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Clubs set for player call-up cash

Fifa president Sepp Blatter and Uefa president Michel Platini

The game's bosses have achieved a compromise with clubs

Clubs with players on international duty will be paid around £130m in compensation over the next six years by governing bodies Fifa and Uefa.


The ground-breaking agreement was announced in a bid to put an end to long running club v country rows.


In return, the G14 group of Europe's 18 most powerful clubs plans to drop legal disputes with Fifa and Uefa.


Uefa has said Euro 2008 will be worth more than £32m to clubs from the 53 national associations in Europe.


Clubs who release players for the European Championship will receive up to £3000 per player, per day in compensation and will be split three ways, said BBC Radio 5 Live sports news correspondent Gordon Farquhar.


"A third will go to club who holds the player's registration, a third to the club that owned the player the previous season and the final third to the club who registered the player up to two years previously," he said.


"That, in many cases, will be the same team. The pot will increase to £40m for the Euro 2012 tournament."


Uefa president Michel Platini said: "Clubs who provide Uefa and Fifa with certain amounts of money through these players should get some compensation and share in these profits."


Fifa is expected to announce a similar structure for the 2010 World Cup.


So for David Rozehnal, we will receive £1000 per day he is on duty, while PSG receive £2000.  :idiot2:


That is just wrong, and I believe that we should challenge this ruling. Why should an ex-club receive compensation when it doesn't affect them?

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Who cares?  Many of the clubs with players good enough to be at the European Championship probably don't need their wages covered.  This should only apply to clubs that need the money, otherwise it is a waste.


Instead, they should put the money towards a big insurance compensation for players who release players for international duty and end up losing them to season/career disrupting injury.

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Presumably they're just backdating it through the qualifiers. Fair enough really I suppose. Not like we'll miss them over the summer anyway.


Fair enough if thats the case. Still a bit of a cop out though if they are only backdating for qualifying nations (ie not England).


It doesn't harm us, though, does it?


Less money for us, plus more for someone else is harm if their is no justification.

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Say for instance Scott Parker was to be called up this summer (if England had qualified),  then we wouldn't be complaining then,  would we?


I assume it balances out quite well overall.  If anything,  it'll help smaller clubs if players have progressed quickly to a big team.

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Presumably they're just backdating it through the qualifiers. Fair enough really I suppose. Not like we'll miss them over the summer anyway.


Fair enough if thats the case. Still a bit of a cop out though if they are only backdating for qualifying nations (ie not England).


Good point.



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If they were going to fuck about with who gets what like that then they should have added a payment to the club that developed the player in the first place. This one year two year thing makes fuck all sense really. If it's a way of trying to compensate clubs who might have contributed players to the qualifying campaign, but no longer own them by the time the actual tournament comes round, then that's a noble aim, but I can think of a much better way of doing this: compensate clubs for qualifying matches as well. If it's done the way they're suggesting it should be then basically they're fucking over the clubs who supply players to the lesser nations (like England) who don't qualify for the tournament, because they seemingly get jack from this. Like most things in the governance of football this makes no sense whatsoever, unless that is you remember football's unofficial moto: Rich get richer, poor get poorer.

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Any effort to spread money between many teams should be applauded imo.


If you consider the wealthiest clubs have the highest percentage of internationals then they would be reaping it if they got the total fees for each player.

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