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  1. I think Man City is in some ways a difficult comparison because bluntly they don’t have any fans. They have to sell cheaper to get bums on seats.
  2. The corporate demand is massive and demand outstrips supply. There is way more money in sections of the north east than people realise. We have significant deprivation but across the region there is a lot of wealth too. if you are a company in London for clients/employees you have all manner of cultural (art/music/opera), sporting (Wembley, Twickenham, Lords, Wimbledon, the o2, London Stadium, Emirates, Tottenham etc) plus more tk take clients use. In Newacastle it’s PL football. Kingston Park, the Arena are not premium sites where you would want to spend time. St James corporate - there is nothing else. This time will be looked on as a golden period during the early days of the new regime before the inevitable price rises Im sure. There would be a queue of o people ready to spend £1k plus on a season ticket this afternoon if the option was there. The club knows that and they will merrily say goodbye to current ST holders who can’t or won’t pay the new market rate.
  3. I predict a renovation of sorts (with price increases) this summer - they have declined Rugby magic weekend this year and no gigs announced. Summer is for whatever refurb they can squeeze in. One of the Qs was “how much extra would you pay for a refurb”. They know tens of thousands are locked out so expect them to squeeze every current ST holder in the knowledge there are dozens ready to snap up every ticket. Then the brand new stadium feels inevitable but a long way away, perhaps a decade.
  4. I’ve always thought the Bobby one is what he did for the region (particularly raising money for cancer treatment and having a funded a wing at the Freeman) and his overall impact on world football as opposed to “just” his achievements as Newcastle manager - where it is fair to say others who don’t have a statue achieved more. His impact more widely though was significant enough for a statue, coupled with the role he played when manager of the club.
  5. I’ve watched quite a few of these sports documentaries over the years:- - Hard knocks - the NFL one remains class And basically invented the genre - All or nothing - the NFL ones are largely great, the Premier League ones particularly Man City and Spurs are really good whereas the NHL one is terribly dull This one if I wasn’t a fan of NUFC would rank pretty low. Agree with the points felt aimed at international fans. Mission to Burnley on Sky was probably better as focussed much more on Kompany talking tactics rather than the opinions of random fans (Wor Flags were good but the rest got tiresome). Both the Burnley and NUFC ones were in the main fluff pieces on the owners, whereas Hard Knocks and All or nothing focus more on the coaches and playing staff.
  6. OptimusSlime


    I’ve never been arsed about England since Shearer retired from international football. Killed it for me. Almost felt a resurgence when Carroll made his England debut before we sold him/he became a crock. Have a feeling if we had an England regular as a star of the team I may suddenly have significant interest. Still love the World Cup and to a lesser extent the Euros.
  7. There was 3 student looking lad’s possibly Saudi tourists in L7 for Villa wearing flags like capes.
  8. Did you even need 25 points? FA cup final and the total will be higher as clubs get less of an allocation than Carabao. ”When” we are in the CL final loyalty point total will be higher still.
  9. Spurs actually a really good move for Maddison, especially with Kane out the way.
  10. I am confident the fans would cheer him. Or remain silent if they feel negatively.
  11. MBS at SJP would be like Trump at the UFC. Adulation. He would be cheered, respected and and I am confident no one would have the cajones to do otherwise, even if they felt against him.
  12. They missed a trick not taking him to the World Cup. Fred ffs.
  13. I think he’s a terrible footballer and I’m not remotely surprised we are stuck with him.
  14. It has been done out this season, was really tired.
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