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Posts posted by sushimonster85

  1. It's really pointless being sat in a queue/at a black screen now when they will randomly assign a queue number to people at 10. You could be say there for 3 hours and someone could hop on 9:59 and get a space ahead of you.

  2. 1 hour ago, RodneyCisse said:

    Feels like we’ve got nothing solid in the rumour mill at the moment.


    Now Ashworth is here I actually think its a much tighter ship in terms of stuff getting out. The Botman and Ekitike stuff precedes him. After you had Pope, who there was an initial rumour about a week or so before he signed, then nothing till it was pretty much a done deal and he was up for a medical. I would keep you eye on someone like (Thorgan) Hazard. Small rumour he was on a list last week. Wouldn't be shocked if there was very little else then suddenly he is on his way over for a medical. 

  3. Just now, SUPERTOON said:

    Safe to say we haven’t taken this long and got this far for personal terms to be an issue 


    Likely already got that agreed with his agent.

  4. 2 minutes ago, NWMag said:

    Also reports today he has turned down Man United. 

    Does he stay at Brentford or have we managed to convince him? 


    I imagine he stays at Brentford, believe he it's been mentioned he would ideally like to stay in London. 

  5. 32 minutes ago, Scoot said:

    Just watching SSN and the transfer bloke says still a lot of work to do. 


    So I'm thinking, so it's not close then is it?


    Sounds like one of those 'updates' where they just say the same thing that's been out there for a few days now, just in a slightly different way.

  6. Think the issue with Ndicka will be as soon as one team activates the clause, a bunch of them will. I imagine we (and several others) have already enquired as to if he would want to come here, as realistically he is going to have his choice of a fair few clubs. 

  7. Now, I would always argue the case that the 'Dubz is way better than Henderson' take was our collective bias towards Dubravka being a legend. Don't feel the same way about Pope. Very little between Dubravka and Pope. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, MrRaspberryJam said:


    Do Paquetta and Eriksen not play the same position? Genuine question - I've made an assumption both flirt about in the number 10 role. Odd that Edwards (tin hat on) says that the position Paquetta plays isnt a position we need to improve on atm. Then why are we linked with Eriksen?


    Obviously I could be talking absolute waffles here. And most likely am.


    I think that position isn't seen as the giant priority others (striker, RW, CB) are. Therefore they'd be happy to bring Eriksen in on a free, but don't want to commit the huge chunk of budget it would cost for Paqueta just yet. 

  9. I actually think in terms of sources inside the consortium it's actually Caulkin who has the best links. Problem being he likely doesn't want to lose those sources, so tends to only tweet on transfer stuff when its all but done. Or passes stuff along to Waugh. 

  10. I miss being a kid in the 90's. Lack of proper internet and, y'kna, being 9-12 meant that one day I just woke up and we had signed Ginola or Ferdinand. Lived in blissful ignorance till it was actually done. Feel like the first transfer 'saga' I vaguely remember being aware of was Shearer.

  11. 2 minutes ago, McCormick said:

    Sempre Milan have released another piece saying Botman “only wants Milan” and has no interest in us. Obviously we know this is horseshit, but their coverage of this whole saga is getting downright disrespectful.


    I do think it's been eye-opening seeing how Italian (but especially Milan based) media essentially acts as propaganda for it's clubs when it comes to transfer battles like these. 

  12. 7 minutes ago, gbandit said:

    PSG are hilarious, the amount of money they’ve spent for the relative lack of success on the pitch is remarkable


    I'm sure they will brute force the CL eventually, but they're the perfect example of how not to do it. 

  13. To be fair to City, if you discount those early days when they went a bit mental (comparatively), they have been pretty shrewd in recent times. Before Grelish their transfer record was the £68m they spend on De Bruyne back in 2015. Grelish aside, they have always tended to operate in the £50-£70m range for players, and usually for players on the up, rather than at the top ready to start declining. It's PSG that pull the truly mental shit. 

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