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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 5 minutes ago, TRon said:


    I'm glad you put that out there, otherwise I was wondering, like others, could we have saved £25m and just kept Carroll on? He's just as good in the air, and has better hold up play. 


    Yup. I don’t get it trying to make it out like he’s a positive as he gives us “shape” by being an actual striker.


    By that logic we could have purchased any big bulky striker and they’d have had the same impact as Wood for £25m.


    I’m hoping he comes good as I do with all of our signings but I’ve seen nothing from him so far to suggest he will.

  2. Watched them today and they were absolutely shite. Villa weren’t even that good themselves but cantered to an easy victory.


    Considering all of the players apparently disliked Rafa and his methods, doesn’t look like they’ve responded to his sacking at all.


    Would love them to go down like, it won’t happen, but I’d love it.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    You can guarantee one thing if we go down, it’ll be nowt to do with Bruce or Ashley. The press will have a field day sticking the knife into the Saudis and Staveley.





    Of course Bruce and Ashley should be held partly responsible, but Howe has had 2/3rds of a season where the teams around us have been dogshit.


    Smith has gone to Norwich who are diabolical and has double the points total of Howe with us and they’re now out of the relegation zone.


    It’s hard to constantly blame the players for being shit when a CB pairing of Hanley (who wasn’t good enough for us five years ago) and Gibson are playing better than ours.

  4. 1 minute ago, Toon No9 said:

    Why not make Almiron part of the deal for Diego Carlos?


    His agent is making noices that he wants to move and it's said he has admirers from spain.


    Problem is his admirers are probably Burgos CF and Fuenlabrada rather than Sevilla.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Consortium of one said:

    It's not a window until we've been linked with Choudhury.  I'd take him on loan.


    He’s worse than all of the shit players we already have.


    Would cement our relegation with signings like that.

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