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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. Midfield needs to wake the fuck up. Get Longstaff on, we need his energy
  2. Get Gordon off FFS!! Isak on the left and get Wilson up top. This is rank!
  3. Gordon’s getting subbed at half time at this rate.
  4. Has Murphy been told to stay up the pitch while we get absolutely bummed down the right hand side? Fuck me, this is a fucking shambles!
  5. We’re not making it very difficult for him
  6. Yeah, he’s not had a good game so far at all. Murphy has been shite as well
  7. Holmesy

    Anthony Gordon

    I love that he was pissed off. He’s sat on the bench all the time desperately wanting to be involved. Gets a half and then gets brought off after playing well. It’s frustration, it’s passion, it’s disappointment, it’s desire, it’s everything you want your players to show so you know they care.
  8. Fair enough, I didn’t realise that
  9. I’m afraid Eddie has got this team choice all wrong here. We look totally clueless
  10. We don’t look anywhere near as dangerous without ASM in the side
  11. Get him on the box more often, he’s class! When you watch that, it’s even more staggering that the likes of Clinton Morrison and Gabby Agbonlahor have media careers.
  12. Rice replacing Longstaff would be an amazing upgrade
  13. He scuffed it tbf. It was meant to be a pass back to Pope
  14. What have we done to deserve this guy?
  15. Massive shame if these bubble loving cockney pricks go down. Their fans are a load of shit!
  16. Matty Targett, are you out there somewhere? We need you big man, come back!
  17. I love Eddie’s new version of ASM but he’s almost too unselfish. Get your shots away pal!
  18. Best thing about this is you know Eddie will never tell them to sit on the lead. “We want 5, we want 5!”
  19. Almost back to his best yesterday. He knew he had Dalot on toast and the excitement in his body language every time he got the ball and had the chance to run at him was fantastic.
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