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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Just now, TRon said:


    Or more accurately, where are the players who can implement them? That is Howe's challenge, because he was shown quite categorically that the team he picked today can't be trusted to do it. 


    He has been shown that in every match since he’s been here, but he’s not changing it.

  2. Just now, robbo_11 said:

    He puts a lot on statistics and metrics, but we need to look at players.


    Winning the stats in a match we actually lost 4-0 won’t do much for us in May.

  3. He just needs to learn Lascelles shouldn’t be anywhere near the team and Shelvey and Willock is not a CM pairing.


    Worry for us unless he has a pair of bollocks to drop Captain Fistpumps.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Ronson333 said:

    Probably more to do with the set-up at Aberdeen. He’s used to being around the premier league and he’s joined some outfit in a two-Bob second rate league, not surprised he’s struggled to get motivated.


    Well the precious little boy better get used to it, because a two-bob second rate league is his level.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Pokerprince2004 said:

    Peter Walton defending the indefensible yet again. Will always agree with the referee no matter how shit the decision is. Need to get shot of him and get a different ex referee who actually has a backbone


    During the game and VAR review he said he expected it to be overturned :lol: 

  6. Just now, Optimistic Nut said:

    Would have been a penalty without VAR. At least VAR gave the chance for them to change their mistake. That’s just shite refereeing all round.


    Not so sure tbh. I feel like refs give more decisions these days in the knowledge that if it’s a total fuck up, VAR will change it. 


    Regardless, without VAR I would have been able to accept the referee had just got it wrong in normal time and we didn’t have to stop the game for three minutes to watch endless replays for the same outcome.

  7. 50 minutes ago, Dokko said:

    If he's lost 9 players to covid and all 9 have been vaccinated then fair enough. If say only 4-5 have been jabbed then fuck em, its not Covid that makes them miss out, its stupidity. 


    Apparently only three or four have COVID and the others unavailable (defined as ‘ill’) are having to self-isolate because they’re unvaccinated.

  8. 1 hour ago, midds said:

    I think the main gripe is the potential for delays. One person being asked to show their QR code is neither here nor there, the 150 people in the queue trying to show theirs so you can get through the turnstile at 2.50 would see a few kicking off. That's about the only drawback I can think of though. As an act in itself it's no hardship at all, it takes seconds. 


    Don’t be thick and arrive with plenty of time then. It’s not like people have had it sprung on them the morning of the game, plenty of notice to plan accordingly.


    But you’re probably right, the thickos arriving at 2.50 are probably the same thickos who would “kick off” over their own inability to follow instructions.

  9. 37 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    What a bunch of ungrateful bastards, the time they've had over recent seasons.




    Them poor Leicester fans have had it rough. 


    An FA Cup 7 months ago. Blimey, how do they get out of bed in the morning? Must be so difficult sitting 11th in the league.

  10. 10 hours ago, Away Toon said:

    Considering not one of our players would start for Leicester it’s surprising some people are confident we are going to get something 


    That’s not how football works.


    I’m not sure many Crystal Palace players would get in the Man City team. Still beat them 2-0 though.


    Leicester are a team struggling this season and out of form. They’ve got a very tricky tie in Naples tonight and have a Covid/sickness absence among their team.


    We’re on the back of improvement under Howe and having won our first game of the season.


    If we can’t go into that game with any confidence, we may as well end the season here.

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