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Everything posted by Gaztoon

  1. Gaztoon


    Atleast he admits its broke him ?
  2. Gaztoon

    Dan Burn

    It's the one he pots the brown with ?
  3. If Kidderminster can cause them problems then we can.
  4. Games go our way we could be 15th come Saturday night.
  5. Rather it be a small fracture than ligament damage.
  6. Sure it's just precautions until the scans can be looked at by the club doc.
  7. Gaztoon

    Dan Burn

    15m is a steal aswell.. knew it would be
  8. Burn looked so in control .. brilliant debut
  9. Stupid from joelinton that .. no need in that position of the pitch.
  10. Gaztoon


    Wait till they find out its Saudi investment ?
  11. Gaztoon


    You can't, as a person from Sunderland. look at both towns and both clubs and not get jealous..
  12. And they wonder why journalism is dying on its arse. I beat Pearson gets more hits than this guy now.
  13. Gaztoon


    Forest and Wednesday are known around the world.. Sunderland not so much
  14. Need city to absolutely destroy any confidence Norwich have got here..
  15. Deserve relegation if we can't beat these two.
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