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Posts posted by sushimonster85

  1. 20 minutes ago, Nine said:

    Think we will get this one done, would be really happy with it personally 


    Yeah. Feels like this one is actually progressing past an initial inquiry/first bid. Will likely take a lot of haggling, but I can see a deal being done at around £30m. Whether that's the final figure, or an initial one with performance related bonuses that gets it closer to Leeds (supposed) desired £35m who knows.  

  2. Basing this on nothing other than my FM21 and 22 experience, but that game always has McNeil breakout spell and becomes an assist machine as soon as he leaves Burnley. Always tends to end up at Liverpool in FM22. As we all know FM22 is in fact real life. 

  3. This Ibanez story is likely Italian BS. That being said, it may be worth keeping in mind what Howe said the other day about looking at others areas if we can't bring in players in the positions we're currently looking at. 


    Still can't see us signing another CB mind. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, Holmesy said:

    The right signings, at the right price, with the right future potential and the right mindset is a perfect approach, as frustrating as it is. But it just keeps bringing me back to what the fuck led us to spaf £25m on Chris Wood :lol:  


    Think of it instead as spending £12.5m on Wood, and £12.5m on increasing Burnley's chances on going down instead of us.

  5. 8 minutes ago, TotalWar said:

    Have Everton become the new ‘doing a Portsmouth or Leeds’ that the press and other fans threatened us with for years whenever we as fanbase suggested Ashley showed a modicum of ambition?


    It's not quite the same thing as doing a Leeds or Portsmouth. Those two teams literally nearly spent their way out of existence, which we know given the money behind the Saudi's is pretty much impossible to do while they're around. What is possible is 'doing an Everton' in falling foul of FFP, and being in a situation where, there may be money there to spend from the owners, but we can't without fully breaking FFP rules. A position Everton were in last Summer, and to a lesser extent this Summer.


    So whilst money may, in theory, be no object. Financial Fair Play rules, and the implications of breaking them, very much are. This should hopefully be addressed in the next year or so, I expect us to grow our commercial revenue significantly. But until we do, we can't go out spending huge sums every window. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Yelevats said:

    This is infuriating: 

    • Seller values him at 35m
    • We value him at 25m
    • Bid at 17m 




    If you value someone at £25m, that's the price you're ultimately happy to pay. Why would you make that your first bid?

  7. 5 minutes ago, Yelevats said:

    At some point if we are genuinely serious about improving the squad we are going to have to pay what is being quoted.


    option 1: Continue to be stubborn and refuse to pay the prices on top targets. Move down the list and buy a 4th or 5th choice player or don’t strengthen at all. 

    option 2: Wait until future transfer windows to get top targets at what we value the players at however inflation will mean we’ll likely pay the same as what is being quoted now. 

    Such an opportunity this summer to push on and ride the crest of a wave that everyone is on. I fear if the owners miss this and it be a sliding doors moment.





    Option 3: Use this (and last Jan window) as an opportunity to establish that, just because one part of our ownership has pretty much unlimited amounts of money, doesn't mean we are going to pay an extra £5-10m compared to what you're quoting other teams for the same player. FFP means the business has to be seen to running in a sustainable manner. This counts more so for us due to being owned by Saudi Arabia. Until we have our commercial ducks in a row we can't be seen to be spending stupid amounts anyway, so why not use this window to establish a reputation among other teams/agents as tough negotiators.  

  8. 2 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:


    Can see this happening. Something like £27m plus add-ons. Leeds are fucked even if they are recruiting cannily.


    Think this would be the sensible compromise. £27m now. Realistic add-ons up to £30m.

  9. 44 minutes ago, Tiresias said:

    Chelsea make a lot of money from player sales, and if they are in trouble they can always sell one of their many players who they hide in cupboards who happen to be worth £20m who never see the light of day. 


    I can't be sure, but I'm pretty sure I'm a Chelsea loanee they have forgotten about. Wide forward, 0 PL apps, will only cost you £30m (English you see).

  10. Just now, KaKa said:


    Yes, Diaby's metrics look great against Harrison's.


    However, Diaby has been playing in a different and arguably more favourable league, and a higher calibre of team within that league also.


    Harrison's goal and assists output carry a lot of weight because they've been produced in the league we are in and he's done it for a team that isn't that great.


    This is exactly right. Analytics are great for getting a general overview of a player. If you start to use them to directly compare one player with another you have to keep things in context. 


    Look, ultimately I do think Diaby is a better player than Jack Harrison. That is pretty obvious. But Harrison spent the past two seasons playing in the same section of the league we have been in, and out produced all of out attacking players. Max included. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, arnonel said:



    Missed out the bottom section. Yeah, his attacking stats don't look great on paper. Doesn't mean he isn't a massive upgrade on what we already have. Also, Leeds were rotten last season.


  12. I know people find it hard going from being linked with the likes of Diaby and Paqueta to Jack Harrison. But he absolutely would be significant upgrade on our current right sided options. Just about to enter his prime as well. His numbers last season would've made him our top scorer.

  13. 2 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    There's no solid evidence we want any individual player currently. 



    The ship has most definitely been shored up since Ashworth came in. Earlier on in the window it was pretty clear what was going on (Botman, Ekitike etc) now journos seem to be stabbing in the dark. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, STM said:

    I'm not so sure Shelvey is first choice. I suspect Longstaff has worked his way into Howes plans.


    If we stick with 4-3-3 I imagine both Longstaff and Willock will start the season ahead of Shelvey in the pecking order. Joe, Bruno, and another. Shelvey is more cover for Bruno than anything else now. 

  15. 12 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    Heck I'd even take 12th and a cup. 


    Mate, this first season I'd just take never once being stressed about relegation at any point. No drama, just a nice, standard mid-table finish. Run in a cup would be nice, but I just need a season to re-adjust after Ashley!

  16. 1 hour ago, Izakaya said:

    Seems like every other team is happy to throw around £35-50m transfers, yet we're shit scared to. 


    On the other hand, this is a consortium that thought nothing of overpaying on Chris Wood by £20m, so I don't believe they should have an issue overpaying £10-15m on Diaby. 




  17. 2 minutes ago, Keegans Export said:

    It's a fine line.


    I guess it depends what we are really aiming for next season and how attractive that would then make us to the next tier up in terms of our transfer targets.


    If you assume the top 6 is currently sewn up (obviously that's not guaranteed but for arguments sake) then you've got West Ham who seem to have invested well, Leicester without European football as a distraction & Villa who have also made a couple of decent additions. Brighton and Wolves I guess would be up there but I'm not sure how much they've improved from last season.


    Currently I'd have us behind West Ham and Leicester in terms of squad quality & depth so if our aim is 7th/8th then we might have to bite the bullet and spend a little more than we are comfortable with.


    See, I don't actually think that is the realistic target. I think that's the lofty target Howe has set for himself and the squad behind closed doors. I suspect the ownership are realistically targeting top 10 this season, which will then position us well next Summer window, where we will have a boat load of new sponsorship income, to have a real crack at the top 6. 

  18. 3 minutes ago, gdm said:

    :lol: love how every 2 or 3 days the chat always comes back round to Dennis, cornet & sarr. The same 3 players. Have we had any credible links to any of them or is just coz they are cheap?


    Of the three I have seen us linked mostly to Sarr (earlier in the window) and Cornet (more recently). Haven't seen any links to Dennis. 

  19. 4 minutes ago, St1pe said:

    Aulas doesn’t seem like the cut-price, cashing in type to me. Especially considering it’s a World Cup year. Paqueta could be worth a fortune in the January window if he has a good tournament. 


    Forgive me, I don't follow the Brazil national side, but does Paqueta regularly start for them? Or is he in the same boat as Bruno and seen as an option from the bench?

  20. I honestly think either Lyon, or Paqueta's agent, have put this story out there to try and flush out a bid/contact. Basically telling a bidding side what they're opening offer (which will be rejected) should be so they can then go from there.

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