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Tonights Travelling Fans

Guest BooBoo

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Hats off to those who travelled to Old Trafford tonight. Despite the crapness of recent results and our wretched record down there, you still turned out in force. Incredible really. I go to about 3 or 4 aways a season, mainly due to the whole cost of it, but respect to those who still turn out in such bad times.


:thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:

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Hats off to those who travelled to Old Trafford tonight. Despite the crapness of recent results and our wretched record down there, you still turned out in force. Incredible really. I go to about 3 or 4 aways a season, mainly due to the whole cost of it, but respect to those who still turn out in such bad times.


:thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:


Exactly - I just watchehd the match in a pub, and stil felt ripped off.  Mind, there were a fair few locals supporitng ManUre in there.  Weren't event the local Mackems either.  Glory hunting &*(%$$^$#s

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Nope, Man United fans actually sang a lot, to their credit. Easy to do when you're playing football like that though.


I hate all of their twatish songs though. "who's that white pele, he goes by the name of wayne rooney". Dickheads.


By the way, looked at our fans tonight and remembered why I love this club, even with all the shite which is attached to it. Was proud to be there tonight, in amongst the best fans in the world.

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Nope, Man United fans actually sang a lot, to their credit. Easy to do when you're playing football like that though.


I hate all of their twatish songs though. "who's that white pele, he goes by the name of wayne rooney". Dickheads.


By the way, looked at our fans tonight and remembered why I love this club, even with all the s**** which is attached to it. Was proud to be there tonight, in amongst the best fans in the world.


did you go to the game? I didnt here a peep out of them until the 5th goal went in, they were totally ahocking, much worse than the crap support we give at home!

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Guest Brewcastle

thanks, i went down, so youre thanking me  :laugh2: we were incredible once again tonight (fans not players)

I saw the matc on TV at my local in Oslo. The result was devestating, but your great singing warmed up my heart!  :clap:


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i left after Ferdinands goal, as had seen enough, however there was 1000s of man utd fans outside the ground already, total joke fans they are, the way the team played 2nd half they should have been in there to the end worshipping those players

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thanks, i went down, so youre thanking me  :laugh2: we were incredible once again tonight (fans not players)


Ayee. Couldn't quite believe the reaction of the fans myself. Was looking around our fans as the goals went in and everyone was just laughing  :lol: Unbelievable really. Bloke behind me starts singing theres only one Steven Carr  :cheesy:.

But a massive credit to the fans where it's due like. Everyone could have easily left the game early but we all stuck together and sang our hearts out . The more goals Man utd scored, the louder the away fans seemed to get  :lol: Not me anyway...i have a throat infection and have completely lost my voice, stil tryed though, but no words came out.

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i walked to the coaches after the match and they honestly looked like they'd just taken a hiding. same happened after they won the cup against us at wembley in '99. i duly reminded some of the last night that 6-0 'isn't so bad'. spoilt bastards.

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I was sat with the Mancs unfortunately (My brother who is 28 is a Manc and got tickets for me, himself and his missus) so it was awkward for me, but wouldn't have missed it for the world.


I will say though, our fans were fucking incredible. The scarves flying out and singing loud. I guess I can't take credit for being a good fan last night as I was sat in the home stand, but I take my hat off to everybody in the Away stand.


Thanks guys

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i walked to the coaches after the match and they honestly looked like they'd just taken a hiding. same happened after they won the cup against us at wembley in '99. i duly reminded some of the last night that 6-0 'isn't so bad'. spoilt bastards.

All the fans i passed on the way back to the coaches were all singing in my face, and if i'd been a few years older maybe i wouldn't have stood for it  :lol:

A couple of kids my age did react and got kicked and everything off the Man Utd fans. Tossers.

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i walked to the coaches after the match and they honestly looked like they'd just taken a hiding. same happened after they won the cup against us at wembley in '99. i duly reminded some of the last night that 6-0 'isn't so bad'. spoilt bastards.


I sat amongst them in '99, they were shocking fans.  I don't think I've ever heard a set of fans moan so much about a referee, they wanted every 50/50 to be given as a free-kick, it was horrible.

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Guest elbee909

So if their fans aren't up to much - as seconded by Roy Keane and a giant prawn, a few moons ago - then maybe, just maybe, they don't deserve the credit for their on pitch performances.


And neither do we when it comes to Newcastle.



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another thing i noticed was a few in the man u end just next to me, absoluely losing it with rooney. not just a little gesture of diasppointment, but stood up, red in the face and screaming. maybe fair if he continually didn't contribute, but surely this is a bit harsh considering how good he is. christ, we might lose it with the likes of dyer etc. but rooney? fergie was right, the fans are shite!

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Guest elbee909

Everybody has some shit, vocal fans.  For some reason they like to make a big deal of ours being unreasonable, even though let's face it, we've put up with more disappointment than most of these fuckers ever will.

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