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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 2 minutes ago, Kanji said:

    He sounds like a bad egg to have a camp as fragile as ours tbh so I’m fine with this 


    What makes you say that? Falling out with Rafa?


    Plenty have done before who aren’t bad eggs. 

  2. Just now, relámpago blanco said:

    I thought you were nigh on dead.  Glad to hear you are doing better.  I'll have to burn my eulogy now, but I suppose one day you will die, I'll keep it for now.


    Every chance I will be after my scran :lol: 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Awaymag said:

    So Digne going to Aston Villa, not once did that Romano bloke mention Villa.  Just goes to show, he knows fuck all and just reinforces what comes out by others!





    I mean, Villa could have come in for him at any point :lol: Do you expect the journalists to predict the future? 


    Digne clearly wanted Chelsea, they clearly don’t want him, so he’s decided to bite the bullet and go elsewhere.


    Mad if Villa are paying him £200k p/w. Especially considering how much they’ll be paying Coutinho.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Rich said:

    And what did West Brom fans make of Rondon? Coventry fans of Bellamy? Our fans of Perez? People are fucking dolts, generally speaking.


    Rondon, Perez and Bellamy were not 30+ years old and on the decline after a career of complete nothingness.

    West Brom fans spoke highly of Rondon and Perez was liked by the majority.

    He’s absolutely crap. For the cost we’d have to pay, there are literally hundreds of better options.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Rich said:

    He’s not “shite” like, no way.


    Burnley fans who watch him every week, and have done for years, disagree with you.

  6. Just now, Rich said:

    We’ve just signed Trippier. There’ll be other massive signings coming. But surely not every single signing can be that level just yet?


    Said it earlier but I would have been disappointed under Ashley if we signed Chris Wood.


    It’s not being greedy, he’s absolutely shite.

  7. Just now, Mr Raspberry Jam said:


     what are Burnley demanding? 


    I suspect they won’t let him go for anything less than £5m, which would be enough to get someone better in on a loan till the end of the season. 

  8. I might be wrong and it might be a bit unfair, but I expect names like Wood and Solanke are coming from Howe, which causes me some concern.


    We should be aiming much higher than that. Those are signings I’d be disappointed with if Ashley was still here.

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