players they did, etc This is a guy who had Lois van Gaal and Jose Mourinho, and more money than God, and managed to build a player roster lights years away from the “glory days” So do we expect a new CEO along with a director of football ? Initial opinion seemed to be Staveley would be very hands on, I’d be very happy with her and someone experienced on the football side. However maybe that she’s got to much going on with pcp, and she will carry out a more strategic role from the boardroom, with a CEO running the show day to day. Either way it’s a dam sight better than the current useless t#%t.
  15. Fu#%ing hell can see a very lucrative kit deal on the cards after puma deal expires, huge untapped market will be ours for the taking.
  16. Steve Wraith and Geordie dentist chat was good listen tonight. They might split opinion with some people, but genuine black and white’s to the core. To summarise bbc and itv have both already done interviews with them in anticipation of takeover announcement. Local journalist has stated Ashley wants nothing to do with any announcement, as not his club anymore. Some good tales around bzg bid as well. Def worth a watch if your not takeover fatigued.
  17. I think caulkin did change his tone today, previously it was still confident etc. However, I’m sure he stated it will get the green light today. He’s been confident since he broke this, but today he seemed sure.
  18. With all the negative press relating to this, it wouldn’t surprise me if it is done but there waiting until funds transfer before any announcement. This would make sense with all these human rights lawyers lining up for a pay day, what would be the odds on a court injunction being fired in as a delaying tactic.
  19. Good article from some Tory councillor just popped up on nufc 360. Sums up the current situation perfectly as to why local MP’s should now be spelling out what this takeover means for local economy. This is a potentially massive boost for the local economy, if it wasn’t for the Saudi involvement they’d be banging the door down demanding this deal be given the green light. It’s all well and good trying to be politically correct, but they should be demanding the league stops fu#%ing around and sign it off. It’s alright for these Tory mp’s last week trying to stick the boot in, but where’s our lot up here fighting our corner to make sure this deal happens.
  20. It's The Dentist. No, sorry, he's Football Incisor. You should get a plaque for that. Just for filling us in? Nice of him to share his wisdom with us. Announcement tomorrow. 2:30 Beats the usual 3pm I’m in !
  21. I have feeling he’s talking s#%t, but nice to see the mackems clinging to every last hope that this doesn’t happen.
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