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Everything posted by InspectorCoarse

  1. We were losing so we invaded the pitch - next thing you know we won ?
  2. Full houses - just what Ashley wants . The best way to signal displeasure re Bruce is not to turn up at all
  3. More importantly why is anyone clapping ?
  4. If you need to go to the match or otherwise your life will fall apart then you might as well top yourself or maybe just fuckin well grow up
  5. Price of a pint in rich peoples boxes to be tripled . Price of a pint for poor people in the stands to be halved
  6. Renaming of stadiums / stands via sponsorship to be made illegal .
  7. Food and drink to be kept inhouse All stadium workers to be unionised and paid living wage
  8. Managers not given £M payouts when found to be shit and sacked
  9. Gary Fidel Castro Neville ?
  10. Requirement that certain amount of squad must be local - at least 50%
  11. Positive suggestions please Id like a salary cap for starters
  12. Same goes for football the fans and the PL We let it happen , we acted like slaves and got our just desserts
  13. You know in Dallas they once had a motorcade ...
  14. " It’s clear to me that if the trust are backing 50+1, then in effect they are against the PCP takeover. They simply cannot back both as they are incompatible. The idea of rich owners allowing fans to make key decisions after spending 340 million on the club is ludicrous. As a fan base we argue and agree on nothing, the fan members on the board would be accused of being self publicists and attention seekers." Dont try talking them round by talking sense to them
  15. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9536901/Cop-punches-Man-Utd-fan-FOUR-times-camera.html Works both ways
  16. That Alex cant wait till hes allowed back in the ground . point is dont hang around waiting for NUST to organise anything - theyre too busy counting their Charidee fund
  17. Cant see it happening theyre too esconced in their cosy roles
  18. Yeah but their trust is miles away from what ours is about . You can ask ours to organise protest all you want but they will run away
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