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Allardyce interview on SSN


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Guest Ridzuan

Big Sam can say that we are being to impatient and all sort of things,but one thing he cannot say is that we havnt been giving them the support they need in every match,but the team needs to repay the support that we have given them already.

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give him some time for fucks sake, he'll get there.


You don't know that so why make assumptions?  There is currently no evidence whatsoever to suggest he can turn things around.


Comparing Allardyce to the likes of Moyes and Hughes is stupid as their expectations when they got appointed were not half as high as ours were this season.



Are you saying that Everton aren't an ambitious and expecting club? Sorry, that's absolute bollocks.


In the 10 seasons before Moyes took over Everton had finished 13th, 17th, 15th, 6th, 15th, 17th, 14th, 13th, 16th, 15th..


Yeah I see what you mean, those are some heady standards Moyes had to live up to there, I'm sure the expectations were massive! :lol:

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Not getting good results is not the reason why fans are becoming inpatient. It is the way we are going about loosing these matches that is what is frustrating and angering the fans

Pure, uncut horseshit :lol:.  If the bad results were "entertaining" 4-3 losses there'd be just as much complaining if not more. 
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Was that first sentence supposed to be a description of the post to follow thomas?  If we were playing well and losing games people would be thinking we're just on an unlucky run and that things will turn around.  Instead we're playing hopeless passionless football with no sign of any improvement (the opposite in fact).  If you seriously believe that any fan would consider that preferable to playing well but losing then you need help.

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:lol: People on this board have a bad habit of trying to put words in peoples mouths.  Nowhere did I say anyone could/should/would prefer it. 


The point I was making was that losing is losing no matter the spin and that it's just the results that matter.


People would NOT be happy if we looked slick but were in the middle of the kind of run we find ourselves in now and you know it.  Defending it with "it's just unlucky run we'll turn it around" would be met with "fuck luck and fuck big sam.  I don't give a toss about looking like Barca I want the 3 points.  Bring back the long ball of Bolton, at least it ground out results".  Now you may not like it but you know deep down that's the exact kind of response 99% here would provide.  It's the results.  Looking good is secondary.  Right now, we're doing neither but I have faith in Sam to turn it around. 


Furthermore, everyone clamoring on and on with their version of "this is the most diabolically bad football what ever been played on a pitch" is being blown out of proportion by the effect of an early sour patch in Sams tenure.  People had this great image of Sam built up as some kind of savior and to hit this skid so early it's forced some of the deep seated fears to bubble up and they're made manifest. 


I think everyone needs to stand up, take a step back and take a deep breath. 

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:lol: People on this board have a bad habit of trying to put words in peoples mouths.  Nowhere did I say anyone could/should/would prefer it. 


The point I was making was that losing is losing no matter the spin and that it's just the results that matter.


People would NOT be happy if we looked slick but were in the middle of the kind of run we find ourselves in now and you know it.  Defending it with "it's just unlucky run we'll turn it around" would be met with "fuck luck and fuck big sam.  I don't give a toss about looking like Barca I want the 3 points.  Bring back the long ball of Bolton, at least it ground out results".  Now you may not like it but you know deep down that's the exact kind of response 99% here would provide.  It's the results.  Looking good is secondary.  Right now, we're doing neither but I have faith in Sam to turn it around. 


Furthermore, everyone clamoring on and on with their version of "this is the most diabolically bad football what ever been played on a pitch" is being blown out of proportion by the effect of an early sour patch in Sams tenure.  People had this great image of Sam built up as some kind of savior and to hit this skid so early it's forced some of the deep seated fears to bubble up and they're made manifest. 


I think everyone needs to stand up, take a step back and take a deep breath. 


That's bollocks though, because when you play good football, you win football matches. You don't win them all by any means but if you play well, you create chances and by extension score goals.


This theory about "losing 4-3 every week" is rubbish, because if you score three goals every week, you'll win way more than you lose even with a shit defence. Keegan's team, where this myth about NUFC and 4-3s comes from, didn't finish bottom or tenth, they finished second and were the best team in the country for a considerable amount of time.


You talk of "grinding out results" but that is a million miles away on current form because we're absolutely porous at the back. We are neither creating anything nor defending anything and you've got to do at least one of those!


There is often hyperbole on this forum, as with all football forums, but we were at home on Saturday and we didn't have a corner or a single shot at goal, we've also conceded 7 in 2 at SJP while not scoring a single 'real' goal since Spurs. It is not over the top to say that what we've seen over the past month is just as bad as anything we have seen over the past 15 years. I'm still somewhat hopeful that he can turn it round but he needs to do it fast.

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Not getting good results is not the reason why fans are becoming inpatient. It is the way we are going about loosing these matches that is what is frustrating and angering the fans

Pure, uncut horseshit :lol:.  If the bad results were "entertaining" 4-3 losses there'd be just as much complaining if not more. 

You wanna have a poll on this ? :lol:

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Guest optimistic nit

i wouldn't sack him based on the results we have had. what does worry me though is his policy of win 15 home games and draw the rest, which could see us in trouble come may and also his baffelling team selections. i'm all for manager's experimenting, but smith is not a midfielder.

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Guest optimistic nit

Not getting good results is not the reason why fans are becoming inpatient. It is the way we are going about loosing these matches that is what is frustrating and angering the fans

Pure, uncut horseshit :lol:.  If the bad results were "entertaining" 4-3 losses there'd be just as much complaining if not more. 


its the performances that are annoying me, not the results, i know that much. i'd scrape that egg of your face if i were you.

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Allardyce can buy some patience from the fans if he:

- Stops FU*KING around with the formations and tactics

- Stops the chopping and changing of players after every game or so

- Stops putting players in unfamiliar and incorrect positions and asking them to do things they are not good at

- Shows some balls and a winning mentality instead of cowardly seeking draws against teams like Reading, Derby


Not getting good results is not the reason why fans are becoming inpatient. It is the way we are going about loosing these matches that is what is frustrating and angering the fans


You can't argue with that.


If Sam can't show a winning mentality against Derby, Reading and Sunderland (who were beaten 7-0 by Everton the game after we in all fairness deserved to lose 3-0 to them), how is he ever going to win a Cup or a title, given any length of time? The chopping and changing also is a joke, this is the league, not the training park. 50,000 people have paid to go to watch and countless more on pay tv. Qualification spots are (or at least were) up for grabs. If he wants to try Smith at flying goalkeeper he should give it a go in the reserves for gods sake. He has to put the best team out there, in a system they know well from training in it previously.


If he can't think of a system that can take the game to the relegation fodder and dominate the game with a large number of genuine attacking chances, he is tactically too naive to manage a top 10 club.


Still, obviously should be given the entire season to show what he has got to offer. If he gets some flow and some spark and promise showing great. If its still a disfunctional rabble by the end of season how can anyone advocate keeping him on? These are basics.

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I think the Blackburn and Arsenal matches will show us exactly which way this team is going for the rest of the season.  Sam and his team can either show some stones or they can continue down the same track........which would be bad for everybody.

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I think the Blackburn and Arsenal matches will show us exactly which way this team is going for the rest of the season.  Sam and his team can either show some stones or they can continue down the same track........which would be bad for everybody.


To be fair the next two games would be tough no matter how well we were playing. It'll be the next month after taht which will give us an idea of where the season is headed and if we are just in a slump or if we're heading back to Souness days.

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NUFC fans are not patient but how can we be more patient when:

- We havn't seen a trophy in more than 40 years

- We have come so close to winning the premier league in the 90s and being entertained on top of that

- We have finished 4th, 3rd and 5th not that far ago and played regularly in Europe

- We had good foundation of players when Keegan and SBR left and instead of moving up and forward we screwed up the two best opportunities by appointing sh*t managers who destroyed and ripped apart all the good work done by their predecessors


Allardyce can buy some patience from the fans if he:

- Stops FU*KING around with the formations and tactics

- Stops the chopping and changing of players after every game or so

- Stops putting players in unfamiliar and incorrect positions and asking them to do things they are not good at

- Shows some balls and a winning mentality instead of cowardly seeking draws against teams like Reading, Derby


Not getting good results is not the reason why fans are becoming inpatient. It is the way we are going about loosing these matches that is what is frustrating and angering the fans

One of the best posts I have read on here!Sums it up perfectly! :clap:

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To be fair the next two games would be tough no matter how well we were playing. It'll be the next month after taht which will give us an idea of where the season is headed and if we are just in a slump or if we're heading back to Souness days.


The next two games are tough, but lets see what Sam can do about the slump and see if he can get the players in the mood for those two games.  If he cant then. pray we can pick up enough points against the so called muck of the league cos we've been dropping points against them as well.

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