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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. The only thing I can think of, is they’ve (probably rightly) judged that Fraser was never going to get the ball and it was an accidental/natural collision rather than an attempt to challenge Fraser.


    What I mean is - Ederson was challenging his own player rather than Fraser and pulled out when he realised his player was going to easily collect the ball. There was then an accidental coming together which had no impact on Fraser getting the ball.


    I suppose the equivalent would be if a player slid in to make a challenge, but his team mate nipped in ahead of him and ran off with the ball, but the sliding player’s momentum took him into a an opposition player off the ball - would it be given as a foul or just be accepted as a coming together?


    I don’t know. I’m trying to find any way to make sense of the incredibly wrong decision :lol: 



  2. 1 hour ago, Mr Raspberry Jam said:


    Like he has with Joelinton?


    Overall, the team we have - specifically the defence - is total horseshit. 


    You could argue for every Joelinton who has improved, there is an ASM who has regressed.


    I think Howe’s philosophy will take time to embed and as time goes on we’ll get more Joelinton’s and less ASM’s. I just worry we don’t have that time.

  3. 1 minute ago, sh74 said:

    Sounds like a Mackem WUM.


    To be fair, he’s usually massively wrong about everything.


    But on this occasion he’s actually right.

  4. 4 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    What’s actually wrong with him?


    Calf injury, was due back in December  apparently according to The Chromic.


    Not like them to be wrong mind.

  5. 5 hours ago, Wallsendmag said:

    People's opinions of him please? 


    I've long been an advocate of cashing in on him as I think he spends too much time out injured, especially for a GK, but having watched him return from his latest injury I'm thinking more and more that it's a position we maybe need to look at strengthening next month.


    He’s always been average-good at best. He drops a lot of clangers but often makes up for that by keeping us in games and winning points singlehandedly.


    There are seven or eight other positions that need strengthening more urgently.

  6. 52 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    Doesn't it somewhat defeat the object if they're allowing boxing day fixtures to go ahead?




    They’d be better off postponing Boxing Day and allowing teams to self isolate/not meet for the next three or four days, whilst the training grounds etc. are deep cleaned.


    Would at least break the circuit slightly.

  7. 45 minutes ago, Awaymag said:

    Its not organising a team at all.  its about shit players, making shit decisions.


    Goal 1:


    Dubs kicks it out for a corner - what could Howe have done differently before the match, to stop that happening


    99 out of 100 Clark clears that ball - this time he didn't - what could Howe have done differently before the match, to stop that happening?


    Goal 2:


    Clark and Lascells decide to provide a path for Man City strike  by both turning their backs - what could Howe have done differently before the match, to stop that happening?



    Goals 3 & 4


    Richie, caught ball watching for both - both our natural left backs are injured - what could Howe have done differently before the match, to stop that happening?


    You can bang on all you want about coaching but when individual players are that shit - there is not a lot you can do.   We could have played 10 in defence and defended for the full 90 mins but the result would have been the same - as individual errors are happening every week.     The only way to stop this, is to buy new players in Jan and keep the best of the worst as subs/backup.


    Personally, I can't wait for the day that all these players have been sold.  They seem to be a nice bunch of lads but they are journeymen, that's the reason why they ended up and stay here during Ashley's time.




    My earlier post literally answers all of your points here. These same players looked like a solid defensive unit under Rafa. 


    “I’ve said it for a few weeks but I think the reason is relatively clear.


    Trying to get our players to play it out from the back, puts us under unnecessary pressure and increases the risk of individual errors.


    They panic, which causes an already low on confidence team to be unsettled even further.

    If you’re asking them to do things they don’t understand, they’re too busy trying to think of a million things rather than the basics and the end result is brain farts like today.


    They’re not good enough and don’t have the right skillset to play this style, it’s why they were much more effective under Rafa’s defensive set up. Get the ball and play it forward quickly, countering.”

  8. 1 minute ago, Sima said:

    The ball was on the touchline.  Was he trying to kick it out of the ground?


    Not too dissimilar to Lascelles’ forcefully tackling the ball and taking a Man City player earlier. 

    Both were attempts to get the ball, one got it, the other didn’t. It was a yellow.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Pata said:


    He kicks Emerson's planted leg as hard as he can with an intent to hurt him, how's that not dangerous? Kane should have been off too but doesn't mean that isn't clear as day red.


    That isn’t what happened though.


    He intended to kick the ball, Emerson got there a fraction sooner and there was a swipe of the legs. 

  10. Just now, hakka said:

    Kane has no real pace, but brilliant reading of the moment and timing for the run for that goal. Never understand why we don't see him playing like that for England.


    Because Southgate plays him in completely the wrong way with a dreadful style of football.

  11. 1 minute ago, ManDoon said:

    Yes I’ve always been of the opinion that individual errors on a consistent basis are coaching deficiencies. Like I said I like Howe I’m just trying to remain objective on it 


    I’ve said it for a few weeks but I think the reason is relatively clear.


    Trying to get our players to play it out from the back, puts us under unnecessary pressure and increases the risk of individual errors.


    They panic, which causes an already low on confidence team to be unsettled even further.

    If you’re asking them to do things they don’t understand, they’re too busy trying to think of a million things rather than the basics and the end result is brain farts like today.


    They’re not good enough and don’t have the right skillset to play this style, it’s why they were much more effective under Rafa’s defensive set up. Get the ball and play it forward quickly, countering.

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