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Everything posted by Gaztoon

  1. Leak had nothing to do with it IMO ..the guy used us to get a bigger paycheck.. infact the leak probably came from his team.
  2. If true, then it shows things are being done right.. but a club 2nd last is a very hard sell
  3. All I know is I've still got a 20 on fonseca at 16/1 still alive.
  4. Shearer reading this comment
  5. We're just not a huge attraction right now.. of course this will change in time but not at this stage..trully believe howe will keep us up... THEN it's show time
  6. ruben amorim would be a great appointment imo..wonder if he's been on the list
  7. No doubt he as.. used us like a cheap hooker
  8. Better have bigger screens around the ground too.. everything is taking ages man
  9. Bloody amateurs.. Will definitely be at the out protests
  10. Unmitigated disaster not getting though ..its like Ashley is still here, we'll never have nice things.. its been a full 4 weeks and the new training facility build doesnt even look like starting.
  11. Not if he's reading this thread ?
  12. Got sacked by Watford the year before too.
  13. Didn't rodgers get sacked by reading before living off the work martinez did at Swansea.. he never looked like the boss he does now.
  14. We just need to get this season over and done with PL safety. Howe is not stupid and will know the clubs future ambitions...he'll be given one job and that's nothing less than 17th. Next preseason will be totally different to right now..everything will be in place and the club will look far more appealing.
  15. World class mangers don't want a team second from bottom with a shite squad... IM SHOCKED !! We tried for Emery he's said no..ever other name this past couple of week was speculation..nothing more.
  16. Like most English managers..if Potter goes on a losing streak he'll suddenly not be good enough.
  17. Spot on It all got abit stale for everyone st Bournemouth and a change was needed.
  18. Bullshit that from ryder.. not a manager alive that cares what the next man in line could do.
  19. I agree, but we shouldn't be held to ransom because we have money..Emery as a price. If he wants pep or klopp money then we move on.
  20. Could it be a player ? Same one who was leaking what was happening behind closed doors at training.
  21. If a leak as made him change his mind .. then I'm not sure his heart was fully into it. Leaks happen all the time
  22. What's Steve Bruce doing these days ?
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