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Everything posted by Ben

  1. So basically they have decided on the size of the pitch and chose the ref and linesmen, we just need a kick off time sorting .
  2. My only real concern is when arbitration will take place, the rest is waffle and blatant corruption from the EPL for not wanting the findings made public
  3. Bruce hates Craig Hope and its wonderful
  4. Jim White reckons Bruce has come out fighting this morning, they are going to play the press conference at 10.30
  5. Craig Hope has segwayed brilliantly into a story about Leicester buying a new striker. "So thats the personal stuff out the way, back to the day job"
  6. I'm still baffled why Shelvey backed Bruce, apart from giving him a new multi-million pound contract for 3 half days a week and a guaranteed, place in the team, what has Bruce actually done for him.
  7. I imagine he'll get them prepped with a 10 mile sprint on Saturday evening, get those muscles nice a tight for the game on Sunday morning. At this stage its like having Homer Simpson in charge
  8. I don't know what you are all complaining about, Bruce is above Klopp in the form table
  9. He's off today so he won't even be watching it.
  10. I've listened to Craig Hope a couple of times today and he has really got it in for Bruce, he would never admit it but I think he actually hates the bloke
  11. Does that mean he's on £62k a week for 3 half days ?
  12. Fulham look Newcastle shit, Spurs on fire.
  13. If this was the case, why is he still here? MA obviously doesn’t care at all. Because NUFC fans want Bruce gone and if there is one thing that Mike Ashley will never do, it's give the fans what they want. He will cut his nose off to spite his face. Certainly looking that way currently as at no other club would he still be in the job. It’s possibly going to cost him 150m + and the possibility of a takeover, but, he’s still keeping Bruce in the job That's because neither he or his muppet DOF have any idea what to do about it. To replace him, you'd have to know something about the game. That was my original question, if Ashley was given the chance to rid for nothing, would he?
  14. Is that a serious question? Obviously everyone on here would because we never wanted him in the first place, but Ashley is stubborn.
  15. If Bruce offered to walk with no pay off, would Ashley let him ?
  16. This is an absolute disgrace, I made a joke last night that nothing would be sorted today because they would be on a holiday, not thinking for one minute they would be
  17. That Man U game was brutal last night, literally nothing happened
  18. Right thats it Rafa enoughs enough get in there and sort this shit out, we'll reassess the situation in the summer.
  19. I rember when Keegan first came as manager he had the whole place fumigated, it looks like it could do with that again.
  20. Is Thursday another rest day ?
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