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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. That isn't an acceptable answer to the people involved in the transaction. The answer however was to Dan Roan of the BBC and I think is perfectly acceptable given the NDA's connected to the deal. Yeah I think it's more what he's able to put out there in that interview rather than how they're actually approaching the whole thing behind the scenes. Personally felt he should have just said no comment can't discuss instead of rambling on in both interviews as he did. 3rd choice for the job and it’s starting to show.
  2. Al-Rumayyan is the Chairman of Aramco so if this takeover fails then there is no chance Aramco can complete a takeover, all issues (human rights, piracy etc) would be the same Al-Rumayyan is squeaky clean - he's not even part of the royal family, in fact he's Shi'ite (is that how it's spelled?). Strong recruitment by MBS in any case Imo, the main issue with PIF is that it is by definition state owned. It is funded and regulated by the country. So there will always be a direct link between PIF and the government even if MBS was not explicitly nominated as a Chairman. Was just thinking the other day Stavely’s husband is Iranian, certainly not an expert on the Middle East, but relations between Saudi and Iran never seem the best. Taking into account the hardline rule in Iran, I wonder how common it is for Iranians to deal with Saudis and Israelis. It maybe he just lives in UAE now and never ventures back, but you certainly can’t accuse this consortium of not being diverse.
  3. Well George’s opinion is it will get the green light, safe to say buyers are still confident. Good enough for me.
  4. Another day in takeover world the sun is shining it’s glorious outside, but we just know those scheming Qatari’s will have something up their sleeve today. After the corrupt back hand taking Martin Ziegler’s attempts yesterday, what can we expect today. I would guess Keys and Gray will be down Doha golf course today, after a few sherberts in the club house they’ll be bang up for a new video. So brace yourself for another shoot from keysy’s hotel room later, after a few beers and a bit sun stroke his rage for all things nufc and Saudi will be to much to resist.
  5. Absolutely fu#%ing not, I’m still convinced some people don’t think this is real. If the Premier league knocked it back, I’m sure some would say it was just another fake over conspiracy. 13 years of Ashley has seriously fu#%ed with peoples minds.
  6. Or more likely it is an entirely fabricated story which a journalist who has published pro-Qatari articles in the past has made up. It’s just a shame we have no journalists to really go after Ziegler here. I know journalists tend to stick together, but this bloke is clearly in their pockets. His article on Leeds and QSI is night and day compared to his views on this takeover.
  7. Theres no doubting these Qatari fu#%ers are street wise when it comes to bribery and manipulating the press. It’s also clear someone at the fa or premier league have leaked this letter to the times. If the Saudi minister is right and they had the rights to show these games, there’s going to be someone looking a bit silly at the FA.
  8. Not going to put a link up but if you google Ziegler Qatar, you’ll find a nice positive story on the Qataris buying leeds. There is no doubt this bloke has an agenda here.
  9. Hard to read anything into that, apart from Swanson is just another Cnut to add to the list. His opening line of questioning was just as negative as Roans the week before. No recognition of our plight in all this, even a simple comment about how where all anxiously waiting would have been nice.
  10. For some reason I couldn’t see them making Liverpool and Man U wait this long. There would be lobbying going on left, right and centre to get it done. They need to get there fu#%ing finger out, they’re starting to look small time at best, and incompetent at worst. This is a multi billion pound industry I can’t believe there aloud to drag there feet on a 300 million pound deal. Not only that the club is in limbo re players contracts, sponsorship and season ticket refunds. If this is not sorted by next week serious questions need asked, and the pressure ramped up.
  11. Based in Manchester, socialist lefty leaning newspaper. Just to add insult to injury they employ a Mackem to cover us in the North East. Just a few reasons why they might not be in favour. It's not like. Founded in Manchester, their headquarters may now be in London, but they have an office on deansgate for northern stories. So technically yes there based in Manchester.
  12. Based in Manchester, socialist lefty leaning newspaper. Just to add insult to injury they employ a Mackem to cover us in the North East. Just a few reasons why they might not be in favour.
  13. Glorious morning in the Bay Area, sun bleaching down on the splendidly refurbished Spanish city. Qatari’s and keys reeling from the mirrors story last night. What a day for a takeover announcement, I fear we’ll have to wait a few more days though. Got me dreaming of 1st game back at St Janes though, giant wot flags banner unfurled from the gallowgate, big cartoon picture of the lovely Mandy with stilettos on, firmly planted on keys big red head. Kinky I know but what an image to greet our new owners.
  14. Minhosa[/member] how many times have I said this to you? You’ve got to love how Craig Hope always comes up with the story, just after another paper has broke it first.
  15. Got no problem with that, where being stitched up by journalists everyday. Think they’d be the last profession I’d have any sympathy for, they’ve been making people’s life hell for years.
  16. Not as simple as that, they will need to know where the 300 million is coming from, and all roads ultimately with this deal lead back to ruling family ie MBS.
  17. But it was at the end of last week, if this process has told us anything it’s fluid.
  18. Be interesting to see how much Qatar has bunged this committee to come to a conclusion in their favour. They certainly weren’t shy when it came to getting the World Cup.
  19. Mark Douglas says Chronicle have story coming up shortly, implies it will contain buyers reaction to wto report. I’m guessing it will be usual still confident no red flags, might ease some nerves for an hour until Kashoggi’s Mrs turns up outside PL HQ later on demanding to be let in.
  20. I said this yesterday. They won't want to deal with all the media backlash which will come their way if they allow a Saudi backed investment firm to own a major British football club, even if legally, there's not much they can do about it. Hell, just look at our own fans, there's a vocal minority kicking up a stink even on here. The PL officials are probably hoping every passing day will give them some new fresh evidence which they can use to justify knocking it back. I don’t think Masters strikes me as the most competent Premier League CEO either, was he not about 4th choice after previous successful applicants turned it down ? For something he shouldn’t have even been commenting on at the weekend, he managed to create confusion. Get the feeling he could be a weak link in getting a fast resolution to this.
  21. Or avoiding saying owt cos he can't be arsed with his phone pinging all night as hundreds of dullards incessantly reply asking him what's happening. No doubt he's already been tagged in scores of "wotz gan on George?!?!?!!?!" tweets. Poor bloke must feel under the cosh, he’ll have invested as much emotionally in this as all of us, and probably more. If this does go tits up I don’t think any blame can be attached to him. All his info and confidence is direct from buyers, who as he previously stated as no reason to distrust. My problem is with the likes of hope and bird, they have blatantly jumped on the guardian article tonight, and just topped and tailed with some speculative shite of their own making. I’m sure hope did exactly the same after Shaun Ingles first article 3 weeks ago, the blokes a fu#%ing fraud.
  22. Top thread that, very informative and should put a few doubts to bed. It only puts doubts to bed if ingles article is incorrect. Because he stated the Saudis are behind beout, not turning a blind eye to piracy. The way I read that thread, suggests that would give premier grounds to reject. Not sure how you read it that way. I read it the complete opposite way. The thread seems to indicate the Saudis crime would be deemed far more serious if they were actually behind beout, as opposed to just failing to clamp down on it. He even says if they were found to be behind it, the premier would have every right to block takeover. Sean Inges article states Saudis are behind beout, that would seem to imply they’ve played apart in setting it up. Therefore, going by the thread premier league would be in their rights to block. The positive I drew from thread was that this appears to have been outside of WTO’s remit when investigating.
  23. Top thread that, very informative and should put a few doubts to bed. It only puts doubts to bed if ingles article is incorrect. Because he stated the Saudis are behind beout, not turning a blind eye to piracy. The way I read that thread, suggests that would give premier grounds to reject.
  24. The Guardian have put out negative stories 3 weeks in a row on this takeover, twice now by Sean Ingle and the letter from Khashoggi’s missus. They clearly have an agenda to try and stop this takeover, using any angle they can find. Hold your nerve lads, all this they can just reject it for all I care now is bollocks. We all care and it’s playing on our nerves big style, but let’s not look like bunch of fannies. I get the natural default is to prepare ourselves for disappointment, but howay man get a grip where fu#%ing mags !
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