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Everything posted by nufcnick

  1. Has anyone seen @Ando7since last week ?
  2. Only if we buy poorly like they did, they are also at the max of their commercial potential until they move to their new stadium, where as because of Ashley we’re at our minimum commercial potential
  3. Boy, talk about getting your panties in a twist
  4. TBH, I expect that we will see that we have agreed fee’s and terms with players ready to sign on January 1st between now and then
  5. nufcnick


    The meltdown of these nonce loving inbreds is hilarious
  6. This^^^^. I think fonseca is the fall back if the current club refuses to let us talk to the guy we want
  7. No they don’t the have Southampton in the LC
  8. As someone mentioned a few weeks ago, us Newcastle fans are going to have to grow a very thick skin and quickly, as this will be a new constant away from home, our stewards will have to be on the ball because the fuckers will start to try to bring them into SJP as well.
  9. There is not one ounce of composure in this team
  10. Yep with the lack of pace in our defence that’s a worry
  11. Christ Chelsea scored 7 today, it could be double against us
  12. The guy as bags of talent, but absolutely no personal responsibility, loses the ball and makes absolutely no effort to try to win it back, I could actually say that about the majority of the team though
  13. ASM needs the hook, absolutely disinterested and can’t be arsed
  14. I really do think they have it in for us this season
  15. Can’t believe he choose either of the 2 donkeys in midfield over willock
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