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Slaven Bilic


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Team selections and poor motivation are the reasons why smuggins isn't the right manager for England. It should make me smile, that all the cockney tosser journos who slated Keegan have found that their own darlings are doing no better, in fact in smuggins case, worse.


In which way is McClaren a darling of the London media? Born in Yorkshire, so clearly not a regional thing.



I distinctly remember a large number of the lundun journos wanting him in the job at the time, giving us all the bollocks about "good coach", blah blah, especially with his manure connections.


The bloke who used to write for the Sunday People - Paul McCarthy [the bloke who Ozzie Mandiarse dished the dirt on NUFC too] has harped on about every manager since Keegan being better than him , yet none of them have done any better, nor will any of them ever put together a club side as good as Keegans while they have a hole in their arse.


I emailed Mr McCarthy on a few occasions pointing this out, as well as the bollocks he writes, and I got a couple of replies. Now he's disappeard. Shame, I'd like to have reminded him of how he said the Barwickand McLaren "dream team" was the future of English football, "doing football which is the main thing" [word to that effect]. There are others from the same mould, especially the fat cockney West Ham supporter arsehole Martin Samuel from the Times [used to be news of the screws I think],  some of whom appear on Sunday Supplement on Sunday mornings ie cockney journos full of their own importance who think they know more than other football supporters just because they write for newspapers. I think half of them only write about football because their editors tell them to do it. I remember the idiot Mihir Bose writing for some "quality paper" saying that the mackem chairman Bob Reid should be on the committee to rebuild Wembley as he had done a good job re-the building etc of the stadium of shite. I kid you not. Bob Reid, from a "quality journalist".


Anyway, since when has a manager booed at a shitty little club like Middlesboro ever been considered good enough to manage England ? Yet they all fell for it.


England will never be more than perennial quarter finalists anyway until the whole structure and learing of schools football changes. And sadly, I don't think it ever will. There are far too many idiotic PE teachers that fancy themselves as football managers, expecting 11 year old kids to have the stamina and strengh of 18-19 year olds, so don't develop skills.



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Team selections and poor motivation are the reasons why smuggins isn't the right manager for England. It should make me smile, that all the cockney tosser journos who slated Keegan have found that their own darlings are doing no better, in fact in smuggins case, worse.


In which way is McClaren a darling of the London media? Born in Yorkshire, so clearly not a regional thing.



I distinctly remember a large number of the lundun journos wanting him in the job at the time, giving us all the bollocks about "good coach", blah blah, especially with his manure connections.


The bloke who used to write for the Sunday People - Paul McCarthy [the bloke who Ozzie Mandiarse dished the dirt on NUFC too] has harped on about every manager since Keegan being better than him , yet none of them have done any better, nor will any of them ever put together a club side as good as Keegans while they have a hole in their arse.


I emailed Mr McCarthy on a few occasions pointing this out, as well as the bollocks he writes, and I got a couple of replies. Now he's disappeard. Shame, I'd like to have reminded him of how he said the Barwickand McLaren "dream team" was the future of English football, "doing football which is the main thing" [word to that effect]. There are others from the same mould, especially the fat cockney West Ham supporter arsehole Martin Samuel from the Times [used to be news of the screws I think],  some of whom appear on Sunday Supplement on Sunday mornings ie cockney journos full of their own importance who think they know more than other football supporters just because they write for newspapers. I think half of them only write about football because their editors tell them to do it.


Since when has a manager booed at a shitty little club like Middlesboro ever been considered good enough to manage England ? Yet they all fell for it.


England will never be more than perennial quarter finalists anyway until the whole structure and learing of schools football changes. And sadly, I don't think it ever will. There are far too many idiotic PE teachers that fancy themselves as football managers, expecting 11 year old kids to have the stamina and strengh of 18-19 year olds, so don't develop skills.




Your last point is spot on.


I don't remember anyone saying McClaren was the dream choice, i just remember him being labelled the fifth choice. I'd also say that if people criticised Keegan's reign as England manager, it is because the results were woeful - worse, statistically, than McClaren's.


Sir Graham Taylor also put together an excellent club side, and also failed spectacularly with England.


The reason we ended up with a manager booed at a shit club like Boro is because the FA fucked it up royally, and we ended up with the worst option of the lot. Barwick needs to take a good look in the mirror tomorrow morning and ask himself a few questions.


The reasons these people fail are partly to do with their decisions in the job, but as you said, the deeper underlying reason is the one that needs to be fixed, and until it is, it doesn't really matter who does the job, they'll be on a hiding to nothing.

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I was very impressed by Bilic last time in Zagreb. All the talk about 4-5-1 and on that night 3-5-2 he basically said "systems are dead". And he's right.


Football is played on reactions these days and its about how players cover the ground to protect the ball or their goal. The Croatian 2nd was proof of that when too many england players went to the ball instead of doing their job defending.


The system didn't cost Englnd tonight, bad players, bad selections and bad BRAINS cost them.


"systems" are basically bullshit.


They are used by people who make excuses for losing.


Problems with English football are far deeper than this too



That's like something Souness would say ;)

I think there are some problems with English football but a lot of the problems last night were due to picking a team to draw rather than win imo. Also, I think over the course of qualification McLaren proved himself to be incapable of picking the right players or the right system. To experiment last night (which the 4-5-1 was) was ridiculous. I know there were injuries etc. but not sticking to a 4-4-2 was asking for trouble. That doesn't totally excuse some utterly dreadful individual performances by the way.

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You can blame the managers and rightly so.


But what about the 11 over paid, prideless tw@ts that pulled the shirts on for much of the campaign.  You can blame the manager for making 'tactical' or 'system' fook ups - but you cannot blame them for the s**** we saw last night and for other games in the qualifiers.


The blame IMO falls completely with the 100k a week w@ankers that give it loads of verbals and think they deserve to win something by virtue of who they are.  Simple fact, as a team we are nothing.



EDIT:  Wrong thread.


On Bilic, for a team that had qualified he looked far the better man manager last night.  Fair play to him.  As others have said, clubs will be queing up for that kind of passion (and achievement)...

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Guest RodrigoPalacio

I actually felt happier for Bilic than I felt sadder/pissed that England didn't qualify if you know what I mean.  At least we can all watch the Euros in peace now and not worry about anything!

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Guest nufc_geordie

Bilic produced the best quote I've heard for a while last night in his interview on Sky. They were pressing him for an answer as to why England had failed and were asking him if it was the pitch, the tactics, what? and his reply was "Wake up and smell the coffee England, it wasn't the pitch, it wasn't the system. We are a better team" and turned around and walked off. Quality.

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I was very impressed by Bilic last time in Zagreb. All the talk about 4-5-1 and on that night 3-5-2 he basically said "systems are dead". And he's right.


Football is played on reactions these days and its about how players cover the ground to protect the ball or their goal. The Croatian 2nd was proof of that when too many england players went to the ball instead of doing their job defending.


The system didn't cost Englnd tonight, bad players, bad selections and bad BRAINS cost them.


"systems" are basically bullshit.


They are used by people who make excuses for losing.


Problems with English football are far deeper than this too



That's like something Souness would say ;)

I think there are some problems with English football but a lot of the problems last night were due to picking a team to draw rather than win imo. Also, I think over the course of qualification McLaren proved himself to be incapable of picking the right players or the right system. To experiment last night (which the 4-5-1 was) was ridiculous. I know there were injuries etc. but not sticking to a 4-4-2 was asking for trouble. That doesn't totally excuse some utterly dreadful individual performances by the way.


so did Bill Shankly and Brian Clough. So basically Alex, up yours.  ;D



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I was very impressed by Bilic last time in Zagreb. All the talk about 4-5-1 and on that night 3-5-2 he basically said "systems are dead". And he's right.


Football is played on reactions these days and its about how players cover the ground to protect the ball or their goal. The Croatian 2nd was proof of that when too many england players went to the ball instead of doing their job defending.


The system didn't cost Englnd tonight, bad players, bad selections and bad BRAINS cost them.


"systems" are basically bullshit.


They are used by people who make excuses for losing.


Problems with English football are far deeper than this too




if he didnt have a system he'd put out the best 10 outfield players, guess what he plays specialist defenders,one or two players who are crap at right back but good at creating chances....how does he get round this...he uses a system.


too much can be made of systems but you are right about the problems being deeper than that


not what I meant, but you are deliberately misinterpreting aren't you ?


See the later quotes in the thread, including the one from Bilic


Simple fact is, where NUFC are concerned, we are playing crap because he's playing players out of position, including his best players, not enough quality, and is chopping and changing the team too much with a negative emphasis. And making excuses, and some fans are harping on about 4-5-1 and other such rubbish making excuses for him.


See McLaren last night ? The idiot repeated what he did with the smoggies ie played a negative "system" then reverted to a positive line up that he should have started with, except last night he didn't get out of jail like he did managing the smoggies in europe and reached the UEFA Cup Final. Such actions only admit he got it wrong in the first place. And credit even to the smoggies, even THEY had the brains to boo the hopless smug knacker.


Aside of that, Croatia were the best team, they are a quality team, and the way they play, forcing their own pace, keeping their composure, shape and their instant control, was great. As we have nobody to support next summer, I would consider hoping they would win this cup if they didn't play in red.



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Guest nufc222

Team selections and poor motivation are the reasons why smuggins isn't the right manager for England. It should make me smile, that all the cockney tosser journos who slated Keegan have found that their own darlings are doing no better, in fact in smuggins case, worse.


In which way is McClaren a darling of the London media? Born in Yorkshire, so clearly not a regional thing.



I distinctly remember a large number of the lundun journos wanting him in the job at the time, giving us all the bollocks about "good coach", blah blah, especially with his manure connections.


The bloke who used to write for the Sunday People - Paul McCarthy [the bloke who Ozzie Mandiarse dished the dirt on NUFC too] has harped on about every manager since Keegan being better than him , yet none of them have done any better, nor will any of them ever put together a club side as good as Keegans while they have a hole in their arse.


I emailed Mr McCarthy on a few occasions pointing this out, as well as the bollocks he writes, and I got a couple of replies. Now he's disappeard. Shame, I'd like to have reminded him of how he said the Barwickand McLaren "dream team" was the future of English football, "doing football which is the main thing" [word to that effect]. There are others from the same mould, especially the fat cockney West Ham supporter arsehole Martin Samuel from the Times [used to be news of the screws I think],  some of whom appear on Sunday Supplement on Sunday mornings ie cockney journos full of their own importance who think they know more than other football supporters just because they write for newspapers. I think half of them only write about football because their editors tell them to do it. I remember the idiot Mihir Bose writing for some "quality paper" saying that the mackem chairman Bob Reid should be on the committee to rebuild Wembley as he had done a good job re-the building etc of the stadium of s****. I kid you not. Bob Reid, from a "quality journalist".


Anyway, since when has a manager booed at a shitty little club like Middlesboro ever been considered good enough to manage England ? Yet they all fell for it.


England will never be more than perennial quarter finalists anyway until the whole structure and learing of schools football changes. And sadly, I don't think it ever will. There are far too many idiotic PE teachers that fancy themselves as football managers, expecting 11 year old kids to have the stamina and strengh of 18-19 year olds, so don't develop skills.





Also agree with that last sentence.

At every age group since under 8s , I was told if under any pressure knock it out. Kids are moved onto 11 a side pitches far too early resulting in the general hoof and run tactic. Kids should stay on small pitches at leat until they are 14 and play football the right way.


Look at Englands best players the Gerrards, Terrys etc. Nearly all except Rooney lack REAL technical ability. They are great players but when you look at the young players Spain have coming through, Fabregas, Iniesta, Krcic etc. their games are all built on technical ability.


Even look at the U21s a side built on pace, strength and workrate rather than encouraging technical advancement. It is not the number of forigners or the systems that are the problem. It is the coaching which the FA are trying to sort out but will take a long long time before coaches actually encourage the kids to play football and not to win at any costs.

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Guest Chris P

I bet Sven is having a good laugh! :lol:


And rightly so.


The English media is a cancer to the national team.



Exactly right . The manager doesn't pick the team. The Sun and the Mirror do! Any continuity was destroyed the minute the FA caved into pressure from the tabloid media when they sacked Sven . I hate over exaggerated nationalism. There was always a voice that said " England should never have a foreign manager". Why are the twats that run the national press so hell bent on destroying the English national side?


Does it sell more papers?

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Guest nufc_geordie

I bet Sven is having a good laugh! :lol:


And rightly so.


The English media is a cancer to the national team.



Exactly right . The manager doesn't pick the team. The Sun and the Mirror do! Any continuity was destroyed the minute the FA caved into pressure from the tabloid media when they sacked Sven . I hate over exaggerated nationalism. There was always a voice that said " England should never have a foreign manager". Why are the twats that run the national press so hell bent on destroying the English national side?


Does it sell more papers?


Yes, quite simply it does. Press culture in this country is to build you up to shoot you down. There was always an animosity surrounding Sven because he was a foreigner but the press were the first to big him up when we beat the Germans 5-1, then they love sticking the knife in and twisting it. Let's face it, if Sven wasn't having an affair or Ronney wasn't granny shagging nobody would buy the Sun, Star, mirror etc. they would be reading the Times etc.

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I would like to address a point made by one or two people in this thread about sven and the people in the media now referring to "what a good job" sven actually did. He was not a good manager, never has been and never will be. He could take an extremely talented and or wealthy side and beat lesser managers. As soon as he came up against any talent in the opposition dugout he failed with england. Makes me feel sick seeing people in the media saying what a good job he did with England, especially after they crucified him.

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Guest Spurs_from_Africa

I've always been mystified by the insistance on this board that the 'london' media are all obsessed with southern teams and absolutely hate northern teams. I see absolutely no evidence for this. The media obviously tend to support the top 4 over the rest of the league and by my calculations, thats two london teams and two northern teams. All I ever hear from the media is how Newcastle have the best support in the world yet I dont even think you have the best support in the north. They rightly imo congratulate Sunderland on the atmosphere they produce. They are currently salivating over Man City. Meanwhile, many of the pundits now seem to be taking great pleasure in ripping into spurs, their board, players, fans everything. I would like to see some evidence for this supposed London/Southern bais.


Oh and the person saying Sven will never be a good manager.  :lol: mackems.gif


IFK Göteborg

Svenska Cupen Winners 1979, 1982

Allsvenskan Champions 1981, 1982

UEFA Cup Winners 1982

S.L. Benfica

Portuguese Liga Champions 1983, 1984, 1991

Cup of Portugal Winners 1983

SuperCup Cândido de Oliveira Champions 1989

European Cup Runners Up 1990

UEFA Cup Runners Up 1983

A.S. Roma

Coppa Italia Winners 1986

U.C. Sampdoria

Coppa Italia Winners 1994

S.S. Lazio

Coppa Italia Winners 1998, 2000

Italian Super Cup Winners 1998

UEFA Cup Winners' Cup Winners 1999

UEFA Super Cup Winners 1999

Serie A Champions 2000


Many crap managers will achieve this trophy haul. i fully expect the likes of Curbishley, Allardyce and Coppell to start rivalling this. In fact, I myself have won these many trophies, thats how easy it is, although I should mention I did it on football manager.

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