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Everything posted by McDog

  1. McDog

    Fabian Schär

    Commentators on Peacock thought it was 100% a goal.
  2. McDog

    Harvey Barnes

    I really like Barnes, always looks solid and makes things happen. I believe he has a great football IQ also. Hope he finishes out the season fit.
  3. Dodged a few bullets but were much better second half.
  4. Very fortunate in some ways. Three points away is always a great result.
  5. Lewis has been to Eddie's shithousery class I see.
  6. The lads will get a rollicking from Eddie at the half.
  7. Schar fucked that up something terrible. They should have scored.
  8. Might need to get Barnes on for Murphy and get Gordon on the right to start the second half. This is pretty shit.
  9. Wilson - Torn Pec - how often does that happen? Lascelles - Looked like his cleats caught or leg was twisted. Popey- Shoulder - Dove and came up hurt. Tino - Came down his ankle and turned it. Just a couple of examples but it's been rather crazy and not someone's fault.
  10. Plus the one he put off the woodwork on his goal, that was a solid chance.
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