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Definitely Ashley - "I want our team to be admired for brilliant football"


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"Let's get this straight. I paid £140million to buy this club.


"I've also paid off £100million worth of debt so today this club doesn't owe a buck to anyone.


"And I also gave Sam funds for new players.


"Yet I've been hammered by certain people and for what?



Playing the martyr eight months in. 


Acting like we're a charity case and he's done us a big favour.

we were and he has


He hasn't paid OUR debt off, he's paid HIS debt off. He hasn't given US any money. He's invested it in HIS business, from which HE will get the profits.


Falling hook line and sinker for the old Shepherd guff.

right now hes been more abramovic than glazer-man utd (?)
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Maybe he had no other direction to go in, having been rejected by Redknapp, other than to come out all guns blazing, professing himself to be ready to take command of the sinking ship...but even that takes bollocks of steel and having cussed him (and Mort) most of the day, all I can say now is let's see him not just talking the talk and walking the walk but also fighting the good fight. Let's get stuck in and bounce back like heroes.


I do remain somewhat circumspect about the way the last few days have gone though, and the dubious timing of the sacking of Allardyce, even if it needed to be done.


yep top post, hopefully we can chalk down the allardyce and redknapp episodes to inexperience. what's important is that we move on from it.

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"Let's get this straight. I paid £140million to buy this club.


"I've also paid off £100million worth of debt so today this club doesn't owe a buck to anyone.


"And I also gave Sam funds for new players.


"Yet I've been hammered by certain people and for what?



Playing the martyr eight months in. 


Acting like we're a charity case and he's done us a big favour.

we were and he has


He hasn't paid OUR debt off, he's paid HIS debt off. He hasn't given US any money. He's invested it in HIS business, from which HE will get the profits.


Falling hook line and sinker for the old Shepherd guff.

right now hes been more abramovic than glazer-man utd (?)


You honestly believe he's doing this out of the goodness of his heart?

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"Let's get this straight. I paid £140million to buy this club.


"I've also paid off £100million worth of debt so today this club doesn't owe a buck to anyone.


"And I also gave Sam funds for new players.


"Yet I've been hammered by certain people and for what?



Playing the martyr eight months in. 


Acting like we're a charity case and he's done us a big favour.

we were and he has


He hasn't paid OUR debt off, he's paid HIS debt off. He hasn't given US any money. He's invested it in HIS business, from which HE will get the profits.


Falling hook line and sinker for the old Shepherd guff.


So when he does something good like pays off £100 million of debt he's only paying off "his debt" but when he does something bad he's making a fool of "our club".  Do you ever post anything positive you miserable little person?

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Okay, so what managers come to mind when you thing brilliant attacking football though?


I can kind of see why he went for redknapp, but lets put that to the side for now.


Who could they possibly be considering now? The likes of Mourinho, Lippi and even Houllier don't exactly scream out attacking football.


I haven't paid much attention to football around the other big leagues in Europe this season, has any team played particularly exciting attking football? Any team whose manager we might be interested in speaking too?


Van Gaal, Ancelotti, Scolari, all reknowned for there attacking style. Also big big targets.  Rijkaard? I dunno there are options, but to go to Redknapp so soon before anyone else seems odd to me.


ancelotti?? muyst be one of the most conservative managers around, milan are the wingless wonders. scolari was more famed for his defensive, aggressive, brutal football in brazil, why he earned the sobriquet "big phil", ie brazilian equivalent to "big sam" (which a few reporters did call him a few years ago) plus he played a million defensive midfielders for brazil in 2002. van gaal i'll give you.


i wonder if ashley might "park his tanks" on shinawatra's lawn and make a cheeky bid for sven...


Ancelotti plays some nice football, hardly can be called defensive. Scolari hasnt been defensive with Portugal either. I cant see us going for Sven, absolutely no reason whatsoever tocome to be fair.


Van Gaal will be too far off the Radar for Ash me thinks, i genuinely have no idea who we'll go for. I genuinely think that Ashley would be happy to pay whatever dollar for attacking players, it might e the thing that would encourge a manager to adapt his style.


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How people can be so anti-Ashley after all he's done for us is beyond me. Quit being so cynical.


You'd think he'd personally paid off your mortgage the way some people fawn.


I'm glad someone with more money has came i with the nite


"Let's get this straight. I paid £140million to buy this club.


"I've also paid off £100million worth of debt so today this club doesn't owe a buck to anyone.


"And I also gave Sam funds for new players.


"Yet I've been hammered by certain people and for what?



Playing the martyr eight months in. 


Acting like we're a charity case and he's done us a big favour.

we were and he has


He hasn't paid OUR debt off, he's paid HIS debt off. He hasn't given US any money. He's invested it in HIS business, from which HE will get the profits.


Falling hook line and sinker for the old Shepherd guff.


Oh right so when he does something good like pays off £100 million of debt he's only paying off "his debt" but when he does something bad he's making a fool of "our club".  Do you ever post anything positive you miserable little person?


No need to get personal.


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Doesn't exactly counter my argument though, does it?


Because I think it's a crap argument. Do you honestly think that Ashley is going to see the £250m he spent on the football club in his account again? There's not a cat in hell's chance he's in this for money, otherwise he'd not have spent that much. I was going to say "invest" but he didn't invest at all, he'll not make that much personally from the club.

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He hasn't paid OUR debt off, he's paid HIS debt off. He hasn't given US any money. He's invested it in HIS business, from which HE will get the profits.


Falling hook line and sinker for the old Shepherd guff.


Can you explain that?


If the club had debt and now hasn't as the creditors have been paid then there is no debt.


If he has become the clubs creditor which seems to be what you are saying (like the Glazers if I understand it) then I would be worried but it doesn't look like that.




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Maybe he had no other direction to go in, having been rejected by Redknapp, other than to come out all guns blazing, professing himself to be ready to take command of the sinking ship...but even that takes bollocks of steel and having cussed him (and Mort) most of the day, all I can say now is let's see him not just talking the talk and walking the walk but also fighting the good fight. Let's get stuck in and bounce back like heroes.


I do remain somewhat circumspect about the way the last few days have gone though, and the dubious timing of the sacking of Allardyce, even if it needed to be done.


yep top post, hopefully we can chalk down the allardyce and redknapp episodes to inexperience. what's important is that we move on from it.

re the timing of allardyces sacking.........what was dubious or dodgy about it. could we really be any worse without a manager than we have been the last few months with a manager ?


the only problem should be " should he have gone a week or two earlier?"

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How people can be so anti-Ashley after all he's done for us is beyond me. Quit being so cynical.


How can you be quite so spell-bindingly naiive?


How am I being naive? Not saying he's not made mistakes, far from it. Some people just genuinely seem to have it in for him no matter what he does.

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I really don't see why some people feel the need to be so cynical about a man who has already done a vast amount of good for NUFC (long term though it may be).


This is a bloke who's made £1.6bn. Do some folk really think he's in this for the poxy few million he can (potentially, and only if we're bloody good) make out of Premiership football? :lol:

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All the right words but it doesn't explain the timing of the decision or what his plan is (if he even had one).


Attractive football with great results is what every supporter in the world wants from their club.  You don't need to sit with the supporters to realize that.  I need less long term vision and more action. 

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Not criticising him for the way he's running the business, just fail to see how he's doing me a favour, and how I should thank him, barely a year into him owning it.


He's putting the club in a better position than it was in before he bought it. If you don't take any positivity from that, then it's your call. I would have thought you'd be bothered enough to care for the future of YOUR (sorry, his) club though.

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So he's now apparently paid off all of the debt?! Bloody hell.


He's going to get much more hands on?! Bloody hell.


All he wants to do is play attacking football and win trophies. Bloody hell.


Obviously actions speak louder than words, but the prospect of this combined with Alan Shearer at the helm has me wetting my kecks.




Here's how I feel about Shearer ... I think he would be a good manager but as far as buying players goes I think he would struggle massively.


I think Shearer would be the sort to always go after Brits. Shearer would have bought someone like Smith too.


Does he really have the knowledge of world football that will allow us to get the best players we possibly could to the club?


That would be my biggest worry.


Hasnt exactly got contacts either, would take ages for him to set up a world wide scout system.


The head of scouting Paul Montgomery is one of the most respected club scouts in Europe & is putting a team scouts georpahically spread across UK & Europe.


Not one of Allardyces men is he?


I think he may of been brought back to the club by Sam but he is not what I would class as a Sam man. He is geordie & has worked for us underJim Smith & Bobby Robson, he also worked for former Newcastle captian & manager Glenn Roeder at West Ham.

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Not criticising him for the way he's running the business, just fail to see how he's doing me a favour,

The club you supposedly support and would possibly have emotional ties to is now completely debt free.  How is this not a positive and good move?  By way of comparison, if Roman leaves Chelsea tomrrow they're 20 miles up shit creek without a paddle.  If ashley were to bail tomorrow ... we could soldier on. 

and how I should thank him, barely a year into him owning it. 
No one's asking for your first born.  If you don't think what Ashleys done merits the basest of thanks then so be it.  You're wrong though.
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Maybe he had no other direction to go in, having been rejected by Redknapp, other than to come out all guns blazing, professing himself to be ready to take command of the sinking ship...but even that takes bollocks of steel and having cussed him (and Mort) most of the day, all I can say now is let's see him not just talking the talk and walking the walk but also fighting the good fight. Let's get stuck in and bounce back like heroes.


I do remain somewhat circumspect about the way the last few days have gone though, and the dubious timing of the sacking of Allardyce, even if it needed to be done.


yep top post, hopefully we can chalk down the allardyce and redknapp episodes to inexperience. what's important is that we move on from it.

re the timing of allardyces sacking.........what was dubious or dodgy about it. could we really be any worse without a manager than we have been the last few months with a manager ?


the only problem should be " should he have gone a week or two earlier?"


Well, aye - he should have gone well before Xmas IMO...or otherwise they should have seen what giving him the full benefit of a transfer window could do...but what's done is done, and it's all probably for the best.

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Not criticising him for the way he's running the business, just fail to see how he's doing me a favour, and how I should thank him, barely a year into him owning it.


Well he's completely removed the spectre of us doing a Leeds for starters. It also means that when people refer to ST money buying players and paying wages thats more true now than it was previously. Might not mean anything in practical terms but it makes me feel more involved - however sad that is.



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How people can be so anti-Ashley after all he's done for us is beyond me. Quit being so cynical.


How can you be quite so spell-bindingly naiive?

why cant we all be somewhere inbetween....like me ?


(thats about the footy argument...no sexual inuendos please~)

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