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Everything posted by McDog

  1. Team Doctor: Wait what? You dolts scanned which leg? Oh FFS.
  2. I'd rather see MIggy as a sub but he's working hard out there.
  3. Dude on the floor looks like he ate some rotten food.
  4. Peacock studio guys picking Newcastle to win today.
  5. Sort of. Just want to see the club compete as hard as they can. I do have alot of trust in Eddie so let's see what he can do to finish out the season. Any Europe would be great tbh.
  6. Is that 85% year over year or across a rolling three year period?
  7. Does anyone miss the halcyon days of three keepers on the bench? Nah, me either.
  8. I didn't know one was required on the right wing.
  9. I don't know, I rate Popey. I did see T-Rex live and in person which I can't say for 99.99% of prominent footballers.
  10. Can't get a better source than that! I'm still surprised though. I thought Eddie had final say per some reports. Maybe not.
  11. That was something reported? Eddie knew little about the fact they were signing Alfie Harrison?
  12. I would guess there are plenty of people who would confirm her comments in a court of law though. Even Graham Jones. "We did fuck all during the week".
  13. It does seem a little grim but they need to pull in the money everywhere they can. While they may not directly challenge FFP, I could see a serious challenge to FMV if they get fucked on something reasonable getting rejected and that could be the crack to pry open open the door.
  14. McDog

    Kieran Trippier

    I get the joke but if Krafth started RB and Tino LB that might avert an uprising.
  15. It sounds like fun for sure. I likely can't travel though.
  16. I assume clubs don’t publish their revenue streams but have to provide them to the Premier League through their books. Does the league periodically publish those numbers or are some of the lists that are bandied about educated guesses?
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