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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. It’s all sorted. Just waiting for the formal disclosure. Can you not feel that momentum building robster.
  2. It's about time people stopped making random guesses based on hope. Seems to be more positive noises from chronicle and rumours of players saying stuff in last 24 hours. Apparently Charnley was doing a zoom call to let everyone know what was happening with project restart, so maybe something has been said. 2+2 = 5 maybe but I’m nothing wrong with a bit of positivity.
  3. Seems to be a few people saying this is done, not sure if it’s based on that Marc Walton character. Source is nufc blog maybe bs, but think momentum is with this happening soon.
  4. Just had a read on icnewcastle was a good article on Glenn McCrory, he was in Saudi before Amir Khan fight last year. He was giving the toon the big sell whilst at dinner with some royal family members, apparently they were quizzing him about us for ages afterwards. At the time of this he knew nothing about sale of club, but in hindsight thinks he may have helped our cause. Genuine nice bloke who has also been helping food bank, it would nice to believe he helped the sale being a County Durham Mag n all that
  5. Disney are a public company, hence why they can buy shares so easily. Having a bit of a mare with my choice of words here A football club is a community club, look back at that Bobby Robson quote, "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It's not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It's the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city." You can't compare a football club to normal companies I agree, they are held differently in terms of regulation etc to normal businesses. It's f***ing comical that football has got to this stage where these type of deals can happen. The american sports would flat out refuse any deal like this. Carnival cruise liners will have different regs to Disney and Starbucks. Not sure what your point is all business sectors have different regs. I mean in terms of ownership. That’s a different argument relating to share holding and outright ownership. The original post said you can’t compare a football club to a normal business, I’m afraid that’s exactly what football these days is a normal business. You can try and use the emotional attachment and community angle all you want, but you could say the same about other businesses such as Disney. But I tend to agree with other posters this is boring now. I won’t change your mind and you won’t change mine.
  6. Disney are a public company, hence why they can buy shares so easily. Having a bit of a mare with my choice of words here A football club is a community club, look back at that Bobby Robson quote, "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It's not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It's the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city." You can't compare a football club to normal companies I agree, they are held differently in terms of regulation etc to normal businesses. It's f***ing comical that football has got to this stage where these type of deals can happen. The american sports would flat out refuse any deal like this. Carnival cruise liners will have different regs to Disney and Starbucks. Not sure what your point is all business sectors have different regs.
  7. That’s a broad characterisation to suit your argument, think you’ll find plenty of adults have been Disney fans all their life.
  8. I’m trying to offer some kindly advice to your about your online world, on here, where you come across as a t***. As for any respect of me, I’d actually feel disrespected if you had any respect for me. All I know when I flounced off in a huffy fit of pissyness and asked the Bodmins to delete my account, they flat out refused out of their combined and rather embarrassing respect for me. I only returned because of the begging, love letters and bribes, that and I had nothing better to do with my life than log back on, at least I was afforded my dignity back by being able to log back in under my proper username though thankfully, kept on file in the secret clique section. And I respect that. You on the other hand should be embarrassed you had to create a whole new username to log back in. I wouldn’t mind, but I actually wouldn’t have known you we’re posting again if not for your signature twatty waffle. Your pizza though and I’m being serious here Man this is f***ed up imo, KI is sound on here and IRL, weird to attack him randomly like this over what was essentially an emoji Aye he’s a right laugh like your good self, was thinking of asking you’s both for a pint sometime.
  9. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you. Your opinion has overstepped the mark, please stop posting it In your opinion, sorry you don’t agree but I couldn’t give a s#%t what you think Okay, just please try not to overstep the mark in future. I’ll overstep the mark whenever the f%#ck I like, like it or lump it. Okay, just don't expect the consequences to ever be the same What you going to do tell me to leave the forum ? Pr#%k. This self-censoring is angering me way more than it should. I would hate kisearch to report me, I’m enjoying it way to much on here. Top work. I've heard calling KI a pr&*=(£ck instead of a prick keeps you in his good books. You'll be best buds in no time.
  10. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you. Your opinion has overstepped the mark, please stop posting it In your opinion, sorry you don’t agree but I couldn’t give a s#%t what you think Okay, just please try not to overstep the mark in future. I’ll overstep the mark whenever the f%#ck I like, like it or lump it. Okay, just don't expect the consequences to ever be the same What you going to do tell me to leave the forum ? Pr#%k. This self-censoring is angering me way more than it should. I would hate kisearch to report me, I’m enjoying it way to much on here. *two Please leave the forum please.
  11. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you. Your opinion has overstepped the mark, please stop posting it In your opinion, sorry you don’t agree but I couldn’t give a s#%t what you think Okay, just please try not to overstep the mark in future. I’ll overstep the mark whenever the f%#ck I like, like it or lump it. Okay, just don't expect the consequences to ever be the same What you going to do tell me to leave the forum ? Pr#%k. This self-censoring is angering me way more than it should. I would hate kisearch to report me, I’m enjoying it way to much on here.
  12. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you. Your opinion has overstepped the mark, please stop posting it In your opinion, sorry you don’t agree but I couldn’t give a s#%t what you think Okay, just please try not to overstep the mark in future. I’ll overstep the mark whenever the f%#ck I like, like it or lump it. Okay, just don't expect the consequences to ever be the same What you going to do tell me to leave the forum ? Pr#%k. Oi toilet mouth, there's a child's bicycle outside. If the cap fits.
  13. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you. Your opinion has overstepped the mark, please stop posting it In your opinion, sorry you don’t agree but I couldn’t give a s#%t what you think Okay, just please try not to overstep the mark in future. I’ll overstep the mark whenever the f%#ck I like, like it or lump it. Okay, just don't expect the consequences to ever be the same What you going to do tell me to leave the forum ? Pr#%k.
  14. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you. Your opinion has overstepped the mark, please stop posting it In your opinion, sorry you don’t agree but I couldn’t give a s#%t what you think Okay, just please try not to overstep the mark in future. I’ll overstep the mark whenever the f%#ck I like, like it or lump it.
  15. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you. theres an easy way to avoid his opinion and thats not to read it by not reading his paper or twitter feed which would be the correct reaction, what we have instead are a bunch of assholes trying to get him fired for expressing his concerns with the sportswashing SA are trying to pull and the general fact they're f***ing evil. I’m sure there’s some very decent people in Saudi looking forward to following our club.
  16. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you. Your opinion has overstepped the mark, please stop posting it In your opinion, sorry you don’t agree but I couldn’t give a s#%t what you think
  17. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. lol: You're a much bigger embarrassment every time you post on here. Ouch
  18. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you.
  19. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy.
  20. Apologies, *murderers If where labelling people can we call you a tedious t#%t ? *we're Must be hard being so intelligent. At least you won’t be taking up a seat next season though, you can just sit in your bedroom and read your dictionary.
  21. Apologies, *murderers If where labelling people can we call you a tedious t#%t ?
  22. You say debunk, but disagree probably works better, as its people’s differing views, not those being wrong and you being right. When someone does something like conflate the Saudi State who are buying us, with the UK government who aren't, or they conflate private Saudi investors who bought Sheff Utd with the Saudi state who are buying us, that's a differing view but it's still also wrong like. Listen to the forums Miguel I’m right your wrong. Must be hard mixing with such dim wits on here being the intellectual you are.
  23. Ps Mark, Whilst im on next time your up in Seattle can you have a word with your pals at Starbucks. The daughters friend has just turned up with iced latte and I’ve had to tip it all her top. Once again best wishes Keysey
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