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Everything posted by nufcnick

  1. Anyone get the feeling we ain’t going to get anything from referees while we are in the process of taking the premier league to court?
  2. On thing we have to remember, the CAT is not weighing in the PLs favour( like the arbitration is) and there is only so much kicking the can down the road a judge will take be before he works out the PL are taking the piss, the PL had to submit evidence last Monday so hopefully we will hear something in the next week or so.
  3. Hopefully, I can imagine the PL looking rather stupid if they win the weighted in their favour arbitration and then it comes out in the CAT case disclosure that they were anti competitive, now if we do gain disclosure the PL can abandon the arbitration without looking even more corrupt.
  4. Tell you one thing the PL has either lost its appeal to have the CAT case thrown out or no decision has been made yet. as If the PL had won its case to have the CAT thrown out, bein Jacobs would have been all billy big bollocks by now.
  5. That still doesn’t allow clubs and outside broadcasters to interfere and try and block the take over, which is a clear breach of competition.
  6. How so? The arbitration is to decide if the PL were adhering to there own O&D test in insisting that the KSA are a shadow director, the CAT is because Ashley believes that he was blocked from selling the club because of undue influence in the PL by the greedy 6 and Bein sports, what was stoping competition in the league, they are 2 totally different things
  7. I wouldn’t think something like this would come out on a weekend TBH
  8. You can bet your arse that even if we do win the PL won’t approve the takeover and will drag it out with the appeals process
  9. Great news, give a striker a contract when he’s as much use as a solar powered vibrator and would struggle to hit the floor if he fell on it
  10. nufcnick


    ****True facts**** 1. In the 1400s a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have 'the rule of thumb.' 2. Many years ago in Scotland , a new game was invented. It was ruled 'Gentlemen Only... Ladies Forbidden'... and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language. 3. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades - King David, Hearts - Charlemagne, Clubs -Alexander the Great, Diamonds - Julius Caesar 4. In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase......... 'goodnight, sleep tight.' 5. It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month, which we know today as the honeymoon. 6. Since 2017, Sunderland fans have said they are going to win the league at the start of every football season, hence the phrase ‘deluded twat’.
  11. Any QC thats on the arbitration panel no matter if he’s in the PL’s pocket or not would want to see the evidence of the anti competition action, as if he rules in favour of the PL and then the the club win the action, he would show himself to be untrustworthy and kill his career
  12. You can be friends/associates with someone, it doesn’t mean you have the same views as that person
  13. Some people just seem to have a massive vendetta against people who just want to do right for the club, I know Steve wraith personally and he’s a truly nice guy
  14. It’s not 0-2 in court decisions, they wanted the evidence that the club has against them so they can prepare their defense and the judge fucked them off
  15. I think people have missed this massive bit from the judge, the PL wanted to see what we have som they can defend against it but the judge fucked them off PL said “The Defendant also considers it necessary to have sight of a confidential addendum filed by the Claimant with the Claim in order to finalise its Jurisdiction Application. The Defendant considers that it will suffer clear and obvious prejudice if required to submit its Jurisdiction Application and all of its supporting evidence by the 14-day deadline stipulated by Rule 34(4) of the Tribunal Rules and states that the Claimant has not identified prejudice to it by the requested extension.” judge said “Having considered the confidential addendum, I am not persuaded that the Defendant is unable to prepare its Jurisdiction Application without sight of that document which, as the Claimant submits, sets out the calculation (using commercially sensitive information) of the current estimated quantum of loss and damage on the basis articulated in the Claimant’s claim form. I also note the Claimant’s arguments that the Defendant was made aware of the Claim in December 2020 and had intimated since as early as February 2021 that it would challenge jurisdiction and that the Defendant will need to progress both procedural deadlines on the arbitration and work on the Jurisdiction Application in parallel.”
  16. Imagine how many more points we would have had if cabbage head had the bollocks to swap them right away
  17. How many tackles is that [nah] Murphy going to bottle
  18. Steve fucking Bruce, that’s what. Hope the cunt has a heart attack
  19. A school under 13s team would look more organised than us to be fair
  20. Look for the word “Lazy” in the English dictionary and you will see a picture of jonjo Shelvey
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