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Ed Vinegar

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Everything posted by Ed Vinegar

  1. Thought Gordon presented himself well on the TNT sports coverage, he's very likeable. Still thinking we could have won that if we'd just had a bit of extra quality in a few positions. Great performance though and shown ourselves we can play, so hopefully we'll kick on
  2. Good point. Games like this your see the difference really top class players make though
  3. I'm not sure if this is wildly unfair, and I can't remember the exact games, but there were a couple of Sylvain Marveaux performances that left me raging. So lightweight and scared looking. Very tempting also to suggest everyone who played in the aggregate 11-1 defeats to Man Utd in 2007/08. Had the misfortune of watching at least one of them in a pub and we were fucking hopeless to a man. Team from the 1-5: Newcastle: Given (Harper 46), Beye, Taylor, Faye, N'Zogbia, Milner (Geremi 84), Butt, Barton (Carroll 61), Duff, Smith, Owen. Subs Not Used: Cacapa, Ameobi.
  4. You're right, but does Howe think it's outside the realms of possibility he'd achieve less than GS? Surely he'd have to think he's a better manager. He doesn't strike me as the sort of person to go into a challenge thinking he'll fail. If he'd screwed up at Newcastle it would have been the end of his career arguably, so I reckon he's comfortable taking a risk. Robson is the last England manager to get a top role after leaving the FA. I reckon Howe is more likely to be basing things on his own perception of his abilities than precedent. Anyway it's all speculation until he's gets an offer, I just don't think he's nailed on to turn it down if he gets asked
  5. Difficult this. It's a job he's said he wants and there might not be a better time for him if he does get offered it. I think there's a chance of him leaving. 20%? I mean, what if he has another 8th place finish next season? The England role would be filled and his star would have dropped. I can see why he would take it if offered. I believe that he loves this club and wants to win things here, but I also think he's clever and pragmatic. For the record I'd hate for him to leave.
  6. At the end of the day, in normal time in the knockout stages we were ahead for like 3 minutes. It was always going to be a struggle in the final, but there's a big what-if over what might have happened if we'd tried to be positive after the equaliser when they were a bit rattled.
  7. Saka has looked alright so far. We've still got no urgency. Same pattern as against Slovenia. Advance the ball up the wings, back to the centre pivot, but all slow as pouring golden syrup. Switzerland have so much time to adjust and get into their shape.
  8. He's the only former player I've seen out and about. In Kerridges bar and grill in London. As we were leaving he was waiting for a table and I saw him and said really loudly to my wife "is that Andy Carroll?" Too embarrassed to try and speak to him after that. He was with his wife and they both had faces like smacked arses (maybe due to being loudly recognised...?)
  9. Lee Dixon is thick as well-matured pigshit man. Going on like Southgate was playing 4d chess the whole time, when he's just escaped a defeat that would happen in 99% of simulations.
  10. This must be deliberate. I can't believe how awful this is.
  11. Zero urgency. Is he playing 200min games in training or something? Do they not realise they've got 20 mins left to do something?
  12. We're fucking 1-0 down lads, maybe try and move it towards their goal.
  13. How is it even possible for this collection of players to be so dogshit man.
  14. So Gareth, what inspired you to set up a group including some of the world's most talented footballers to pass the ball between the back eight at a glacial pace, barely venturing beyond the centre circle? Wish someone would ask him something like that directly. What is he doing? Ed Milliband would win the Euros with this draw and this group of players.
  15. Goal shouldn't have been disallowed, but I wonder if we're going to see players coached more to not follow in so close to the keeper. I guess it's hard to commit when they keep changing the rules and var implementation though.
  16. We'll be out in the first knockout game. Imagine we'll still qualify but good lord we looked shite.
  17. Wish Shearer would shut up with his 'Oh, this is England, of course we're struggling' shtick. We've got shitloads of great players man! We're not shite by default. Just have an uninspired manager.
  18. We shouldn't have Foden booting it clear to absolutely no one after 60 mins. Bit of a worrying display so far imo.
  19. We're not in a place where every signing can be transformational. Sometimes we'll need to sign players who improve the squad without being superstars. I think Mbuemo probably fits the bill there. I wouldn't be disappointed if we signed him, but I'd be annoyed if players like him were the limit of our ambitions tbf. But as other posters have pointed out, it's not like there are heaps of world class wingers we can afford to sign...
  20. Rashford will never beat Walker for pace, this long ball stuff is surely going to keep breaking down there
  21. Ed Vinegar

    Next season

    I thought this was a fun season. We handed out some absolute pastings, Isak and Gordon were mint, and we survived a ridiculous injury crisis to still have a reasonable finish. I don't think I'll ever get used to expecting us to win, so I'd be happy with the same again. Realistically, if we improve the strength and depth of the squad and manage to avoid the types of games we had this season where teams either walked through our midfield or waited for us to be knackered after 80 mins, I think we could do quite a bit better. Arsenal and City will keep their standards, Chelsea should improve, but Liverpool will decline, Villa will struggle to handle CL, Spurs have been found out and Man U are turgid and drifting. I reckon 4th or 5th is a good target, along with a strong cup run. I'd love us to win literally any trophy, so would be happy with top 8 and a cup. Mostly I just want to enjoy it, last 2 seasons have been amazing overall. I love watching bruno, AG and Isak and thinking "how do they play for us?" Such a breath of fresh air compared to the big mug magnate's years.
  22. The Doku challenge may or may not be a penalty by the rules, but I couldn't help feeling when watching it back that I'd much rather see a penalty given for things like that than for the barely perceptible graze of a knuckle of a defender jumping to head the ball. Was it the Luton Sheffield United game where two pens were given for the crime of a defenders finger skin cells molesting the pristine leather of the match ball? Can't quite remember but those pens being given make it seem laughable for Doku not to be reprimanded for dropkicking an opponent.
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