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Everything posted by WilliamPS

  1. I’d be amazed and disappointed if Murphy is starting over ASM and Gordon. I’m a ASM fan and I’d go for him, but why sign a £45m wide attacker then start Murphy? I understand Newcastle are a defence first team, but scoring has become more difficult now teams come for the draw, so I do think you have to take a bit more risk and play your best attackers - especially absent Bruno
  2. Am sure they used to, back when there were European home games I guess for the last decade it hasn’t made much difference
  3. Haven’t achieved anything yet - no prizes given out in january
  4. Thing with Chelsea’s summer transfers is they spent a load of money but not on anyone that special and they overpaid massively even on the decent players (100m on koulibaly and Fofana!) - some of the outlay this time looks a bit more quality
  5. Gallagher has a contract until 2025 so if he wants to play AND Chelsea refuse to sell to a rival his options will be limited - especially if they currently consider Newcastle and Brighton rivals Palace and Fulham don’t tend to throw those sorts of sums around, so he’d only get loan interest from them. His options would be Villa, Everton, Leicester or West Ham
  6. Good to see the age profile of the squad shifting; Isak, Botman, Ashby and Gordon all early 20’s, whereas the players who’ve left since end of last season pretty much all the other side of 30
  7. Agree, but he handled his exit badly when fans were chucking in season tickets it is a bit harsh to abuse players who didn’t want to spend their careers at a club with no ambition, but better to go quietly rather than make any comment
  8. Unfortunately that’s a totally myth about Kluivert, he was fat and lazy, he had no interest in putting a shift in and was just after another club to graze off. The .com match report for this game sums him up https://www.nufc.com/html/2004-05html/2004-11-20crystal-palace-a.html Then souness fell out with Bellamy, Robert and half the squad and sadly a good team was totally wrecked in about 6 months
  9. Be surprised if Shelvey moves in January, would expect his focus to be on getting the games to trigger his extension. plus hardly well stocked in CM and he’s capable of doing a job there every so often
  10. Bloke has barely played since September yet in the view of some in here he’s gone from the second best player in the squad to a no hoper in that time. When exactly did he become lazy? The attack is very flat with Almiron, Joelinton, Willock and Longstaff. with Bruno out the team will need a bit of creativity. Joelinton and Almiron are industrious triers but they are not creative And if ASM goes, he will need to be replaced in the squad with someone with similar attributes - dribbling, pace, ability to beat a man, as nobody else has that. And all this track back stuff - have you considered for a second if he is asked to play a different role to Joelinton or Willock as he has different skills? I.E. stay high up the pitch as an outlet I’m quite happy with the team as-is, but can’t stand the desperate need to hound players out of the club for imaginary wrongdoings
  11. A standing area would be great - and based on the away experience it does help the atmosphere. Personally I prefer to stand at matches anyway However if you’re standing in a seating section of course you are going to get told to sit down - for a start not everyone sat behind can stand up for 90 mins so you’re ruining their view
  12. I like Klopp but I think we’re close to the time he quits for a break. Liverpool still have a class squad and have been v unlucky with injuries but feels like the squad also need a change at the top, 8 years is a pretty long tenure these days
  13. Shocking form people booking travel for thE final already Dont jinx this!
  14. In years gone by I think it’s been season ticket holders who attended the cup games first, as the allocation is large enough they points become less relevant - but this is all 20 years out of date!
  15. Not sure a CB will be priority when 2 have already been bought in the lat year and the midfield and forward line is desperately thin - not saying it wouldn’t be good, but if there’s a 100m to spend is that where it would go? Difficult RB seems to be a bit more of a priority due to Trippier needing cover.
  16. Be disappointed if he is on the way out as he’s the most exciting player to watch - football is entertainment and he brings that. So I hope it’s all bollocks Am utterly bemused by the fans who prefer to see Joelinton start at left forward than ASM (much as I like Joelinton) and I hope if he does leave he’s replaced by someone with a bit of flair
  17. Probably as most fans recognise he’s one of the best attackers at the club and they enjoy watching him play?
  18. We don’t even know if 433 in the permanent approach or if it’s just what’s best with the available squad we might see a dm brought in then both a new dm and Bruno forming a two in midfield to let the front 4 be more positive IMO moving Joelinton back into midfield and playing an attacker who carries a bigger threat at left forward is essential to improving the attacking play. Look at ASM vs Man City. Injuries have left the attack looking pretty flat last few games
  19. My issue with a lot of these rumours is whenever a player is missing a load of social media attention seekers spot an opportunity to make up a story. ASM is a big player for Newcastle so they can’t resist. They have zero knowledge or insight It might be true - but like the transfer rumours these people post a load of shite and every so often a story is right just by chance. meanwhile a load of fans go off on one
  20. Some over reaction about the performances of some of the players. If you drop must of them into the first 11 they’ll do ok. Making 8 changes in one go, when most of those players have barely played this season is going to have a negative impact on the team performance, you don’t have any of the little partnerships or relationships on the pitch. Newcastle dominated the game, and if not for some poor finishing would have been easy winners.
  21. Always been an element in the fan base who seem desperate for certain players to fail. Same thing on the Dubravka thread. Totally crackers
  22. Won’t build a top 4 squad without offering European football to incoming players. And to not get Europe means finishing 7th, which will also mean 6 PL clubs have a better offer to players The quicker the better as far as Europe is concerned. I now doubt it’ll be CL but leapfrogging the Europa conference would be v helpful in terms of incoming transfer
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