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I've been robbed


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I've been robbed of my dignity, there is no other way to describe it.


For years the loss of the title was off set by 90mins, that 90mins finished off by an Albert lob past one of the greatest keeper in the world, that moment alone saw me through many years. Many years of ribbing, ridicule, laughter, and that was just off the general footballing supporting community, the mackem and manc lot, well, that was another story, like all good souls had to deal with.


To feel like that again i had to wait until Tino did his magic and beat Barca 3-2, then i had one more moment of glory, Feyenoord; Bellamy. Moments like that make it all worth while, well that's what i've kept telling myself, but that's all i've had, those moments, but for me it was enough. It really was; as long as no one could take it away from me.


Tonight i was robbed of that. Fuk me they've enough to throw at the average NUFC fan, lets be honest, we've withered away and died, but the moment of glory against them stood, and it stood to serve a reminder of what we could be when we were on top of our game. We've been beaten by all sorts of scorelines, even at 6-1 we got something, at least we got something out of it, but this, it really hurts, it really fuking hurts.


We were always going to get beat, and a lot of the time you sit there and hope its not going to be a hiding, but you never think its going to happen, you always think something will help you out. HT 0-0, you think that, 6-0 FT you wonder how you held it off so long and what you deserved to get such a killing.


I'm beyond damaged here, i'm really hurting. I've not much to be proud of being a toon fan, not one born in 1981 anyway, but one of the 3 magic moments was killed tonight, 33% of the entire ecstasy i've enjoyed as a football fan taken away. Nothing can bring it back, we'll never do that to a team as good as Manu again, our moment was gone long ago, our memory has just been tarnished, for me beyond repair.


This might sound melodramatic and it is, but i'm a broken man tonight, i look at my son and wonder am i doing the right thing bringing him up as a toon fan?


I feel like i've been raped, i feel like i've been snapped in half and i'm not sure if i can bring myself round.





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Sat surrounded by a pub full of glory hunting Mancs today, only Newcastle fan in the place, only one wearing my colours anyway, as the goals went in i felt nothing, ive lost faith, i need something to get it back, i hope to god when i go to the Boro home game in 3 weeks order will be restored, ive never felt such nothingness for Newcastle since ive started supporting them, i just dont care anymore :( TBH lads realistically out of who we can appoint next i hope its Shearer, passion would be restored, it would be Keegan mark 2, at least to begin with.


Howay the lads :(

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Lowest i've felt in a while as a toon fan, i'd be fine if we'd pulled one back, just the whole magic of the 5-0 has been totally lost now.



I didn't feel as bad today as I did last season against Birmingham, at least we got hammered by a very good team.

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Lowest i've felt in a while as a toon fan, i'd be fine if we'd pulled one back, just the whole magic of the 5-0 has been totally lost now.



I didn't feel as bad today as I did last season against Birmingham, at least we got hammered by a very good team.


Got to agree with that. That and the AZ collapse were as bad as I can remember it ever being for me.

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Lowest i've felt in a while as a toon fan, i'd be fine if we'd pulled one back, just the whole magic of the 5-0 has been totally lost now.



Put it in perspective mate.


We're a deflated, managerless team in a season that's going nowhere and with a team that is likely gonna be revamped entirely over the next year or so. To all intents and purposes, this match was meaningless as it was always gonna be a walk in the park.


The 5-0 was a much hyped top of the table clash between the two best teams in the league at the time.


The two don't even compare.

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Lowest i've felt in a while as a toon fan, i'd be fine if we'd pulled one back, just the whole magic of the 5-0 has been totally lost now.



Put it in perspective mate.


We're a deflated, managerless team in a season that's going nowhere and with a team that is likely gonna be revamped entirely over the next year or so. To all intents and purposes, this match was meaningless as it was always gonna be a walk in the park.


The 5-0 was a much hyped top of the table clash between the two best teams in the league at the time.


The two don't even compare.


It is, but i've got a manc mate, who i've kept at bay for over 10 seasons with one results, no come back 6-1, well we scored one you cunt, what the fuk did you do oat 5-0? Shut up up glory hunting prick.


It was his birthday night out as well today, how fuking heart breaking is that?


Nothing, i've got nothing to say any more, that one little thing i had taken a fuking way.


I'm gutted, totally gutted, i cant even begin to think about the shite i'm going to have tp put up with from noe on, i knewo me team wont do jack shit to sort it out ofro me.



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If i'd cared beforehand this would have hurt a lot more.


Sporting Lisbon, Birmingham, AZ - then this. If there were a table of lowness.

Partizan? That was fucking devastating.


Partizan was different in a way because it just wasn't something I ever, ever expected. The Lisbon and AZ collapses didn't surprise me, I'm sad to say. Marseille was horrible, horrible too more or less because if it wasn't for one man we might well have gone on to win that trophy, we were certainly a decent team back then.

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If i'd cared beforehand this would have hurt a lot more.


Sporting Lisbon, Birmingham, AZ - then this. If there were a table of lowness.

Partizan? That was fucking devastating.


I always forget Partizan, cos i wasn't in the country at the time and only found out about two weeks later. But yeah, that was absolutely devastating like you say, not the nicest feeling to come home to. In my (short) time as a fan, it'd go Sporting, Partizan, Birmingham, AZ, this. :lol:

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I can't say I was bothered that much by the result today, I put it down to the end of the fat Sam era and hope better times are just around the corner. 


This how I'm trying to see it. It's cliched I know but one day, one day we'll return to winning ways and when that day does come it'll taste even sweeter because of what we've had to put up with in recent years. It might take decades but it'll happen one day, I'm sure of it. Just cling to the thought of how happy we'll be when we reach the summit.

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It was bizaare, I grew up in the era of hating Man Utd a lot and thus have hated them since the days of Cantona and the 8 minutes of stoppage time at Sheff Wed and all that shite, obviously our form has dipped over recent years and we were no longer rivals to them so I stopped caring, then watching Ronaldo dive around today and Ferguson being a dick about it made me remember all the hatred, so when the first goal went in from the dodgy free kick following Owen's onside goal I was fuming. Then the 2nd went in after comedy...then the 3rd, and I stopped caring. How sad is that? Stopped caring about how heavy it would be, there's nobody to blame anymore, no shit board, no manager, not the amount of games we've played, just the fact that we played a much much better team. That and the fact we're shite.

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

It stings for sure; but today's result didn't mean anything other than showing what a state we're in. I knew that already. Going out of the FA Cup to Brummies hurt more, going out of the UEFA hurt more than this.

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It stings for sure; but today's result didn't mean anything other than showing what a state we're in. I knew that already. Going out of the FA Cup to Brummies hurt more, going out of the UEFA hurt more than this.


Agree 100%. Yesterday just reminded me just how much I love this club, and just how much needs sorting out to get it back to where it should be. To be honest, I'm not hurting whatsoever about the result, I'm hurting about the state of the club (actually, that should read "state of the squad")

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