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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 3 minutes ago, MarkyMark said:

    I don’t - though I do think a DoF would’ve understood how to deal with other clubs, and may have known to walk away earlier if there was no chance of a sensible deal in the offing.


    DoF exist for a purpose - as has been pointed out elsewhere, football transfers are complicated transactions these days.  An expert would’ve been useful.


    Too late now of course - though this isn’t hindsight; I think plenty of us thought a DoF was a priority months ago. 


    Plenty of us were ridiculed for saying it was an error too.

  2. 2 minutes ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    I understand we're not wanting to be utterly ripped off but it's January, we're known to be rich as fuck, can spend a lot, and are desperate. Just pay the prices or we're going to end up with no one and likely be unable to beat a Watford side at home who have lost 10 of their last 12.


    I’d think the chances of having anyone in before Watford now are very slim.


    Even if a fee is agreed tomorrow, we’d be rushing through terms and a medical and registration before allowing some time on the training pitch.


    The consortium have been seen to rush nothing.

  3. 1 minute ago, duo said:

    Kaveh saying some hurdles Villa need to sign him - fee/wages etc so no done deal for Villa


    I mean fees and wages are generally quite an important thing for a deal to progress :lol: 

  4. Just now, Mr Raspberry Jam said:


    Watford won't know what's hit'em. 


    We wanted both Costa and Botman, allegedly, and have ended up with neither :lol: So not sure Watford will be quivering just yet.

  5. Just now, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    I’m instantly all-in on anyone we bid for  TBH :lol:


    Excuse me, jumping ahead of yourself! We’ve not bid yet!


    We’ve asked them permission to bid!


    We’ve got another week or so before we get to that stage.

  6. Just now, oldtype said:

    Had completely lost track of all the terrible excuses for a striker who have played for us.


    How does he only have one Premier League goal :lol:


    Shinned it in by accident as well, didn’t he?

  7. 1 hour ago, ManDoon said:

    Yeah I don't think it's remotely true. It get's used a lot "his name will attract players!" when the reality is they don't give a fuck.  It's different to say Zidane who was a world class player and multiple CL winning manager. Players go for money/possibilty of trophies. Neves singed for Wolves under Nuno, who was not a big name in football. Wolves were also in the championship.


    Players go where the money is (and rightly so, as we all would). If we blew Villa out of the water in wages for Coutinho and Digne, they’d both be playing here.


    Sentimental bollocks for Stevie G is probably quite low down on their reasons.

  8. 4 minutes ago, The Prophet said:


    Not quite. Hope mentioned that Howe wanted a 'sensible wage structure'. He then said Trippier was on less than 100K a week.


    Fair enough, I misread it slightly.



    Still suggests that Digne “just won’t happen” at £200k so that rules out people like Martial.

  9. 1 minute ago, TRon said:


    What makes you think our wage structure is going to be set low enough to prevent us making big signings? With Digne and Martial the problem seems to be location not money.


    It was reported Howe didn’t think we should be paying anyone over £100k a week to keep the squad harmonious.


    Digne was reportedly asking for £200k and Martial will never come that cheap on his Man Utd wages.

  10. 1 minute ago, ManDoon said:

    Same here. I think he would thrive being the main man here 


    He would blow our proposed wage structure to pieces.


    If we weren’t willing to pay for Digne, we won’t be for him either.

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