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Everything posted by sushimonster85

  1. sushimonster85

    João Pedro

    Aye, ever since he started really developing a big following Romano really eased back on posting speculative BS. Believe he has great agent sources across Europe.
  2. sushimonster85

    João Pedro

    From the way Romano was talking in his tweet, sounds like the second bid hasn't actually gone in yet, but is about to.
  3. sushimonster85

    João Pedro

    Also, as far as I can tell from the article on The Athletic, this was actually in reference to the first bid, not the second.
  4. sushimonster85

    João Pedro

    SkyBet now have him at 1/5 to join us, for whatever that is worth.
  5. sushimonster85

    João Pedro

    Said the other day, think Ritchie could definitely still do a job in the Championship, and is the exact sort of character it sounds like that dressing room needs. He wants to head back down south as well.
  6. sushimonster85

    João Pedro

    For a combined £70m. If they spend even half of it wisely they should be able to almost guarantee bouncing straight back.
  7. We're not signing Paqueta this window. Don't get me wrong, I think he may be a long term target, so it would make sense to keep an open dialogue with him/his agent, which in turn is likely what leads to these sorts of rumours.
  8. sushimonster85

    João Pedro

    The endless cycle of toon discourse on Twitter at the moment is way worse. "We have to start getting serious and realize we may need to over pay for the players we want" *Bid supposedly goes in for a substantial amount for player* "WTF are they doing, he's never worth that man"
  9. sushimonster85

    João Pedro

    Just assuming, but I imagine they turn this down then that's when the transfer request from him/his agent goes in.
  10. Chelsea would have to be mad to loan a player to Man U. Fair enough if a big bid comes in, but why would the do a favour for a team there's still (a very outside) a chance will be a rival.
  11. Tbh I always felt CHO feels like a more realistic target for us.
  12. I think if we get to the final few days of the window and Tielemans is still sitting at Leicester with no one coming in for him we could make a move. His asking price is likely way more reasonable than Maddison or Fofana.
  13. sushimonster85

    João Pedro

    Yep. I really rate CHO, and would love to have him, but the fact he has never really established himself in that side and yet is somehow on 150k a week is mind blowing to me.
  14. He is an unbelievable player who I'm amazed wasn't snapped up earlier in the Summer when he had a ridiculously affordable release clause (around €25m I believe). He has since signed a new deal with no release clause. Make no mistake, he will be bossing a top 6 midfield at some point in the near future.
  15. Imagine we will know tonight if it's Wolves. There stuff always hits Twitter when it's close.
  16. sushimonster85

    João Pedro

    I don't know, I see fbref used a lot on here. Not sure if that's a recent development as I have only been here since early this year, but you rarely (if ever) see it referred to on places like r/NUFC (where I used hang out before I came here).
  17. sushimonster85

    João Pedro

    Can we stop feeding the obvious troll?!
  18. True, but Trippier is on (supposedly) just over 100k a week. So far as I was aware I biggest earner pre-Trippier was Joe on 80k? Pulisic is currently on 150k a week, and would likely want a better deal to move to a none CL club.
  19. Wonder if there will be a Sky Sports News post 5pm signing update. They tend to wait till after people finish work to drop the big updates.
  20. Yeah, likely would be. Like, I do think he is worth being the highest paid player at the club, but its whether they want to break the wage structure this early. Personally think it's next Summer that gets adjusted.
  21. Pulisic is a totally different level to any other wide forward type player we currently have at the club, ASM included. Would walk into the side and immediately be head and shoulders above everyone else in that role. Which is why I don't see it happening. He won't be short of offers. Personally reckon he ends up in Italy. He'd get into the top sides there easily.
  22. Yeah, can see the database filters working in real time.
  23. The fuck does Kevin Nash know about young, Portuguese forwards??
  24. Yeah, not sure how Mount gets in ahead of him.
  25. What I'm saying is the guesswork comes in terms of knowing how much any future sponsorship will be worth. Yes its incredibly likely to be more, how much more is what they don't currently know. Like I said in my original post, things happen. Hopefully good things that only increase our ability to attract high value commercial partnerships. As a brand we're already way more attractive than we were previously. However any number of things can happen between now and said deals being signed. Not saying they will, or even that they're remotely likely. But everything we have seen from the consortium so far suggests they're playing things very sensibly.
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