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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 24 minutes ago, Numbers said:

    If the trust get 1% do they have to inject money every time other owners do, if so where does that come from?


    These are the valid questions they completely forgot about when Alex thought of this pointless scheme to get his feet under the table.


    The answer is yes, they would need to also continually invest, which is one of the many reasons why the whole thing is impossible.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Gazzaschicken said:

    Games in hand mean nothing especially to a squad like Burnley who won't be equipped squad depth wise with a hectic run of fixtures


    Quite worrying when they have four games in hand and are still one point ahead of us mind :lol: 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Geogaddi said:

    It’s absolutely class RTG like isn’t it , where do they come up with this stuff :lol:  …


    Mikel Arteta 

    Apparently popped into the lads dressing room after the game and fist bumped every player and told them they were fantastic in spells and the score line was deceiving - then told them to go and win our league. 



    That’s not a real post, surely? :lol: 

  4. Is there anywhere to have a list of players currently out with Covid? 


    I also assume all matches are going ahead and none of them are under any sort of threat?


    Antonio a victim of Covid tonight, unsure whether to trust my current team to play or make mass changes.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Happinesstan said:

    So it looks professional?


    Why do they need money to engage with the club?


    You can look professional by having credibility with supporters and the club by maintaining your actual role of communication, rather than going silent for the majority of the time.

  6. Just seems bizarre the only things they ever try and do is raise money.




    The pledge


    Why does a Trust even need money? The purpose of the Trust is to be a middle man and communicate between the club and the fans, giving fans a collective voice.


    All they need to do is get a solid line of communication with someone meaningful and have a regular meeting to share the opinion of fans.


    Everything else around or in extension to that is nothing but self-publication.

  7. Just now, midds said:

    They've given it a go I'll happily admit. Scored a nice goal too but the gulf is just too big for them. Once the second went in Arsenal just started toying with them, like a cat with a mouse. 


    How fantastic is it to see just how far behind they are? :lol: The gulf in class is brilliant.


    It’ll be years before they get back, if they ever do. The new Ipswich, imo.

  8. 5 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    It’s very shady to have not paid the money to charity and basically gone into silence.


    You’re talking about the same people who let their mate back on the Board through improper routes and have gone into silence since then, despite promising answers.

  9. 1 hour ago, Thumbheed said:

    ASM him and someone like Fraser breaking with pace from deep would cause problems for alot of sides. 


    ASM, him and Fraser trying to play a pass and move possession based game would not. 




    Yup. Still think Howe is trying to put square pegs in round holes with his tactics.


    We either need to sign 6-7 players to fit Howe’s style or he needs to reconsider how the team are set up. 


    This will never work, imo. Players like Dubravka, Lascelles and Clark are never going to be good or confident on the ball, no matter how much coaching you put in.


    Even Shelvey is pretty crap on the ball. He can pick a pass but doesn’t know what to do with it if he needs to hold onto it and wait for a pass to become available.


    We need to be countering teams with the players you have mentioned above. 

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