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Everything posted by InspectorCoarse

  1. NUST speak for no one except themselves and the 50000 mugs that continue to turn up ( including some of NUST incredibly ) speak the loudest ( unfortunately ) . Club is dead - act accordingly
  2. End of the day not one fan representative or fan representative organisation is after anything other than getting their fizzogs on media and bathing in the warm glow of their own narcissism
  3. Stick a camera on them and a couple of names and they behave like shy little girls all fawning and bashfull
  4. Lol making a point can also be seen as a segue into a debate
  5. I was asking you about that - since it was you that made the claim . You still havent come up with any examples which leads me to believe that you just like making empty statements but cry foul when asked about them . Its people like you ( and NUST itself ) that are the trolls
  6. Ive asked you some simple questions . You can't answer them .
  7. If even NUST supporters can't be arsed to prosletize / advocate / argue / debate etc on its behalf then its dead in the water
  8. No but theres a fair few kebab houses have gone bust
  9. So you're not willing to defend or argue any of your points ? How will you ever succeed in getting people to part with their £££ if you can't be bothered to debate with them ?
  10. Im asking you when small actions you have witnessed ( community organising ) have turned into something that made a huge difference to the future . Simple question - its not a proposition for Lichtenstein
  11. Ok here goes : 2. Any examples you can point to ? 5. Hearts are tiny compared to us - Chalk and cheese 6. 1% = No say or control over anything - its the ultimate feel good but pointless gesture 7. Why would any club give someone / an entity owning a mere 1% of shares a seat on the board or any say in how the club is run . That IS fantasy 8. You might as well cut out the middleman and give it to charity - except do it now instead of years in the future - they need your £ now and they need it much more than NUST do
  12. To be a ' fan ' as opposed to being a fan who knows something about football etc is to be a moron - at the level of a child
  13. Pointless and meaningless blather . Club is dead . Start from there ... NUST is a waste of peoples time and money
  14. Dont fear relegation embrace it - several times until FC sells
  15. And so on ad infinitum ... ffs does the penny never drop with you people ?
  16. Excellent ? The clown still goes to games ffs
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/aug/22/liverpool-great-terry-mcdermott-diagnosed-with-dementia
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