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Everything posted by Jinky

  1. Frank Brennan, can you hear us?
  2. 5 Live keep saying that we are away to Man City this afternoon..... What!!!!????
  3. We hate cocknees and we hate cocknees We hate cocknees and we hate cocknees We hate cocknees and we hate cocknees We are the cocknee haters!
  4. Nothing changes....its Newcastle! Well dust wasells doon an garn again.......to coin a phrase.......
  5. Could be history in the making.......
  6. My river is running dry...must be climate change!
  7. There was an article in the Sunday Times, this weekend, by Peter Schmikel. He reconned that Pope is the best 'traditional' keeper in the Permiership, ie stopper. He thinks that all this distribution malarky is overrated
  8. We're going to get beat by Sunderland, aren't we......
  9. I feel a bit better now..... Did anyone else think Pickford's tight green shiny goaly outfit looked a bit pooffy?
  10. Jinky

    Nick Pope

    Praying for Pope.....
  11. Bless....you have to feel for the poor souls. I spoke to one recently who refuses to watch them any more.....they think they are having it bad.........they don't have a clue.
  12. Jinky

    Tino Livramento

    Agreed, we can now attack from defence on both flanks. What a signing!
  13. Jinky

    Lewis Miley

    Longstaff will be fortunate to get back.
  14. That was the most comprehensive destruction of Man U I have ever witnessed. Only 1-0 but magnificent!
  15. Anyway - great performance, a bit of bad luck, but a fair result in the end. We live to fight another day.
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