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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Just now, The Prophet said:


    How do we know this didn't happen?


    It clearly did with Trippier. But other than that our total lack of effectiveness elsewhere this window is telling.


    Are you saying it’s more likely that Lille and Sevilla both led us on throughout December before rejecting our bids? Seems bizarre.

  2. Just now, POOT 2.0 said:

    Yeh, I'd give Trippier the captaincy without a second thought for Lascelles. 


    It’s not about Lascelles though - he’s very popular in the dressing room and it’d possibly cause further issues.

  3. Just now, Optimistic Nut said:

    One big positive is his link up with Fraser seems natural already which will grow even more with games. 


    Thought they were our bright spark today. Trippier also looks like a really good leader.

  4. They’ve made a series of mistakes that have already cost us points, imo.


    Not sacking Bruce immediately, not appointing a replacement quickly, the lack of a football structure in time for January.


    I’m also not convinced other than Trippier we have prepared particularly well with signings.


    I’m surprised it’s taken three bids and however much negotiating to realise Botman isn’t for sale. Unless Lille’s public message is different to the private one.


    I would have hoped we’d have scoped initial discussions with clubs and agents ahead of January and moved much quicker.


    I think they’ll definitely get it right eventually, but like Howe, they need to improve or we’re heading down.

  5. Just now, ManDoon said:

    People get football opinions wrong all the time I don’t see how that’s some sort of gotcha. I think it was Mick who was anti pardew even when we were winning and nobody agreed with him.


    Rafa is a great manager but one who takes time to implement his style, hence why we went down imo. 


    I’m hoping it’s the same with Howe and we improve as the season goes on.


    Problem is I still can’t ascertain what his style actually is.

  6. 1 win in 10 under Howe, including games against; Watford, Norwich, Brentford, Cambridge and a depleted Leicester.


    Whatever way you dress it up, it’s not good enough.


    He needs to change something, what he’s trying to do is clearly not effective.

  7. Really, really poor match management there.


    The fuck did we give up after scoring and try and cling onto a 1-0 for? Fucking ridiculous.


    Really want him to do well, but fuck me.

  8. Just now, Beren said:

    I don't get this brand of ASM hate. Why do flair players always get it in the neck first :lol:


    He's not perfect and he should pass more - especially when he's deeper, but calling him lazy is crazy when he just wants to run at the opposition.


    He has gone off feigning injury in three of our recent matches like.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Lush Vlad said:

    Longstaff has been really good. If he keeps this up, then that would be massive to the end of the season.

    ASM is basically a counter attacking player only. Absolutely useless when he is tightly marked. Can’t hold it up, poor touch, can’t pass. 


    This is nervy as fuck. 


    He can pass, he just chooses not to.

  10. Just now, Andy said:

    Performance is absolutely irrelevant, just need to find a goal. Had a few half decent chances but the confidence is just non existent. 


    Aye. Not a bad performance really. A lot of huffing and puffing but no end product, a bit like me after a night on the sauce.

  11. Just now, Hanshithispantz said:

    I mean he's a short term improvement on bring liquidated, so if that's his argument the fair enough. Sort of like escaping Ted Bundy's boot to be picked up down the road by Ed Gein though.


    There is another offer on the table though for them, so it’s not like it’s a straight choice between liquidation or Ashley.


    They’re hoping for Ashley, so I assume the other potential buyer is Prince Andrew.

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