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Newcastle Supporters Miss Freddie Shepherd


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My opinion is that you should buy the best quality players at all times, depending on the financial situation. This is how successful clubs operate, and how we ourselves have operated for the past 15 years ie anything less is not showing the ambition that should be shown by NUFC.


I think talk of "hollywood", "trophy" and "superstar" signings is a load of bollocks. This is why I asked you to substantiate these "superstar" signings with names that we have signed ?


Which you don't.


Unfortunately, what we need right now is the best quality player we can for certain positions. There is no time like the present for getting back into europe asap. I don't see the point or the need to muddle around settling for sub standard players.


You lack faith in the club if you are content to go down this route you appear to advocate. I don't know what you mean by "sorted" as I think such talk smacks of mediocrity and hype.


The club have signed as many quality players [in the opinion of their appointed managers] that they have been able to in the past 15 years. That is what you need to do.



When I say "superstar", I am of course referring to those big-money signings that Shepherd loved to make when the supporters started to get restless. The 7-figure-attention-drawing-away-from-the-pitch-sum, as I said above the likes of Luque, Owen, Boumsong were bought at a time when the fans weren't particularly impressed with recent results but were temporarily satisfied at the prospect of seeing the new players play. Instead of throwing money at a couple of 'quality' players, it could have been used to either strengthen the squad, or the club's infrastructure creating a more long-lasting improvement at the club.


The attitude you have can work, but only if you have the right judgement in place - which I think we've proven (even under Keegan and Robson) isn't one of our strengths.


By going down the route I've highlighted, we're sacrificing potential short term gains for long-term, sustainable improvements. With the aim being that in 3-4 years time, we're supporters of a well-organised, professional outfit that can withstand the rollercoaster of emotion in football. This in turn, will enable us to attract professional, skillful, ambitious and match-winning/game-changing players who have a genuine passion for the sport combined with a winning attitude - something I don't think we've truly succeeded in doing since Shearer.


nah, I'm sorry mate. Those players you mention were bought with the intention of improving the TEAM. That is the whole idea, and the board backed their manager. The fact that the manager got it wrong reflects on him, it can't possibly reflect on the board. You have to understand where the boards backing of the manager then becomes the managers responsibility.


You do realise that Luque, Boumsong and Owen were the players Souness must have been talking about when he said he was only given money to "tart up the team". 34m quid .........


I hope you don't mean to say you agree with Souness' analysis of his own signings ?


34m quid in anybodys book is serious money, to actually strenghten a football team with. Its got nothing to do with making signings to "pacify a crowd", which should be well pacified in any event by the sheer magnitude of it.





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Someone photoshop a picture of Freddy with long hair already (he's already got the tits).










Or... the opposite of perfect. You know what I mean.

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With the club constantly in the headlines over the last 5 years of Shepherd's reign, journalists were able to use the club to sell papers - now, with a more structured and disciplined regime, a lot of journalists find themselves with nothing to write about. I honestly believe that the fans are the same, without any superstar signings or great performances, they're impatient for a sign of great things to come and can't accept the fact that a year or two (at least) are needed for the club to settle down and become more stable.


Nothing to write about? Were in the news more than the Peoples Princess AKA Princess Diana.


Is getting beat & playing shit part of a cunning master plan or just part of settling DOWN & becoming more stable. Nothing more stable than mid table, ay.

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With the club constantly in the headlines over the last 5 years of Shepherd's reign, journalists were able to use the club to sell papers - now, with a more structured and disciplined regime, a lot of journalists find themselves with nothing to write about. I honestly believe that the fans are the same, without any superstar signings or great performances, they're impatient for a sign of great things to come and can't accept the fact that a year or two (at least) are needed for the club to settle down and become more stable.


Nothing to write about? Were in the news more than the Peoples Princess AKA Princess Diana.


Is getting beat & playing shit part of a cunning master plan or just part of settling DOWN & becoming more stable. Nothing more stable than mid table, ay.


Yes, they have nothing of substance to write about (we're not challenging for the league/hovering about relegation/having on the pitch fights/having players feign injury to miss a match/being linked with rape/fans protesting/Joey Barton-aside off-the-field problems are very good compared to recent times) so they dredge up a load of old hash about stereotypical geordie values (scoring goals, booing a team unless they score 3, wanting change, needing a geordie in charge).

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When I saw the title of this thread, I thought that the year must really be going faster than ever because I wondered if it was April 1 already....


The current board WOULD be able to justify getting rid of a manager who wasn't their choice IF he was being unsuccessful ; if Allardyce does not get the team achieving better results by May, he WILL be gone because we will be lucky to avoid being drawn into the relegation battle - this will not be a good stimulus for fans to buy new Season tickets, esp if the economic situation continues to deteriorate, which looks almost certain..

Many fans take loans to buy STs, and those loans are going to be harder to come by and more expensive to service......there is pressure from all sides, and I agree with what SBR has just said, which is that only Allardyce can save himself by improving the football and results....

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