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Our Centre Backs...


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Guest fraser

In these early stages, Roz and Cacapa as much as possible so they develop an understanding of each other as soon as; out of all areas of the team the understanding between central defenders is the most important imo. Faye will play in midfield too frequently to give him this important position. Once they've settled in as a squad and know each other better it can be changed about a bit more.


A word for Taylor whose position in the pecking order is now probably what it should be, notwithstanding the contract wrangle, his tackle on Walcott in the 1st half at Arsenal was class (been away since that match).

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Choose the defensive pairing depending on the oppositions strikers. Thought it was good to pick Faye yesterday to deal with Anichebe's strength.


How many teams do this successfully though? Pretty much all the successful teams have found their preferred centre back partnership and stick with it. Carragher/Agger, Terry/Carvalho, Ferdinand/Vidic.

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Taylor looks set to be 4th choice now, 5th choice if Allardyce signs Edmilson.


If it makes him work harder at eradicating his game of basic errors then it's only a good thing. He's still young, unlike Cacapa and Edmilson.

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Just a general observation, but watching Enrique have a bullish debut (sorry, couldn't resist) Capaca and Faye generally look rock hard, and Beye looking pretty good despite the odd moment, I couldn't help thinking this defence is going to be mint with a bit more familiarity. It could be our first ever top class back four for a long, long time. By that I mean REAL defenders, not fancy dans who just look good going forward. For that I take my hat off to Allardyce.

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Guest Synthespian

I think Cacapa has looked class since he started in the league cup - he was SO composed in that game.

Think Taylor is a bit unlucky to be pushed down a bit, but it'll either raise his game or make him leave.


However, I hope BS rates him as he's got the potential and Cacapa isn't going to be a mainstay for the next 4 seasons.  And I hope BS is trying to show Taylor to sign the contract and get him back out there.


For now:  Cacapa & Taylor

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Well i certainly wouldn't drop Cacapa and Faye after yesterdays performances. I was also impressed by Faye, in particular his footwork. Cacapa and Faye seemed to have had a very good understanding too. It's important that we keep a consistant back four and right now mine would be: 


                        Beye      Cacapa    Faye      Jose Enrique

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It's about developing a partnership at CH that's important imo. You can't just rank them and pick the best 2.


They've got to complement each other and form and understanding. From the, relatively, little I've seen of Cacapa he looks an excellent player. Reads the game well and has a canny touch but is getting on a bit and isn't the quickest. Faye looks like an absolute monster but is perhaps a little too physical and will give loads of free-kicks away. Roz looks a decent player and seems comfortable on the ball but needs to toughen himself up. Taylor is a 100%er but is too rash and doesn't read the game well enough yet. Allardyce will have to mix and match to deal with the forwards we play against but I'd like him to choose a pair to start most games and stick to it as much as possible.

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It's about developing a partnership at CH that's important imo. You can't just rank them and pick the best 2.


They've got to complement each other and form and understanding. From the, relatively, little I've seen of Cacapa he looks an excellent player. Reads the game well and has a canny touch but is getting on a bit and isn't the quickest. Faye looks like an absolute monster but is perhaps a little too physical and will give loads of free-kicks away. Roz looks a decent player and seems comfortable on the ball but needs to toughen himself up. Taylor is a 100%er but is too rash and doesn't read the game well enough yet. Allardyce will have to mix and match to deal with the forwards we play against but I'd like him to choose a pair to start most games and stick to it as much as possible.


Can't disagree with a word of that analysis.

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Faye looked good on Saturday. Has better recovery pace than Taylor and is strong as an ox. Rozehnal is more composed than Taylor plus a better footballer and way quicker.

Basically we have two strong lads, one footballer and one who reads the game impeccably. Cacapa and Rozehnal/Faye depending who we are playing for me. Of the permutations I would go for Faye/Cacapa. Faye isnt too bad with the ball at his feet.

Can't really see any justifcation for putting Taylor in there other than if the others get injured.

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I really don't think we should sign Edmilson. We simply don't need him.

As a defensive midfielder he is better than we have.
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Guest FlapjackJoe

Faye will play in midfield too frequently to give him this important position.


Faye hasn't played in midfield for us yet (not that I can remember anyway), and was used far more as centre back the last few seasons at Bolton.  Also, everyone complains we should play 4-4-2 and are crying out for Barton/Emre to come back as an attacking midfielder, leaving Gérémi, Butt and Smith battling for the defensive midfielder role.  I think we'll use Abdoulaye Faye as a central defender unless there's an emergency.


Agree with midds' assessment.  Spot on.  I'd like to see Faye play a few more games before I'm sure, but for now, I'd be happy with him an Caçapa as our first choice CBs.

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Faye looked good on Saturday. Has better recovery pace than Taylor and is strong as an ox. Rozehnal is more composed than Taylor plus a better footballer and way quicker.

Basically we have two strong lads, one footballer and one who reads the game impeccably. Cacapa and Rozehnal/Faye depending who we are playing for me. Of the permutations I would go for Faye/Cacapa. Faye isnt too bad with the ball at his feet.

Can't really see any justifcation for putting Taylor in there other than if the others get injured.

we have choices between good players.....................how good is that ? particularly in that position :celb:
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Taylor looks set to be 4th choice now, 5th choice if Allardyce signs Edmilson.


If it makes him work harder at eradicating his game of basic errors then it's only a good thing. He's still young, unlike Cacapa and Edmilson.


Fair enough comment, because up until this stage - ie. before Cacapa, Rozenhal and Faye's respective arrivals - he's been a guaranteed starter, especially under Roeder. Complacency in Taylor's case may have set in, and with it a 'less than 100% effort to improve' attitude could very well have surfaced. This very same complacency has effected previously overhyped players we've attempted to develop before ie. Dyer and Bramble are notable examples. Taylor, like the two mentioned, has received a similar amount of hot air blown up his arse by previous managers. He's been louded as Newcastle United's 'great white hope'. Youngsters who are tagged with plaudits of such grandiose will either accept the challenge and put the subsequent  work in - ie. young Ronaldo being hailed as the next George Best - or they'll simply rest on their laurels and waste a few seasons, before playing catch-up in their mid-late 20's when they're trying to secure what is often a player's most lucrative contract ie. the one earned before their twighlight years/their 30's.


You could argue that up until now he's been on the receiving end of some pretty s*** coaching, under Souness and Roeder the back four never defended with shape/they just ran out on the pitch with little instruction. It's bound to have some sort of negative effect on a centrehalve's progression.


Also in Taylor's favour is the season of lost development, and by that i refer to the year that was effectively flushed down the shitter thanks to Clueless' selfish mishandling of the said player's shoulder injury. But that's a distant memory now, and it's largely irrelevant now because the sort of errors he is making - ie. poor clearances etc - at the moment imo is normally associated with a *lack of match sharpness. *With a full season & pre-season under his belt this no longer applies in Taylor's case.


Also unlike Terry and Ferdinand, who have received the benefits firsthand after playing alongside recognised gamereaders such as Desailly and Blanc, Taylor hasn't served an apprenticeship under the sort of players mentioned - Woodgate would have easily slotted into that category. Going by early signs Cacapa or Rozenhal could be the sort of players - ie. gamereaders - needed to guide him, because for a while now Taylor's defending has been too 'last ditch' for my liking. The problem is, and this is based on form, he doesn't deserve a place ahead of those mentioned and so the aforementioned tutelage is strictly training pitch only.


Will Taylor, with the advice of his father who will most likely receive a cut on his next contract deal/signing bonus, be happy with 4th choice. Being 4th choice certainly affects their leverage in securing a deal which is on level ground with the established starters.


If Taylor Inc aren't happy with the current situation/pecking order they can bugger off, because we've got young Huntington coming through the ranks and i was quite impressed with him last season. As a 'project player' he could fill the '4th place centrehalf slot' comfortably and imo Taylor won't be missed.

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Guest jamesmartinsmith

If Taylor leaves due to him being 4th place centre half, it'll be a massive shame. I think he still has a lot of learning to do and with good coaching I think he can become one of the best centre halves our country has to offer.


I see Rozehnal and Cacapa as our first choice pairing.

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Huntington left mate.


Good post though.


I missed that one over the Summer. Shame though, and it pulls apart a section of my argument that Taylor has become to surplus to requirements, as i think he displayed a similar level of potential to that shown by Taylor - when Taylor was handed that first run of appearances during Clueless' reign.

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Huntington left mate.


Good post though.


I missed that one over the Summer. Shame though, and it pulls apart a section of my argument that Taylor has become to surplus to requirements, as i think he displayed a similar level of potential to that shown by Taylor - when Taylor was handed that first run of appearances during Clueless' reign.


He went to Leeds on the last day.


I think most believe Edgar is the better proposition over Huntington anyway, including Allardyce it seems.

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Huntington left mate.


Good post though.


I missed that one over the Summer. Shame though, and it pulls apart a section of my argument that Taylor has become to surplus to requirements, as i think he displayed a similar level of potential to that shown by Taylor - when Taylor was handed that first run of appearances during Clueless' reign.


you might be thikning of edgar, who impressed in the few games he played, while huntington was combing his hair.

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Huntington left mate.


Good post though.


I missed that one over the Summer. Shame though, and it pulls apart a section of my argument that Taylor has become to surplus to requirements, as i think he displayed a similar level of potential to that shown by Taylor - when Taylor was handed that first run of appearances during Clueless' reign.


you might be thikning of edgar, who impressed in the few games he played, while huntington was combing his hair.


I think it was Edgar - goal scorer as well last season. Mistaken identity on my part.


A bit like Ozzie claiming that Lee played upfront during the Keegan years  :parky:

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