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Everything posted by Mansour

  1. Mansour

    João Pedro

    Hopefully we hear back from them tonight ?
  2. Very reliable source. Most likely it was from Arsenal, can see Liverpool as well. Doubt it was from us because Ajax will not let him go this late that easy, and if we were to spend big, it would most likely be on an attacking player.
  3. Maddison will not be sold for anything below 70m, particularly knowing that they are going to sell two key players. Worst case scenario, they could sell him next season for something around 30m, so 40m, 50m, or even 60m will not do it, unfortunately.
  4. Mansour

    João Pedro

    I watched him briefly, and I did not like the technical part of his profile. I think it is a bit too early to pay 30 millions+ for his impressive scoring record just yet.
  5. Mansour

    João Pedro

    We now know that Watford are very responsive, which is nice. Hopefully we submit another bid and do not go after Ramos ?
  6. Mansour

    João Pedro

    Do we expect to hear from them later tonight? I really want this deal to go through ?
  7. Mansour

    João Pedro

    I really liked him tonight. Comfortable on the ball, good vision, and decision-making. Not sure about his performance as a centre forward though. Pretty sure he would not get as much freedom at Newcastle.
  8. Mansour

    João Pedro

    Really good, I am impressed. The way he plays does not reflect his age/ lack of experience.
  9. It seems that we want to add two players (maybe three or any two of the three positions, that I am not sure of); however, we are only willing to bring one permanently, so that is why we are a little hesitant and waiting. The last thing the club would want to do is spending 30 millions on a centre forward right before Broja becomes available on loan.
  10. I believe because we are looking to add three additional players one of which will be on loan, a midfielder, a winger, and a centre forward. Chelsea happen to have all of what we are looking for, not that, but are willing to loan them as well. So we are waiting to see what we can get from Chelsea for now, that is what I think is happening.
  11. Does Michael Olise have a clause or was it refuted? Would love to see him here. I think we are going to end up with a midfielder and centre forward.
  12. That is why I do not want us to sign a centre forward. We should go for either Abraham or Osimhen next summer.
  13. Would love to see Gianluca Scamacca now that PSG are getting Ekitike.
  14. I would love to see Michael Olise. I think it is possible that we get two 40m players and another two young players either on loan or for cheap. We have currently spent about 66m + 80m (Michael Olise and Paqueta) + 20m (a young central forward and defensive midfielder) = 166m without counting potential outgoings. Seems reasonable.
  15. Gordon and Michael Olise for the price of Diaby would be a wise move. Two different profiles on each side, that would be fun to watch.
  16. I am really happy with the wide players that we have been linked with. Michael Olise is my favourite out of the three, particularly for the rumoured price.
  17. Fast, direct, aggressive, and got some intensity to his game, would love to see him here. And he is only 21.
  18. It is a tricky situation, have yet to check his profile, but does he share pictures of his agent regularly? if not, then it does really look bad when he did it a few days ago.
  19. Easy Pele. We certainly should have moved on a while ago from this one.
  20. La Liga got two brilliant goalkeepers that should be available for a reasonable price/ already have a reasonable buyout clause. Luis Maximiano, which his team got relegated, and Giorgi Mamardashvili.
  21. With you on that one. I think it is more on Lille than Botman, time will tell.
  22. There is a difference between convincing players and almost begging them. If the issue is Botman does not want to come as opposed to Lille trying to get a little bit more, I hope we move onto the next target.
  23. Both Botman and Ekitike's deals should be concluded by the end of this upcoming week, I assume based on the recent reports. What next? I hope we go for a right-winger, while keeping an eye on Paqueta.
  24. True. I was thinking of VVD/ Konate/ any City's CBs' level. But yes, he is still good. I think it is unfair to compare him to N'dicka when it comes to ball playing because of their respective positions. N'dicka tends to move up the pitch more often since he plays in a 3 at the back formation.
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