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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 2 hours ago, Happinesstan said:

    I love watching the guy, but you've just got to watch the highlights to the Leicester game to realise what he takes away also. Leicester's goals were all set up by quick passing through the middle, 3-4 players involved. Then you see ASM in a similar position to feed Wilson, in the box and he just runs into a blind alley.


    This. He’s absolutely fantastic and his skills are outrageous at times but his contribution to the team is questionable.


    He shouldn’t be dropped as we quite frankly have nobody else anywhere near the level of quality that he can produce.


    Howe needs to find a way to get the best out of him though.

  2. 1 minute ago, midds said:

    Fuck it, announce the deal, spend the money and argue about it later. After the way the PL caved in October it's the last thing they want. Tugging the forelock and asking if we have permission to sign new deals? Fuck that and fuck them. 


    If we breach the rules, we can just ask for a telling off and 1/6 contribution of a £20m fine like occurred with the ESL.

  3. Rather than dragging someone through a criminal case, seems quite sensible to be able to settle it simply with paying for the damage they caused. Both sides happy and the repairs made.


    If they have any sense whatsoever (probably not based on their actions), they’ll currently all be chipping in and paying the £500.


    It’s not like he’s asking for some extraordinary amount, seems fair.

  4. 1 hour ago, The Prophet said:


    Yeah I'd agree with this. Even then he plays himself into bother at times.


    At least two or three times a match. He’s great in spurts but he does have a bit of a Ciaran Clark in him quite regularly.


    Needs Fede next to him and he’ll probably improve.

  5. Just now, The Prophet said:

    If he drops Shelvey and Willock, who are the alternatives? I get moving to a midfield three, but depressingly they're our two most able midfielders. It's not a poor decision at all.


    Only one of the two can play in the middle, playing both means we basically have no midfield.


    Repeatedly said it but Hayden has to start, or a new CDM arriving on 1 January. 

  6. 1 minute ago, midds said:

    Need to go big on 5 or 6 players in Jan or we're fucked. 


    Thought we have a chance of a point today but got blown out if the water. Squad is horrendous, it's not Howe's fault but it is his problem and he solves it by removing half of the team and replacing it. He then needs to cross his fingers they all stay fit and we limp to about 34 points. It's a tall order. 


    Good job it appears we have all of our ducks in a row ahead of the January window opening then…

  7. The worst part of today is we didn’t look like scoring against a side shipping goals left, right and centre with a makeshift back four and a CM playing CB.


    For all of our huff and puff, nobody looked like scoring.


    Was also an issue against Norwich & Burnley. We stumbled across a goal in those games rather than making one.


    Think we could still be playing and Leicester would have a clean sheet. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Minhosa said:

    I'm not digging him out btw. I like him and he seems to 'get it', I'm just seeing nothing in four games of football to give me much hope that he can keep us up.


    He’s trying to implement a style of football that we just do not have the players to play.


    It’ll never work.

  9. 1 minute ago, TRon said:


    He got 4 points from the last two games tbf, one of them played with 10 men. But this has to be a wake up call. 


    4 points from Burnley and Norwich - neither game we were anywhere near secure. 

    Would expect a few more batterings before the New Year if he persists like this.

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