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Posts posted by RobsonsWonderland

  1. 1 minute ago, AJ9 said:

    Even though he’s being found out, I still can’t wrap my head around Ten Hag actually being shit. He was so highly rated, and that Ajax side was amazing, played beautiful football and beat some of the best teams in Europe. I just cannot see any of that imprinted onto Man Utd. I don’t understand how he’s so shit, but I am loving it.

    Because like Brighton, the culture and style of play is embedded throughout Ajax. Almost like the manager is a coach that needs to just make sure they continue along the same track.


    However at man u you come into a squad of players picked by the previous three of four managers who all had different ideas.... and then rinse and repeat

  2. Before anyone complains about the march atmposphere... I hope you were not one of the thousands who left early before half time or the end of the game.


    It's a 3pm kick off surely there is no last bus to catch! 

  3. 43 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    Really shame for him like, and for Gordon who will now have to play every minute until next year :lol:

    Guess we have Willock and Big Joe to provide cover on the left.. they didn't do to bad last year

  4. 18 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    There is zero chance that Cole scores 34 goals in a PL season if he was playing today (not helped of course by playing four fewer games).  English football was at its weakest possibly ever in the mid-‘90s in the context of European football.  

    I do miss the 442 formations where there was strike partners with the quality of Beardsley and the wingers only job was to cross the ball !


    Would Sellers and Fox (and later Gillespie and Ginola) been able to fit into 433…

  5. You can't underestimate the challenge of a a young  player starting in a new league / country and then asking him to perform at the top of his game against the best teams in our league / Europe.


    It's a bit of a sink or swim situation as well due to midfield injuries around him.



  6. I will still say we are a year, two years ahead of where we planned to be.


    The squad, the infrastructure, the European know how is not there yet and this was Howes first ever game in Europe.


    Not in the Conference or Europa league but in the Champions League playing at the San Siro.


    This will be a massive learning curve for both the manager and the club and like it or not we are still nowhere near the level we need or want to be.


    But let's just enjoy the journey and support the lads.

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