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Beye Going In January Will Have A Massive Impact On The Squad


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Honestly we just lose Beye only, the other players aren't that important to us.


Losing Faye is another blow imo as if our defence comes up against any 'Big man' type strikers i have Faye down as our main man to mark them, as the rest aren't strong enough. Geremi may well be our second best RB leaving Taylor probably RB in BS eyes. Yes Kev did have a point imo, but 'collapse' is maybe a bit strong, 'could struggle for a while' would be better.


Alladyce may well go for Taylor  Cacapa  Roze  Zoggy  which doesn't bode well in the CB's positions as they are both weak in the air so we could be in real trouble if we come up against 'Big Man' type strikers.


I'd be tempted to try Edgar  Taylor  Cacapa/Roze  Enrique  and put Zoggy LW and let him off the leash to attack the opposition more moving Milner RW to offer some sort of offensive threat from that side which we haven't had for too long now. Duff on the bench if he regains some decent form.

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Honestly we just lose Beye only, the other players aren't that important to us.


so you don't believe that we will miss martins?



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i was just thinking this the other day.  beye is really starting to look a classy player out at right back and he can only get better with the more experience he gains in the premier league.  it will hurt losing him as our only natural right back other than him is the fat midget.  i don't suppose allardyce will be dumb enough to push a keg out onto the field to play right back and see taylor as our safest bet at right back in the meantime.  don't think cacapa is quick enough and rozy is would get caught with split balls in behind him.  so it's taylor and if we have injury problems carr will likely get in

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Can Edgar play right back ?

But with the games with have in January, i'd say we need to sign a decent right back until the end of the season. If there is one available that is.


Wouldn't fancy it. He's normally a right-footed CB, by all accounts. Taylor/Carr can fill in as needs be.

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