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Mort: it's getting tedious

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest Knightrider

I don't completely agree with you there HTT, it's happening at all prem clubs. Most fans will boo if they're behind to a non-top 4 team at half time now, I witnessed it first hand at Blackburn-Pompey this season.


But the media only pick on us for that kind of thing.




Do you think so? I don't.


It is just that, at the moment, you're the best example of managerial turmoil. That's the kind of shit they love, they use it to fill the time between GrandSlamSuperFuckoffSundays and in periods where there's nothing to say about the big four.


Have to say, we do get a lot of crap directed our way off the media, far more than most clubs. We doin't help ourselves at times mind but they just love to twist it into us. Mind, a darling of theirs, Spurs, had it pretty bad under Jol so I can see where you're coming from. However we get it whenever we lose 3 games in a row.


If you asked most other fans they'd probably say Newcastle are a team Sky have slavered (is that a proper word?) over since 1992.


Funny how perceptions are different on the outside.


It is funny. My memory is that Sky had a field day with us when we blew the title. I don't think they or the media are on any side tbh, they just love to stick it in to whoever, the bigger and better clubs just have a better way of dealing with it. Mind winning leagues and games every week doesn't half help shut people up. You can't create a crisis at a club that keeps winning.


Take the Man Utd rape thing, if that was Newcastle... (we've already had it, went on for a month) forgotten about at Man Utd now.

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If you asked most other fans they'd probably say Newcastle are a team Sky have slavered (is that a proper word?) over since 1992.


Funny how perceptions are different on the outside


We are a good story, made even better when the team isn't prefomring well.


You're a better story now because SA himself is a big story, too (for some good reasons, some bad ones). The combination of that, plus the current perceived mediocrity, make it a story they'll pick up on. You may have been  mediocre under Roeder, but nobody gave a toss about him. That's the difference.


Same with us and MON. We generally get good coverage of late. Lawrenson and Hansen seem to love us. That's because they're MON's mates as much as anything.


The media. They're such fickle bastards.

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I don't completely agree with you there HTT, it's happening at all prem clubs. Most fans will boo if they're behind to a non-top 4 team at half time now, I witnessed it first hand at Blackburn-Pompey this season.


Chelsea fans are unbelievable. I was reading one of their forums the other day, and the level of fickleness was quite incredible.


I personally wouldn't read too much into what gets posted on forums, they are like red tops, forums.


This is true. There's a lot worth reading on forums, but you have to sift through a lot of crap.

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Guest Knightrider

I don't completely agree with you there HTT, it's happening at all prem clubs. Most fans will boo if they're behind to a non-top 4 team at half time now, I witnessed it first hand at Blackburn-Pompey this season.


Chelsea fans are unbelievable. I was reading one of their forums the other day, and the level of fickleness was quite incredible.


I personally wouldn't read too much into what gets posted on forums, they are like red tops, forums.


This is true. There's a lot worth reading on forums, but you have to sift through a lot of crap.


Just type in CoachHTT in the search box to find all the gold...



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Guest jackmisfit

I imagine that with Ashley being the boss now, he's probably less inclined to listen to the fans and let Mort run the club as he see's fit.


Shepherd seemed to be in the game to make money, so it would make more sense for him to listen to the fans. Ashley could probably let the stadium sit half empty for a year or so if he wanted to.


While I don't think he'll just throw money away like Abramovich does, I do think he wants to build a winner and I think he'll end up turning the club around. Whether Allardyce is the man to right the ship is yet to be seen, but it would be smart to give him a couple of seasons.

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Mort is right in not reacting to the fans on this issue, at least at this time.  I have very little doubt that Allardyce will be judged at the end of the season and I have very little doubt that a line in the league exists which will cost Allardyce his job, where that line runs, I have no idea.

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No truth they are actively pursuing any other manager



Mort rejects Allardyce talk

Magpies laugh off Big Sam rumours

By Peter O'Rourke  Last updated: 31st December 2007



Newcastle chairman Chris Mort has moved to reject the speculation over Sam Allardyce's future.



Mort insists the Magpies are not actively recruiting a replacement for the under-pressure Allardyce.


Allardyce has found himself in the spotlight once again after a run of poor results which has brought the club just one point from a possible nine over the Christmas period.


The likes of Alan Shearer and Martin Jol have been mentioned as possible replacements for Allardyce, but Mort has rubbished the rumours.


"All this makes me laugh and I find all this speculation tedious," said Mort.


"There is a different name every week and there is just no truth in it."



Stop talking shit and make the big man open his account so we can bring in some players that we desperately need.


Why is everyone at the club hell bent on spouting off their mouth and never backing it with action?


Back him or sack him, its not difficult.

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It's difficult to back it with action in December.




You can still sign players, they just cannot play until January.


It's also difficult to back it with action in January. Nobody wants to sell. You're not seriously pissed off with Mort's comments are you? Is he really talking shit?

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It's difficult to back it with action in December.




You can still sign players, they just cannot play until January.


It's also difficult to back it with action in January. Nobody wants to sell. You're not seriously pissed off with Mort's comments are you? Is he really talking shit?


I'd rather have action, show us he is backed.


Anyone can dish out nice words of support, then sack that person only days later. It happens all the time.


Does this count as 'the dreaded vote of confidence'?

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We have to look at ourselves as fans and ask where do we want to go? Provided there is no possibility of relegation we should stick with Sam unless someone like Mourinho would take the job (highly unlikely). Give it time and try to encourage consistency/stability.


But as we are learning to do this, Sam needs to learn and improve himself. He needs to understand the need for some creativity and excitement. If we stick with it it has to be a two way street - blind total support from the fans for rubbish football is unrealistic, as is gung ho all out attack from Sam. There has to be a bit of each from the two sides to find a compromise.

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I wouldn't sack him or back him with cash at the moment, no need to make any rash decisions until the Summer.


Lets see what he can do this season with the players he's got, after all he signed 9 of them.



Baggy confident SA has blown it.  bluerazz.gif

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We have to look at ourselves as fans and ask where do we want to go? Provided there is no possibility of relegation we should stick with Sam unless someone like Mourinho would take the job (highly unlikely). Give it time and try to encourage consistency/stability.


But as we are learning to do this, Sam needs to learn and improve himself. He needs to understand the need for some creativity and excitement. If we stick with it it has to be a two way street - blind total support from the fans for rubbish football is unrealistic, as is gung ho all out attack from Sam. There has to be a bit of each from the two sides to find a compromise.


Good well balanced post.  :clap2:

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I wouldn't sack him or back him with cash at the moment, no need to make any rash decisions until the Summer.


Lets see what he can do this season with the players he's got, after all he signed 9 of them.


I'd agree with that. I expect to see a couple of loans to come in.

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I wouldn't sack him or back him with cash at the moment, no need to make any rash decisions until the Summer.


Lets see what he can do this season with the players he's got, after all he signed 9 of them.



Baggy confident SA has blown it.  bluerazz.gif


It's not looking good is it? At the same time the pool of available managers isn't very impressive at this moment in time and we're likely to have better options in the Summer, until then I say give the bloke a chance to prove to us that he's capable of turning this club around and if we're still limping along come May then get rid.

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We have to look at ourselves as fans and ask where do we want to go? Provided there is no possibility of relegation we should stick with Sam unless someone like Mourinho would take the job (highly unlikely). Give it time and try to encourage consistency/stability.


But as we are learning to do this, Sam needs to learn and improve himself. He needs to understand the need for some creativity and excitement. If we stick with it it has to be a two way street - blind total support from the fans for rubbish football is unrealistic, as is gung ho all out attack from Sam. There has to be a bit of each from the two sides to find a compromise.


Good well balanced post.  :clap2:


I would totally agree with this but for the fact that last season our 13th place was unrealistic. We were far, far worse than that. I can remember some very fortunate results. How we beat Villa at SJP, how we beat Spurs at WHL. The matches against Man City and Sheff Utd at SJP were awful. We were appalling last season and imo any assessment of Allardyce should take those performances into account. We were crap. That's where we're starting from. The football we played last season was rubbish. We're no worse off now and Allardyce isn't simply spending loads, he's changing loads of the ways we do things. He needs time

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We have to look at ourselves as fans and ask where do we want to go? Provided there is no possibility of relegation we should stick with Sam unless someone like Mourinho would take the job (highly unlikely). Give it time and try to encourage consistency/stability.


But as we are learning to do this, Sam needs to learn and improve himself. He needs to understand the need for some creativity and excitement. If we stick with it it has to be a two way street - blind total support from the fans for rubbish football is unrealistic, as is gung ho all out attack from Sam. There has to be a bit of each from the two sides to find a compromise.


Good well balanced post.  :clap2:


I would totally agree with this but for the fact that last season our 13th place was unrealistic. We were far, far worse than that. I can remember some very fortunate results. How we beat Villa at SJP, how we beat Spurs at WHL. The matches against Man City and Sheff Utd at SJP were awful. We were appalling last season and imo any assessment of Allardyce should take those performances into account. We were crap. That's where we're starting from. The football we played last season was rubbish. We're no worse off now and Allardyce isn't simply spending loads, he's changing loads of the ways we do things. He needs time


Thats a good point, one i've never really taken into account. But sometimes you make your own luck, and the players were fighting last season, they simply arn't under SA.

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We have to look at ourselves as fans and ask where do we want to go? Provided there is no possibility of relegation we should stick with Sam unless someone like Mourinho would take the job (highly unlikely). Give it time and try to encourage consistency/stability.


But as we are learning to do this, Sam needs to learn and improve himself. He needs to understand the need for some creativity and excitement. If we stick with it it has to be a two way street - blind total support from the fans for rubbish football is unrealistic, as is gung ho all out attack from Sam. There has to be a bit of each from the two sides to find a compromise.


Good well balanced post.  :clap2:


I would totally agree with this but for the fact that last season our 13th place was unrealistic. We were far, far worse than that. I can remember some very fortunate results. How we beat Villa at SJP, how we beat Spurs at WHL. The matches against Man City and Sheff Utd at SJP were awful. We were appalling last season and imo any assessment of Allardyce should take those performances into account. We were crap. That's where we're starting from. The football we played last season was rubbish. We're no worse off now and Allardyce isn't simply spending loads, he's changing loads of the ways we do things. He needs time


Thats a good point, one i've never really taken into account. But sometimes you make your own luck, and the players were fighting last season, they simply arn't under SA.


What I can say is that some of the joy has gone out of it. Allardyce is so focused on imposing his management system that he forgets we need some pleasure from it all in the meantime. I was despondent after Wigan.

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We have to look at ourselves as fans and ask where do we want to go? Provided there is no possibility of relegation we should stick with Sam unless someone like Mourinho would take the job (highly unlikely). Give it time and try to encourage consistency/stability.


But as we are learning to do this, Sam needs to learn and improve himself. He needs to understand the need for some creativity and excitement. If we stick with it it has to be a two way street - blind total support from the fans for rubbish football is unrealistic, as is gung ho all out attack from Sam. There has to be a bit of each from the two sides to find a compromise.


Good well balanced post.  :clap2:


I would totally agree with this but for the fact that last season our 13th place was unrealistic. We were far, far worse than that. I can remember some very fortunate results. How we beat Villa at SJP, how we beat Spurs at WHL. The matches against Man City and Sheff Utd at SJP were awful. We were appalling last season and imo any assessment of Allardyce should take those performances into account. We were crap. That's where we're starting from. The football we played last season was rubbish. We're no worse off now and Allardyce isn't simply spending loads, he's changing loads of the ways we do things. He needs time


Thats a good point, one i've never really taken into account. But sometimes you make your own luck, and the players were fighting last season, they simply arn't under SA.


I don't agree with the fighting part, that's one of the things they are doing imo. Who do you think isn't pulling their weight compared to last year?

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We have to look at ourselves as fans and ask where do we want to go? Provided there is no possibility of relegation we should stick with Sam unless someone like Mourinho would take the job (highly unlikely). Give it time and try to encourage consistency/stability.


But as we are learning to do this, Sam needs to learn and improve himself. He needs to understand the need for some creativity and excitement. If we stick with it it has to be a two way street - blind total support from the fans for rubbish football is unrealistic, as is gung ho all out attack from Sam. There has to be a bit of each from the two sides to find a compromise.


Good well balanced post.  :clap2:


I would totally agree with this but for the fact that last season our 13th place was unrealistic. We were far, far worse than that. I can remember some very fortunate results. How we beat Villa at SJP, how we beat Spurs at WHL. The matches against Man City and Sheff Utd at SJP were awful. We were appalling last season and imo any assessment of Allardyce should take those performances into account. We were crap. That's where we're starting from. The football we played last season was rubbish. We're no worse off now and Allardyce isn't simply spending loads, he's changing loads of the ways we do things. He needs time


Thats a good point, one i've never really taken into account. But sometimes you make your own luck, and the players were fighting last season, they simply arn't under SA.


What I can say is that some of the joy has gone out of it. Allardyce is so focused on imposing his management system that he forgets we need some pleasure from it all in the meantime. I was despondent after Wigan.


He's a pig headed stubborn fool, but a one that knows that he can stick to how he wants to play is regardless. If it works he knows what he's doing and he's got it right, if he gets it wrong, he still walks away with the same amount of coin, and for a man who wants to retire within 5 years (or something like that, i can remember him saying in his last season at Bolton he didn't want to manage forever and is looking to retire sooner rather than later) its not a bad thing if his reputation takes a hit, especially now as he's never going to get near the England job and  Capello's appointment and his problems with the BBC.

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Big Sam needs time. He has come into a club like no other on the planet. Of course he is using his Bolton methods, they worked for him there. He is learning very quickly that life as NUFC manager has different demands. Give him time and he will slowly adjust to the needs and in the meantime build some solid foundations for the years to come.

Okay, some of his signings don't seem to be working yet but Wenger and Ferguson don't get it right every time either. On the positive side, 'Is Faye better than Bramble? Is Beye better than Carr?' Zoggy was was on his way out of the door also. It is about building a side, not buying one like Chelsea then being burdened with £260 million of debt for the forseeable future.

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