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Lee Hughes signs for Oldham

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Hughes to report at Oldham


Controversial new signing


Last updated: 22nd August 2007


Hughes: Fresh start


Oldham Athletic have confirmed Lee Hughes will join the club following his release from prison.


The 31-year-old was jailed in August 2004 for causing death by dangerous driving and leaving the scene of an accident, after he fled when his Mercedes collided with an oncoming car, killing a father of four.


Hughes, formerly of Coventry and West Brom, was released this week having served half of his six-year sentence and is to report to Boundary Park once he has had time to acclimatise to life back with his family.


Owen plea


Oldham director, Barry Owen, released a statement on the club's official website: "There has been a lot of media attention in our intentions surrounding Lee.


"There has been much speculation, and we have now made provisional arrangements for a press conference, which will be announced shortly.


"The decision as to when Lee will play is now down to (manager) John (Sheridan) and (assistant) Tommy (Wright) once he starts work with us.


"While looking forward to Lee's arrival, we have no intention to glorify matters.


"Whilst not wanting to patronise anyone, as a family club we are very aware of the victims of the incident involving Lee, and will always be mindful of their feelings and suffering."


Possible suspension


A national newspaper claimed on Wednesday morning that Hughes will not be available to Oldham boss John Sheridan immediately, as he is currently serving a suspension after being sent off whilst playing for his prison team.


Oldham have yet to pass comment on these reports.

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I think so, i wonder how the family of the person he killed feels?


He's saying on SSN's he's met them, but what was said remains private. I hope he asked for their blessing to return to football and they accepted, or its going to be hard for them to see him strutting about celebrating goals otherwise.



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Guest toonlass

My view on this is that he has committed the crime, he was sentenced, he served that sentence and now he is out again. He always came over as incredibly remorseful for his crime, and he should be allowed to play again. I am sure the family of the man who died have their own feelings but Hughes should be allowed to get on with his life.

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He should be able to earn a living so I don't see why not.


He should, aye, but this seems too easy for me. Three years in't clink and now he can go back to having a very well-off lifestyle when he took someone's entire life from them. Doesn't seem right.

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examine my head sil vous plait.


People complain about players diving and complaining to the ref being bad role models...

If I had kids I wouldn't want them seeing footballers as role models to be fair. I also see no reason why Lee Hughes shouldn't be allowed to return to football. No one condones his actions for a second but that's not the issue imo.

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Three years for a hit and run hardly seems like justice, especially when he'll still be worth a lot of money.

I bet it's fairly standard though. I agree with you about the amount of time he served. He shouldn't be a special case because of who he is though.

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Guest optimistic nit

Three years for a hit and run hardly seems like justice, especially when he'll still be worth a lot of money.

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examine my head sil vous plait.


People complain about players diving and complaining to the ref being bad role models...


This has nothing to do with his right to earn a living in his chosen profession though.  Clearly he isn't a good role model, but I don't see what that has to do with it.


He was tried in front of a jury of his peers, convicted, and has served the sentence given to him by a court and the relevant authorities.  Yes the justice system may be flawed in respect of his sentence, but thats ultimately not his fault and I'm sure he probably knows he got off lightly.

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Guest toonlass

Three years for a hit and run hardly seems like justice, especially when he'll still be worth a lot of money.


His sentence is hardly his fault though is it? He has served the sentenced passed down to him, the judge has to work within legal guidelines when sentencing, and there is a sentencing structure that the judge must follow. I think that Lee Hughes knows that what he did is wrong, is sorry that he ever did it, and has had met up with the victims family to show his remorse. I think he should be allowed to continue with his career.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Played against him about 4 weeks ago in a pre season friendly against fetherstone prison. They beat us 6-5 Hughes scored all 6. Looked sharp as f##k.

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Played against him about 4 weeks ago in a pre season friendly against fetherstone prison. They beat us 6-5 Hughes scored all 6. Looked sharp as f##k.


Did he get much verbal stick from the defenders?  I would imagine he's going to have a very hard time when he starts playing league football again

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I've voted yes - don't get me wrong, I'd probably (definately) feel totally different if it was a member of my family but what more can the guy do? He's made a (massive) mistake; paid his due and now he's trying to rebuild and (more to the point) his families lives.

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What he did was disgraceful, but his punishment was that he was sent to prison. He's been released, and seems to be remorseful and eager to speak to kids and urge them not to make the same mistakes.


Now that he's done his time, he deserves a second chance.

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