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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 20 minutes ago, Emotic said:

    This is precisely why a "short-term hire" to assist Howe out for the January window isn't the disaster that some on here claim. It's just a small team that will help Howe land some solid players that will help get us out of the foot of the table, whilst Howe continues to concentrate on the training and tactics. 


    A "proper" DoF will then be a part of the larger reconstruction, provided that we move far up enough in the table to have a measure of confidence that we'd be building for a challenge for the Premier League title, and not the Championship title.


    People aren’t claiming a short term hire is a problem. People are correctly asking why we’re three weeks away from the window opening and don’t have this short term hire in place.


    If we’re getting someone in for the short term, fine. But a short term appointment can’t take three months to make. That defeats the whole point of making a short term appointment.


    As others have said, it would have been ideal to have targets agreed and ready to move as soon as that window opens. We don’t want to drag out deals until the 11th hour.


    Hopefully this short term appointment will be made imminently and have time to work on getting things done.

  2. The only two of those which I agree should be on TV are the Forest v Arsenal and Swindon v Man City matches.


    Why would anyone want to watch Man Utd and Villa put two reserve teams out?


    Kidderminster v Reading and Yeovil v Bournemouth miles more interesting than four of those matches.

  3. 1 minute ago, 54 said:

    I mean, we've had 14 years of utter shite, to say "Mad that anyone is happy" is hyperbole at its finest, I know that getting the hierarchy in is important, but people are generally happy that theyre looking to appoint someone with the right credentials and and more concerned with it being the correct appointment, rather then being rushed for the sake of a single window.


    Absolutely. We’ve had 14 years of no due diligence and now we’re getting the most due of due diligence. But there needs to be a limit, especially when the team are currently in a precarious position.


    I wouldn’t consider three months to make an appointment before January as “rushed”. That’s the point. They have had ample time to find someone, even with a thorough recruitment process.


    Why are they only considering a short term appointment now? They could have done that weeks ago. Have they had to change tact after being unsuccessful in getting someone in? 

    What they are doing is a risk. Ultimately I don’t think it’ll matter because I’m confident we’ll survive, but they are still taking too many unnecessary risks imo.


    I’m more than pleased with most of their efforts so far. But it’s very RAWK for people to not be able to apply any criticism where it’s warranted, especially when the consortium admit themselves they’ve made mistakes.

  4. 4 minutes ago, elbee909 said:

    I dunno. It seems to me they look to appoint 'football people' and then get pilloried for not having football people in already, in order to appoint more football people.


    Get Dennis Wise in yeah?


    Nobody is saying anything of the sort of getting Dennis Wise in.


    It’s just a concern that they’re moving at snails pace ahead of the most important transfer window we’ve had in years.


    Following poor decisions re: not sacking Bruce quick enough and the fiasco with Emery.


    Mad that anyone is happy going into this transfer window with no ‘footballing people’ even at the club. They’ve been here two months. We’ve not got time to piss around.

  5. 22 hours ago, midds said:

    Christ almighty, I know they were caught on the hop a bit when they got the green light but they need to get their shit in a pile asap as that's a horrific tweet (if true obviously). They need someone who knows how the sport operates and can get things done, fucking about in the middle of December will absolutely come back and kick us square in the knackers if they don't get this right. The window is crucial to survival, they MUST see this, we're already staring down the barrel, this appointment (and the subsequent signings made by the chap this window) will go a long way towards deciding which division we're in next season. 


    It's importance is critical and it's pretty fucking urgent too. Needs sorting pdq.  


    Some of us have seen these warning signs a month ago and were absolutely ridiculed for saying anything.


    These appointments absolutely need to be right, because they clearly need the guidance.


    I think we’ll get there eventually, but I suspect we’ll see some bumps along the way. Have to hope one of those bumps isn’t the Championship.

  6. 9 minutes ago, robbo_11 said:

    Potentially off to Alianza Lima in Peru, sounds like he has faded away at Doncaster.


    Hasn’t played for them in their last five games with a hamstring injury.


    Came back to Newcastle for treatment and is now back in Doncaster.

  7. 1 hour ago, Sima said:

    Footage via Adam Pearson.




    Booking a stadium tour purely to show that signs have come down, which is what we already knew.


    The next Lee Ryder in the making.

  8. 2 hours ago, LV said:

    Hell’s teeth. He’s not all there.


    Is he related to that Mackem loon Mad Mistake by any chance?


    Clearly has something wrong with him.


    Fuck knows how anyone could enjoy watching that, he’s irritating as fuck.

  9. 16 minutes ago, delboy23 said:

    Cambridge fan here. What a draw for us. Our goal this season is to stay in league one as we quite unexpectedly got promoted last season and we are a pretty small club in league one. Fully expect us to get battered but will be a great weekend nether the less and hopefully a few pounds in the bank to keep us going.


    Haven't been up to Newcastle for a few years and can't wait - going to make a great weekend of it.


    Hope you have a good trip :thup: Hopefully see a large number of you coming up.


    I wouldn’t worry too much about expecting to get battered :lol: 

  10. 10 hours ago, Yorkie said:

    Man Utd vs Aston Villa will inevitably be on so it's that and three (?) others. Swindon-ManC you'd expect to be televised as well seeing as it's at the lower league team's ground. 


    Chelsea at home to Chesterfield is the most typical draw ever, like. 


    Since Abramovich came, home ties in R3:

    Scunthorpe twice, Huddersfield, Macclesfield, QPR, Southend, Ipswich, Portsmouth, Watford twice, Peterborough, Forest twice, Morecambe, Chesterfield. 


    And aways:

    Watford, Southampton, Derby, Norwich 


    Forest v Arsenal likely to be televised too, imo.

  11. 8 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    Canny ridiculous ruling out loads of perfectly good goals over millimetres like. 

    Not sure what the alternative is mind, apart from scrapping VAR. 


    With the introduction of VAR it feels like every goal is reviewed trying to find a reason to disallow it.


    You shouldn’t need any lines. If he looks onside with the naked eye, it should be onside.

  12. 1 minute ago, GWN said:

    lve a personal reason which I won’t discuss on here , I can say he’s an arrogant prick at times in private. 





    Alright Kenny lad, didn’t realise you were on here.

  13. 4 hours ago, Yorkie said:

    I've added a couple of polls cos I feel quite surprised by some of the chat and really curious to know what the consensus is. Hopefully I've covered all bases there. 


    I was going to vote but I’m not familiar with the poll options. Which one equates to a 9?

  14. 1 minute ago, WarrenBartonCentrePartin said:

    There's a level of branding that's tolerable, though. Have the new sponsor all the way round the East Stand and Gallowgate by all means, just don't slap it on the roof and what have you. That's what was really ridiculous about SD - it had to go on every available space.


    SD branding is totally hideous too and a real eyesore. 

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