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Everything posted by Gaztoon

  1. Nobody said this first year was going to be easy..were a club sitting 2nd bottom of the league with a piss poor squad..its no surprise if top names are saying no to us at this stage. If it is howe or lampard so be it.. their one job this season is 17th after 38 games. Then we build, with a full preseason and a bag of cash
  2. Nothing more you can say about the guy..simply sensational
  3. This atalanta striker zapata is very decent
  4. Just know it looks bloody good.
  5. Pogba is such a liability at times.. glimpses of genius more glimpses of idiocy
  6. Remember that.. I was buzzing because he was a favourite of mine .
  7. Fans seem to be the polar opposite to the media lot.. Fans.. English manager must be shite Media.. English manager can't do nothing wrong
  8. Gaztoon


    You can feel the pain in his words ? ? ?
  9. Don't believe a word of that.
  10. I'm shocked I tell you.....SHOCKED !
  11. Just like the successor to sir Alex.. the guy who took over Wenger was on a hiding to nothing. I wouldnt look to much into his arsenal spell.
  12. If Levy sticks to his word.. then it's a brilliant appointment
  13. Oh it's gonna end in tears imo Conte won't be the first manager he promised the world to and didn't deliver.. Conte isn't a man to stick around if he doesn't get the goods.
  14. Don't want him end up in jail man ?
  15. Gaztoon


    The pressure in there is getting to serious levels. Explosion imminent
  16. We can't do anything right mate.. you must know that
  17. What's the odds on the calvert-lewin suit being the worst ever on sky ?
  18. Rafa looks like a guy that sits in the bookies all day.. never saw him like that at newcastle
  19. Don't think it was the scousers.. I could understand them
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