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JonBez comesock

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Everything posted by JonBez comesock

  1. Agreed loudest game I have ever been to was when I was 5 years old Home v Brighton (in the cup I think) 1983 Referee disallowed two Newcastle goals and gave them every decision crowd noise was insane , I was physically shaking !! one of my first ever games never heard noise like it , sure Keegan and varadi , McDermott were all playing
  2. Decent enough Right Centre back : plus cover for right back 23 years old - Tottenham graduate played 10/11 times last season would be a nice squad boost we would seriously have to look at selling Lascelles or let Fede go on a free (or both) #giantsquad
  3. Diaby bid , incoming ? Vibes
  4. If we break our alleged budget , luke Edwards will say…,.. (things changed …..priorities changed ….they decided to spend big now and less in the next window ……couldn’t resist the deal ……had to break their own rules….blah blah blah) if we stay within the alleged budget he will say ….I told you so he said from the outset it was £60 million this window £50 million last window (January) he was wrong both times ,
  5. Could try for Isak plus Cornet ?
  6. Skilful and quick as fucx , great link up player as well
  7. Why wait until after the World Cup when prices will be higher / inflated if any of our targets impress ?
  8. If we can pay in , instalments…I still think we can do another big deal We can also look at loans / loans to buys FFP - won’t stop us , as we can sign less players in future windows They are very clever and if the right player comes along why wouldn’t they try to do a deal or bring a deal forward ? Losses are over a 3 year period and it makes sense to do a deal if it’s there to be done
  9. Isak 22 years old , outstanding Is still developing as well he could be our centre forward for years to come
  10. I think we will hear something this week next few days based on zilch
  11. It’s a natural progression better players give the ball away less nothing to see here
  12. Lol - all four couldn’t tie Bruno’s laces
  13. Good players can adapt a midfield 3 of Joelinton , Bruno and Paquetta can definitely work. all interchangeable and cover each other when required All speak the same language as well which will help
  14. Look back at what Bez, Phillipe albert , Ginola , Les Ferdinand used to wear back in the 90s No difference
  15. A lot of people stuck in their ways making presumptions about people / footballers for wearing different clothes it’s got Fxxx All to do with his footballing ability
  16. It’s going to be an exciting season , lots of teams making some very good signings Harder to break into that top 6/7 Think we need 2 very good / very strong 1st team players (dark purples) in order to get into Europe /7th if not , I can see a 9th /10th finish (as is stands) .. still 50+ days for all teams to strengthen I predict 2 in + … plus one last minute transfer / deadline day
  17. Paddy Kelly - From Celtic signed in and around 1999 (when Tommy burns was reserve coach)
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