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The Magedia Thread - Sunderland suck trollolololol


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Shit article. Cunt.


I’m known to some of the young whippersnappers in this office as the Old Soldier.


It is, I hope and trust, an affectionate reference to age.


And the fact is that Betfred, Paddy Power, or any other compiler of odds would say there’s a better chance of me seeing the grass from the brown side before they do.


On the occasion of my last birthday they even played me Sir Paul McCartney’s anthem to old age, When I’m 64, as I entered the toy shop known as the sports department.


The Beatles tune was apparently downloaded or something. I never like to inquire about these things in case it invites good-natured ridicule.


What I would like to ask is where Newcastle boss Alan Pardew gets off by referring to his Manchester City counterpart Manuel Pellegrini as a “f*****g old c***” during the heat of battle at St James’ Park on Sunday.


Pardew has never struck me as being particularly likeable, he’s far too precious about himself if you ask me. And he’s certainly not someone who’s in any position to be directing obscenities at a fellow manager who has achieved more in the game than he’s ever likely to.


The chances of Pardew being asked to manage Real Madrid are, for example, as remote as a trophy win for the Magpies any time soon.


But, without dwelling on who might be the better manager, a couple of questions for the Precious One from someone who happens to be four years older than Pellegrini.


Would Pardew have aimed his foul-mouthed insult at Sir Alex Ferguson last season if he had been in charge of Manchester United against Newcastle while in his 70s?


I’m not a betting man but I’d put the deeds to my house on Pardew not having had the bottle to do any such thing if he was getting the Govan glower from the opposing dugout.


And how do proper Geordies, as opposed to Mike Ashley’s kiddie-on version from the south of England, feel about Pardew’s rant when they still revere the memory of Sir Bobby Robson as their manager?


Sir Bobby was from the north-east, had the club in his blood from birth and was the epitome of dignity and

respect while possessing the manners of an elder statesman.


He was also 66 when he became Newcastle boss and 71 when he stopped doing the job.


Pardew forgets one simple rule of life. If he’s lucky, he’ll live to reach the age Sir Bobby did before he died and achieve a fraction of the respect he garnered during a successful, and accolade-laden, career. A vulgar fraction in Pardew’s case.


But the alternative to long life is the premature expiry of a shorter existence. Which, it’s worth asking in the aftermath of his disgraceful denunciation of a fellow manager, would precious Pardew prefer as an option?


He would appear to have assumed the Chilean he abused is in the throes of decrepitude.


An outrageous assumption since Pellegrini has Manchester City in a position where they are genuine contenders for the Premier League title this season.


Pardew, who is only eight years younger than the man he insulted, issued a wishy-washy apology after the game.


It seemed his regret was more over the fact it had been picked up by a television microphone rather than having any remorse.


Ageism comes under the same heading as last week’s controversy over homophobia after Thomas Hitzlsperger’s revelation he is gay. It is filed under unacceptable behaviour.


Pellegrini didn’t disallow the goal from Cheick Tiote that could have given Newcastle an equalising goal. That decision was taken by referee Mike Jones.


Pardew’s response at best exposed a lack of vocabulary, and at worst demonstrated a man with anger management issues.


Industrial language is part and parcel of the game but swear words are more usually the prerogative of players sweating blood out on the park.


The older generation on the touchline should have more regard for themselves than to be caught out like Pardew was.


But, in the case of the Precious One, there’s a phrase which covers the likelihood of him absorbing that lesson.


I should live so long.


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An author who is driven to expose ageism from afar will no doubt have spent a life crusading against the bigotry which exists in football in his own backyard, I assume ?? 

Or does he just pander to local readers rather than confront them ?

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