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notice he didnt mention bobby


Shearer only has good things to say about Bobby in his book, a book which is crap by the way.  I don't think I've read a book so quick in my life.


For those who can't read, the Shearer book will be perfect as it's mainly pictures.


Why do people keep having a go at that book for having photos and not enough text/details? It's supposed to be a photo book, not an autobiography as such.

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A couple of people have already alluded to this but I don't see what benefit manging a lower league club would do Alan before he has a stab at a top Premier League club (or us for that matter  :razz:).


It's a completely different ball game below the Premier League, the tranfer fees/process, wages, demands with internationals and European football, expectations of fans and pressure from the board.


It would be more beneficial for him to go in as a number 2 at a top 6 club or even abroad then it would to be a number 1 at a smaller club

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Why do people keep having a go at that book for having photos and not enough text/details? It's supposed to be a photo book, not an autobiography as such.


I can only comment for myself, I like reading and learning about things, pictures are just an easy way to make money without having to put too much effort into it.

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I would like to see Shearer in charge AT SOME POINT NOT NOW. So many are sure he is going to fail I am not sure what makes people think he is destined to fail as manager of Newcastle. At the moment we don't know how good/bad a manager the guy is so I would say there is 50/50 chance that he would be a good appointment.


I would like to see him move through the ranks at the club. Maybe as a number 2 or a high ranking coach. I think that would be as beneficial as him cutting his teeth at a lower level if not more beneficial.


The way some treat the guy you would think he called all the Geordie women dogs whilst speaking to a Shiek in some Spanish brothel. Maybe he did out stay his welcome but I would put that more down to his love and passion for the club than being a total selfish person. Yes he has a big ego and probably had too much power at the club but I hate to think where we maybe at the moment without the guy.


I am not part of the Shearer can do no wrong camp he clearly can (bebo video comes to mind) he has his faults but I am not ready to write him off as a shite manager however, I don't think its the best idea he walks straight in as manager!! In that article he says all the right things for me, he knows its a tough job and I am sure he will want as much as an advantage as possible.

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It will happen one day, and I for one am looking forward to it, people like Alan Shearer do not fail at things they set their minds to!!


Agreed i think he will probably be a superb manager. He's the type of manager players want to play for + he's not going to take any shit.

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But the Chronicle’s information is that both Ashley and chairman Chris Mort want to keep Allardyce in charge as manager until Alan Shearer is ready to take over.


And we understand the United pair have made Shearer aware of this.


Big Sam is 53 and he has always said that he intends to retire when he is 55, which would coincide with Shearer’s contract with BBC’s Match of the Day coming to an end.


United’s greatest ever player actually said over the weekend that he found all the speculation linking him with the United job “embarrassing”.



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But the Chronicle’s information is that both Ashley and chairman Chris Mort want to keep Allardyce in charge as manager until Alan Shearer is ready to take over.


And we understand the United pair have made Shearer aware of this.


Big Sam is 53 and he has always said that he intends to retire when he is 55, which would coincide with Shearer’s contract with BBC’s Match of the Day coming to an end.


United’s greatest ever player actually said over the weekend that he found all the speculation linking him with the United job “embarrassing”.




What can you say, "Anal at his best".

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But the Chronicle’s information is that both Ashley and chairman Chris Mort want to keep Allardyce in charge as manager until Alan Shearer is ready to take over.


And we understand the United pair have made Shearer aware of this.


Big Sam is 53 and he has always said that he intends to retire when he is 55, which would coincide with Shearer’s contract with BBC’s Match of the Day coming to an end.


United’s greatest ever player actually said over the weekend that he found all the speculation linking him with the United job “embarrassing”.




What a load of fucking shite.

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