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Everything posted by McDog

  1. McDog

    Sven Botman

    No loyalty here on the faceless medical staff. I say again, if after reviewing the scans the medical team allowed him to play and his ACL was all but done then sure they should be fired. That also assumes the entire review process in the club is a giant mess. Botman is a valuable player and I personally highly doubt they would chuck him in knowing that kind of danger from the top. That said, I concede I know fuck all on who did what, just as everyone here I guess.
  2. McDog

    Sven Botman

    Nobody in their right mind plays a player with a fully ruptured ACL.
  3. McDog

    Sven Botman

    Exactly. So clearly the scans they have reviewed did not indicate that and if someone who has reviewed them here and is competent enough to interpret them disagrees then feel free to make declarative statements purporting why you feel their decisions were professional incompetence.
  4. Exactly, how the fuck would that work?
  5. I didn't vote because as an international fan it isn't my place to say what should be done. It's very easy for me to say "Go" and build a Wembley of the North East but this is a primarily Geordie decision and secondarily a UK fan decision. Even if I flew over across the pond once a month to attend a game this is a community thing to me and not mine to weigh in on.
  6. I think at the end of the day it depends on how you view the manager. If you think he is a competent PL manager who has shown what he can do you have more leeway and assume he uses his information well. If you think he's a moron then obviously you question everything and every decision. Sounds like you poor fellows had the latter alot the last several years before Howe.
  7. That's why that game in Paris was so fucking damn important. Got screwed is one view, didn't put it away is another but either way that was a big deal.
  8. I can't imagine anyone is happy. It kind of feels like the equivalent of a ship taking a torpedo to the side. They were bailing and just keeping above water. That giant Sandro kick in the nuts kind of set the tone for me.
  9. On the surface that sounds like a huge cop out but it really isn't. He has 1000x the information we have on everything from form in training to mental state and how everything is coming together with different groups. That doesn't mean we can't speculate or have an opinion and it doesn't mean Howe is never wrong in his determinations but he is quite a bit more informed than us.
  10. That was as much fun as I suspected it would be pre game. Oh well, re-charge the batteries and have a go of it the rest of the season.
  11. I hope I witness a football match today and not a murder.
  12. 100M minimum. Non negotiable.
  13. A couple of years ago perhaps he could.
  14. Unless I am badly mistaken, @Shearergol wasn't actually advocating that at all.
  15. That was a fucking sweet inside post goal. Murphy!
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