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Definitely Ashley - "I want our team to be admired for brilliant football"


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Guest elbee909

"Me, me, me"


Sorry Mike, but you need to detach yourself here and put what the club needs ahead of what you need first. The club doesn't need attacking football or to entertain people, it's been dragged down by that for years now, it needs leadership, direction and stability, it needs revamped from top to bottom. If you approach things from that end, it will all end in tears. Treat it as a business Mike and not a toy because this is peoples lives you're potentially messing with here. We can't turn anywhere if it all goes tits up or if you get bored, we are stuck with the club for life and all I ask of my club personally is for it to be run well at all levels, for foundations to be laid so that long-term the club can prosper. If Mike has his own way we'll be run based on emotions. Let the fans do the emotional stuff, after all it is our club. You take care of business Mike which you're very good at. I'm sick of the roller coaster ride personally and going from one extreme to another.


One positive to come out of this I suppose is that he's fallen for the club hook line and sinker and that he cares, he has become one of us almost. However as far as I'm concerned that's not necessarily a good thing because it was us who booed Sir Bobby off for finishing 5th and who wanted Big Sam out after a handful of games. The last thing we need is a fan in the boardroom running things, another Shepherd only with his own money.


A club like Newcastle United cannot rest on the emotional whims of one man.


It's just a message for the masses.  He'll hopefully handling things a bit more shrewdly than that article would indicate (notwithstanding the last seven days).

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Good words but lets see what happens! For me personally his whole ownership has been undermined by the events of the last week and he'll have to do a lot to restore my confidence! I know he's sorted things out with the debt and what have you but at the end of the day it's on the pitch where it counts! Somehow though I think things will come good!


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Brilliant attacking football needs a good base to build from.  Man Utd hardly have what you'd call a s**** defence - the idea that great attacking football means disregarding the back line is moronic.  However that's exactly what we're continually accused of doing by these rent-a-mouths.


We don't disregard the backline though. We don't protect it. I can't remember the last time we had a really good central midfield, and I think that's where the problem lies.


Agree entirely, Shearergol. If we had some quality attacking midfielders - well, just a new brand new couple of centre-mids on the whole - it'd help the defense no end. I'm of the opinion that the defense needs no new signings, i think we've potentially got a very good defense. Beye, Faye and Enrique are all quick and strong and, personally, i each think they each have attributes that are real quality. They should be the crux of the backline. Whoever partners Faye should be the only thing that might change from game to game.


All our squad (urgently) needs is two centre-mids imo. Hypothetically, Arshavin and Diarra. They're just examples though, i'm just highlighting my point. We've got three good-to-very good wingers and an excellent selection of strikers.


I don't care what people say, i've put yesterday to the back of my mind, nowt's changed sice 5:15pm - our squad is on the brink of being a very strong, top 6 one.

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Guest Knightrider

HTT's progressively gone into absolute meltdown since Wednesday. :iamatwat:


With good reason. For so long I have always tried to look at things positively, to look on the brighter side of life, and it's not easy let me tell you when the club means so much to us all. I'm entitled to blow a gasket every now and again though, I've built up enough credit over the years to be excused for such moments I hope. Much calmer today though and while I'm not exactly optimistic, I'm gonna try and see two sides of everything like I usually try to do, probably with more cynicism tied in though. But that's what NUFC does to you. I'll never forget a bloke I know telling me the club will make me a bitter sad old man one day. Not quite there yet but judging by a few old timers on here and in the stands I think it's inevitable one day :D

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Guest elbee909

I'll never forget a bloke I know telling me the club will make me a bitter sad old man one day. Not quite there yet but judging by a few old timers on here and in the stands I think it's inevitable one day :D


I think I'd rather be like that than the happy Oompah Loompah sheep who follow the usual successful clubs.  Their lives must be exceedingly boring.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

I agree with HTT in a lot of what he says, however, i think he needs to have a little more faith and get over the fact that Allardyce has gone


Ashley is going to be more hands on now, and between him and Mort i have faith that they will get it right. I think Hughes will end up getting the job and get us to finish between 12-14th. I think we will spend big in the summer and next season will bring renewed optimism


Dont lose faith

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Brilliant attacking football needs a good base to build from.  Man Utd hardly have what you'd call a s**** defence - the idea that great attacking football means disregarding the back line is moronic.  However that's exactly what we're continually accused of doing by these rent-a-mouths.


We don't disregard the backline though. We don't protect it. I can't remember the last time we had a really good central midfield, and I think that's where the problem lies.


Agree entirely, Shearergol. If we had some quality attacking midfielders - well, just a new brand new couple of centre-mids on the whole - it'd help the defense no end. I'm of the opinion that the defense needs no new signings, i think we've potentially got a very good defense. Beye, Faye and Enrique are all quick and strong and, personally, i each think they each have attributes that are real quality. They should be the crux of the backline. Whoever partners Faye should be the only thing that might change from game to game.


All our squad (urgently) needs is two centre-mids imo. Hypothetically, Arshavin and Diarra. They're just examples though, i'm just highlighting my point. We've got three good-to-very good wingers and an excellent selection of strikers.


<b>I don't care what people say, i've put yesterday to the back of my mind, nowt's changed sice 5:15pm - our squad is on the brink of being a very strong, top 6 one.</b>


That's exactly right - we need to forget that game and move on. I agree our squad is much stronger and we just need to find the right manager to harness their qualities.





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Guest sicko2ndbest

I still wonder if Hughes isn't just biding his time waiting for Man Utd.


I think that is too far down the line, and i think others will be ahead of him ie Quieroz

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Wrexham - Swansea - Newcastle


No doubt that he's got the Swans playing good stuff, the fans love him down here, but he is to them what Keegan was to us - former player makes glorious return as manager.


Wrexham were no great shakes under him.


I'd look at Gary Johnson first if we're going down this route (and maybe even Tony Mowbrey).


I'd also look at segregating the running of the first team to the rest of the club, get someone else in to look after all the infrastructure - dietary team, fitnes team, trainign ground etc. Of course the manager needs to be kept informed, but lets get specialists in. As an accountnat I wouldn't be expected to look after the marketing etc

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Wrexham - Swansea - Newcastle


No doubt that he's got the Swans playing good stuff, the fans love him down here, but he is to them what Keegan was to us - former player makes glorious return as manager.


Wrexham were no great shakes under him.


He's never managed Wrexham. ???

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Guest Knightrider

I agree with HTT in a lot of what he says, however, i think he needs to have a little more faith and get over the fact that Allardyce has gone


Ashley is going to be more hands on now, and between him and Mort i have faith that they will get it right. I think Hughes will end up getting the job and get us to finish between 12-14th. I think we will spend big in the summer and next season will bring renewed optimism


Dont lose faith


It's not as easy as that as I believed Allardyce was the right man for us if not exactly on the pitch most certainly off it and it's that area of the club I care about more than on the pitch at this moment in time as results would have improved had Allardyce been giving more time and funds. Things haven't changed despite an impending change in manager. That man will still need time and money and the club will still need built up behind the scenes. At least in Big Sam we had someone with the right knowledge, expertise and credentials to do all that while still maintaining improvements on the pitch.

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Wrexham - Swansea - Newcastle


No doubt that he's got the Swans playing good stuff, the fans love him down here, but he is to them what Keegan was to us - former player makes glorious return as manager.


Wrexham were no great shakes under him.


He's never managed Wrexham. ???


I'm sure he was player manager there when Swansea took him back. But just checked and it was Chester I was thinking of, and he was captain.


Oh the shame!

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Its truly incredible the amount of negative comments being written here.


Laughable bunch you lot are. You're all like "Well get some players in then!" - do you think he's sitting on his fucking arse? do you think Morts pissing about on Minesweeper or something? you lot assume too much. Impatient buggers, they're considering all candidates for the job right now and trying to get things right. Its pretty rare you get an owner making a statement of intent like that and you're all picking at it like parasites, see the big picture like hes doing. Yes we've been burnt in the past and we all know how that feels but nows the time to have a bit of spirit about us in these dark times, we need some leading so just wait for the new manager and shut the fuck up for now.


You don't what you've got til its gone and the amount of clubs around that would kill for an owner like ours, jesus. Can't wait til he eventually shuts you all up and you're thankful for once.

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Its truly incredible the amount of negative comments being written here.


Laughable bunch you lot are. You're all like "Well get some players in then!" - do you think he's sitting on his fucking arse? do you think Morts pissing about on Minesweeper or something? you lot assume too much. Impatient buggers, they're considering all candidates for the job right now and trying to get things right. Its pretty rare you get an owner making a statement of intent like that and you're all picking at it like parasites, see the big picture like hes doing. Yes we've been burnt in the past and we all know how that feels but nows the time to have a bit of spirit about us in these dark times, we need some leading so just wait for the new manager and shut the fuck up for now.


You don't what you've got til its gone and the amount of clubs around that would kill for an owner like ours, jesus. Can't wait til he eventually shuts you all up and you're thankful for once.


Aye, let's hope he can get in someone almost as good as his first choice, Harry Redknapp.

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Guest elbee909

Its truly incredible the amount of negative comments being written here.


Laughable bunch you lot are. You're all like "Well get some players in then!" - do you think he's sitting on his fucking arse? do you think Morts pissing about on Minesweeper or something? you lot assume too much. Impatient buggers, they're considering all candidates for the job right now and trying to get things right. Its pretty rare you get an owner making a statement of intent like that and you're all picking at it like parasites, see the big picture like hes doing. Yes we've been burnt in the past and we all know how that feels but nows the time to have a bit of spirit about us in these dark times, we need some leading so just wait for the new manager and shut the fuck up for now.


You don't what you've got til its gone and the amount of clubs around that would kill for an owner like ours, jesus. Can't wait til he eventually shuts you all up and you're thankful for once.


It's just frustration burning through everyone.  I'm sure he wouldn't take it personally.

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Improvements on the pitch that see us 6 points off relegation as it stands?



Long term, long term.


He was never going to get "long term, long term" because of the shite he brought in and the shite served up on the pitch, and as for behind the scenes, Robson more than hinted that the players were in no way happy with the changes made, or him.


Allardyce needed to go and if you want the stability you so obviously crave, we need a managment team that the owner and Chairman can have faith in.

As for the timing, as Wullie has already argued, now is far from the worst time to get rid, he had a chance to pull it back against some poor teams and failed. The season is over in terms of silverware, and the last thing we needed was a lame duck in charge for the tough fight ahead.

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Its truly incredible the amount of negative comments being written here.


Laughable bunch you lot are. You're all like "Well get some players in then!" - do you think he's sitting on his fucking arse? do you think Morts pissing about on Minesweeper or something? you lot assume too much. Impatient buggers, they're considering all candidates for the job right now and trying to get things right. Its pretty rare you get an owner making a statement of intent like that and you're all picking at it like parasites, see the big picture like hes doing. Yes we've been burnt in the past and we all know how that feels but nows the time to have a bit of spirit about us in these dark times, we need some leading so just wait for the new manager and shut the fuck up for now.


You don't what you've got til its gone and the amount of clubs around that would kill for an owner like ours, jesus. Can't wait til he eventually shuts you all up and you're thankful for once.


Brilliant! :laugh:



You could have saved yourself a lot of typing though mate and just used this smilie -> :explode:



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